P305 Workgroup Meeting 6

P305 has been raised to progress the outcomes of the Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review (EBSCR), and proposes to implement the EBSCR conclusions ahead of Winter 2015/16, which include:

  • Further reductions in the PAR value following P304 (50MWh from Winter 2015/16, then 1MWh from Winter 2018/19);
  • A single imbalance price, calculated using the main...


Elexon Ltd


Elexon Ltd

BMRS User Group Workshop 4

Elexon Ltd

For further details on this meeting, please contact Zaahir Ghanty

P302 Workgroup Meeting 4

Elexon Ltd 4th Floor, 350 Euston Road, London, United Kingdom

P302: Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters P302 proposes changes to the Code and BSCPs to amend the CoS process to make use of the enhanced functionality that smart Meters will provide and improve the passing of timely and accurate consumption data into...

P309 Workgroup Meeting 3

Elexon Ltd

P309 proposes to give BSC Parties the ability to specify that either replacement contract notifications or additional contract notifications are associated with an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation in order to mitigate the risk that replacement notifications might be submitted instead of additional notifications, or vice versa. For further information about this...


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