Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG)


The SVG is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Supplier Volume Allocation processes and systems. 

Contact information

SVG Secretary
[email protected]


The role of the SVG includes:

  • Overseeing the change management of SVA documents, processes and systems that are defined in the BSC Baseline Statement as being the responsibility of the Committee
  • Reviewing, considering, recommending and approving the requirements definition documents for any relevant development projects 
  • Considering changes to the SVA Line Loss Factors (in accordance with BSCP128) and Market Domain Data (in accordance with BSCP509)
  • Authorising the allocation of Grid Supply Points (GSPs) to GSP Groups;
  • Considering changes to any other SVA parameters for which the Panel has delegated such responsibility
  • Determining applications that have been delegated to the Committee by the Panel

More details of the Group’s responsibilities can be found in the Terms of Reference:

Become an SVG Member

Applications to become an SVG Industry Member or Industry Alternate are welcome from anyone with relevant experience and expertise.  Applicants must be nominated by a BSC Trading Party (who does not have to be their employer), obtain their employer’s agreement and agree to act impartially in accordance with the SVG’s Terms of Reference.  

The BSC Panel considers and determines all applications.  Members are expected to make themselves available at all reasonable times to attend meetings and to carry out their duties and functions as a Member.  Where an Industry Member is unable to attend, they may appoint either one of the approved Industry Member Alternates or another Industry Member as their acting Alternate.

Apply using our online form or contact [email protected] for more information.

Join a meeting

Our meetings are held both virtually and in-person. If you would like to join a meeting, please email [email protected] . To enhance the meeting experience we have created a set of principles to be followed when holding online meetings. These principles will be highlighted at the beginning of each meeting to improve your virtual meeting experience.


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