CP1256 – Action on Backdated D0052 Flows
Formal title: Action on Backdated D0052 Flows
Current Status
On occasions it may be necessary for Suppliers or UMSOs to issue D0052 ‘Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details’ to NHHDCs with backdated Effective From dates in order to correct previously-provided data. It is not clear from the current documentation how such D0052s should be processed by NHHDCs, and in particular, whether the data on the new flow should overwrite all previous data provided via the D0052 or only that which is in place up to the next Effective From date.
CP1256 was raised on 27 August 2008. CP1256 has been issued for Participant Impact Assessment via CPC00642 on 05 September 2008. CP1256 was presented to the SVG for a decision on progression. The SVG approved CP1256 for inclusion in the June 2009 Release. CP1256 was implemented on 25 June 2009 as part of the June 2009 Release.