Consultations for all Process, Operational and Credit areas
This page lists all Consultations relating to BSC and code processes, Market Entry and Compliance, and Operations and Settlement. The consultations allow ELEXON to gather feedback from the industry about proposed changes so that any concerns are considered as part of our processes.
This list does not include Change Consultations.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £130 from 3 November 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £130 from 3 November 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 19 October 2023.
Consultation on Metering Dispensation D/565 for non-compliant Metering Equipment
Elexon Ltd (Elexon) has raised a generic Metering Dispensation (D/565) on behalf of SMS PLC (SMS). If the BSC Panel approves a generic Metering Dispensation, it allows non-compliant Metering Equipment (or Metering Equipment that has not been approved under BSCP601 – a requirement of CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 11) to be installed and registered in any Settlement Metering System, subject to any conditions the BSC Panel agrees.
Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) Review 2023
We are seeking your views on the annual Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) review. If you represent BSC Parties or any other party in connection with the MIDS please respond to this online consultation.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £105 from 18 October 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £105 from 18 October 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 3 October 2023.
Consultation: P350 Draft Reference Network Mapping Statement 2024-25
This consultation seeks views on the draft reference Network Mapping Statement (NMS) for use in the allocation of Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) for BSC Year 2024-2025.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £95 from 5 September 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £95 from 5 September 2023. This two-day consultation closed at 17:00 on 18 August 2023.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £90 from 2 August 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £90 from 2 August 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 18 July 2023.
P350 TLFA process: Consultation on Methodology for LP and SSP 2024-2025
This consultation details the proposed methodology for setting Load Periods and Sample Settlement Periods used in the derivation of Zonal Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs), as required by the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). New values are set each year, and views are sought from the Transmission Company and BSC Parties on continuing to use the same method as for previous years.
Issue 107: Consultation on Confirmation Notices
The Issue 107 Workgroup are seeking views from Trading Parties on its two preferred invoicing options.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £100 from 5 July 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £100 from 5 July 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 20 June 2023.