
P273 – Make the SVA Funding Share Calculation robust to changes in Scaling Weights

Formal title: Make the SVA Funding Share Calculation robust to changes in Scaling Weights

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


P273 corrects a manifest error/minor inconsistency within the algebra for calculating the SVA (Consumption) Funding Share. It delivers the BSC’s original intent and ensures that the calculation remains robust to any future changes in GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights.


The Panel agreed to raise Modification P273 at its meeting on 11 August 2011. The Modification was submitted directly to the Report Phase, and underwent an Industry consultation.

The Panel agreed that P273 met the Self Governance Criteria, and approved P273 at its meeting on 8 September 2011 with an Implementation Date of 23 February 2012.

BSC Parties had 15 Working Days from the Panel’s decision to appeal the approval of P273 to Ofgem. No appeals were notified, and so P273 has been implemented in accordance with the Panel’s determination.

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There are no Workgroup meetings scheduled for this Modification.


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