
P443 Workgroup 3

This is the third meeting of the P443 ‘To Cap NGESO Interconnector Trades at the Value of Lost Load (VoLL)’ Workgroup.

The purpose of this meeting is:

  • Workgroup to agree whether to raise an Alternative solution; and
  • Finalise solution(s) and gather Workgroup’s initial views for the Assessment Procedure consultation

Find out more about P443


  1. Welcome & Meeting objectives
  2. Summary of Workgroup 2 and Actions
  3. NGESO Actions from Workgroup 2
  4. Overview of Interconnector trading
  5. Emergency Actions taken by NGESO
  6. Worked examples – impact on prices
  7. Review Proposed/Alternative solution
  8. Terms of Reference review including Applicable BSC Objectives
  9. Progression Plan & Next steps
  10. AOB & Meeting close

How to join the meeting

Telephone: +44 20 7660 8177
Conference ID: 566 482 891# 

A link to join the meeting is provided in the Outlook meeting invite from Elexon.


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