
Risk Evaluation Methodology (REM) 2019/20 Industry Consultation


Who will this impact?

This consultation asks respondents to review the Risk Evaluation Methodology 2019/20, and to submit any comments to [email protected] by 22 October 2018.

We are proposing a revised Risk Evaluation Methodology in line with Performance Assurance Framework Review. Responses to this consultation will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board meeting on 29 November 2018. No response will be taken to mean that you agree to the proposed changes.

This Risk Evaluation Methodology represents a key step in the Performance Assurance Framework Review and outlines a new approach to evaluating risk. We are keen to ensure that you hear about these changes and understand the impact they may have on BSC Parties. This change will also likely impact how we evaluate PAP risk contribution.


To help you respond to this consultation, we will host a number of education webinars to provide an overview of the new methodology, and offer participants the opportunity to ask questions.
Recommended attendees for these seminars would be all Performance Assurance Parties, in particular any persons in Compliance, Risk or Operational Settlement roles.

The webinar dates are:

  • Friday 5 October at 10:30
  • Monday 15 October at 15:00

If you would like to attend either of these webinars, please email [email protected].


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