CP1236 – Clarification of De-Energised and Disconnection Processes – Obligations under BSCP 515
Formal title: Clarification of De-Energised and Disconnection Processes - Obligations under BSCP 515
Current Status
The BSC Auditors have reported compliance failures with respect to LDSO’s not meeting the 5 Working Days (WDs) to issue confirmation of a change on energisation status (D0139), an obligation in BSCP515. The reported failures relate to the BSC Auditor’s interpretation that the 5 WDs relates to the time of the request or the proposed date of visit contained within the flow, rather than the actual date of energisation. CP1236 was raised by ScottishPower and proposes amendments to BSCP515 to provide clarity regarding the issuing of a change of energisation status (D0139 flow) to prevent further differing interpretation of the code.
CP1236 was raised on 29 February 2008. CP1236 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00629. CP1236 was presented to the SVG for a decision on progression on 29 April 2008. The SVG deferred a decision until the SVG meeting on the 3 June 2008. CP1236 was re-presented to the SVG for decision on progression on 3 June 2008. The SVG rejected CP1236 and noted that the issue would be progressed as part of DCP0031.