CP1186 – Changes to the Profile Administrator (PrA) Service Description

Formal title: Changes to the Profile Administrator (PrA) Service Description

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The Profile Administrator Service Improvement Project has a number of objectives which included the updating of the field assets that were in the load research sample premises. This led to Issue 21 which was discussed by the VASMG and the findings were presented and accepted by the Panel. One of the recommendations was that the field assets be replaced by a ‘smart’ metering solution. The new metering solution has been defined and the contract changes signed off with the new equipment being installed in sample customer’s premises. However the PrA Service Description still retains information on both historic data collection and Service Levels relating to that solution. CP1186 proposes to update the PrA Service Description to accurately reflect the new metering solution and the new Service Levels that have been agreed and signed off in the PrA Contract.


CP1186 was raised on 8 December 2006. CP1186 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00594. It was approved for inclusion in the June 2007 Release by the Supplier Volume Allocation Group on the 30 January 2007.


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