CP1511: Configurable Items
Formal title: Clarification of BSCP40 definitions and processes
Current Status
CP1511 seeks to implement a number of clarification and improvement changes relating to the BSC Baseline Statement and Configurable Items. These changes include clarifying the definitions of Baseline, Baseline Statement, and Configurable Item. As well as formalising the categorisation of Configurable Items, including the introduction of a new category; Category 3 Configurable Item.
CP1511 was raised by Elexon on 15 October 2018. The CP Progression Paper was presented to the ISG on 23 October 2018 and SVG on 30 October 2018.
As this CP proposes to remove items from the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Baseline Statement, a verbal update was also provided to the PAB on 25 October 2017, and TDC on 1 November 2018, before it was issued for consultation.
The CP Assessment Report was presented to BSC Panel for decision on 13 December 2018, to allow for the necessary documents and systems to be removed from the BSC Baseline Statement. The BSC Panel approved CP1511 for implementation on 29 March 2019 (Ad Hoc March 2019 BSC Release).
CP1511 was implemented on 29 March 2019.
Next Events
CP1511 was implemented on 29 March 2019 (Ad Hoc March 2019 BSC Release).