Q8 Committee


Q8 is an extension of the Trading Disputes Committee (TDC) and hears trading compensation claims. 

Contact information

Elexon Disputes Team
[email protected]


Under BSC Section Q8, BSC Parties may claim compensation if they have suffered a material loss due to being unable to submit Physical Notifications during an unplanned Transmission Company Outage. The BSC Panel has delegated authority to assess these claims to the Q8 Committee.

The Q8 Committee has the same members as the Trading Disputes Committee (TDC) and holds meetings when necessary. Q8 members are appointed by, and report to the BSC Panel.

More information can be found in the Committee’s Terms of Reference:

Q8 in the Code

Section Q of the BSC deals with balancing services activities; section Q8 specifically covers outage compensations.


Q8 meetings are held ad-hoc when a compensation claim is raised. Meetings are held in open session where the business discussed in non-confidential. Items relating to confidentiality or commercially sensitive issues are held in closed session.

Please contact [email protected] if you want to attend the open session of any Q8 meeting.

Become a committee member

Interested in becoming a Q8 and TDC Member? 

Apply using our online form or contact [email protected] for more information.


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