
P298 – Consequential amendments to the BSC Modification process following the implementation of Third package and other miscellaneous changes

Formal title: Consequential amendments to the BSC Modification process following the implementation of Third package and other miscellaneous changes

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


P298 seeks to modify BSC Section F ‘Modification Procedures’ to align it with the Transmission Licence requirements. Specifically to reflect that:

  • The Authority can raise, or instruct National Grid (as the Transmission Company and Licensee) to raise, a Modification to implement electricity regulations, including any relevant legally binding decisions of the European Commission (EC) and/or the Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators (ACER).
  • The BSC Panel will be required to:
    • accept such Modifications into the Modification Process; and
    • progress such Modifications in accordance with any timetable(s) directed by the Authority.
  • Where the Authority directs National Grid to raise such Modifications, that as the Proposer, it will only be allowed to:
    • withdraw the Modification with the prior consent of the Authority; and
    • amend the Proposed Solution with the prior consent of the Authority.

This Modification was progressed in parallel with CUSC Modification Proposal CMP225, as CMP225 proposes to make equivalent changes to the CUSC.


National Grid raised P298 on 25 November 2013, which is in the Assessment Procedure stage of its progression. Elexon presented its Initial Written Assessment to the BSC Panel at its meeting on 12 December 2013. Elexon and National Grid has held joint Workgroup meetings. These were held on 6 and 20 January 2014, and the final meeting held on 4 March 2014.

The Workgroup issued its Assessment Consultation on the 6 February 2014, which closed on the 27 February. Elexon presented the P298 Assessment Report to the Panel at its meeting on 10 April 2014. The Panel initially unanimously recommends that P298 is approved. The P298 Report Phase Consultation was subsequently issued with responses due on 9 May 2014.

The P298 Draft Modification Report was presented to the Panel on 12 June 2014. The Panel confirmed its initial views and recommended P298 is aproved.

P298 was approved by the Authority on 4 July 2014 and implemented on 18 July 2014 (10 Working Days following approval).


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