CP1580 Making the Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) gender neutral and Housekeeping
Formal title: Housekeeping CP to make the CSDs gender neutral to align with BSC also to correct BSCP602 in reference with P419
CP1580 seeks to make the Code Subsidiary Documents (CSD) gender-neutral in line with the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and present day legal drafting and to correct BSCP602 with a housekeeping change.
The current versions of the BSC CSDs contain 198 cases of gendered pronouns across 39 documents, such as “he, his, or him”. There is a disparity between the Code’s supporting documents and the present-day norm for legal drafting, which involves employing gender-neutral language and references.
Additionally, Elexon are using this opportunity to correct some minor inconsistencies that exist between one of the CSDs and the previously implemented P419 ‘Extension of P383 to include non-final Demand’.