CP1059 – Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA under Oracle Forms 9i

Formal title: Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA under Oracle Forms 9i

Current Status

CPC Consultation


The current versions of NHHDA and EAC/AA operate under Oracle 9i for the server application and Oracle Forms 6i for the client. Oracle Corporation has announced the end of Error Correction Support (ECS) for Oracle Forms 6i for all platforms as of 31 December 2004. Extended Support (ES) will be provided to all customers until 31 December 2007 if the customer has a current support contract although this will incur an additional cost. A migration path has been announced which requires the upgrade from Forms 6i to Forms 9i where Forms 9i is fully supported under ECS


This CP was withdrawn


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