P306 – Workgroup Meeting 1

Elexon Ltd

Expanding the definition of a ‘Letter of Credit’ to include regulated insurance companies P306 proposes to allow individual Parties to obtain a Letter of Credit from a regulated insurance company that is capable of providing security of a similar level and form as that provided by a bank. For further information, please contact...

Issue 57 Workgroup

Elexon Ltd

Should Half-Hourly Settlement be mandatory for certain Unmetered Supplies customers? In Settlement, the accurate allocation of energy volume is as important as having the right volume to allocate. Energy is settled on a Half Hourly (HH) basis and as such, when using estimated consumptions and profiles can lead to a large misallocation of energy that...

P304 Workgroup Meeting 2

Elexon Ltd

P304 Workgroup Meeting P304 has been raised to progress the outcomes of the Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review (EBSCR), and proposes to reduce the Price Average Reference (PAR) value from 500MWh to 250MWh ahead of Winter 2014/15. For further information about this modification, please contact the lead analyst, Talia Addy.

P305 Workgroup Meeting 2

Elexon Ltd

P305 has been raised to progress the outcomes of the Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review (EBSCR), and proposes to implement the EBSCR conclusions ahead of Winter 2015/16, which include:

  • Further reductions in the PAR value following P304 (50MWh from Winter 2015/16, then 1MWh from Winter 2018/19);
  • A single imbalance price, calculated using the main...

P300 Workgroup Meeting 4

Elexon Ltd

P300 seeks to introduce new Measurement Classes for aggregated Half Hourly-settled customers (for current transformer and whole current metered domestic; and whole current non-domestic markets). P300 builds on the solution put forward under Rejected Modification P280 ‘New Measurement Classes’; and aligns with Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) Change Proposal (DCP) 179 ‘Amending...


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