
P330 – Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role

Formal title: Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


Approved Uniform Network Code (UNC) Modification 0506V introduced performance assurance arrangements into the gas market for the first time, and will require a competitive tender exercise to appoint an independent Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA).

The P330 Proposer believes that Elexon has significant experience and understanding of performance assurance techniques in the energy industry, and has transferable skills and knowledge that potentially meet the criteria for the appointment of the PAFA. This Modification therefore seeks to amend the BSC arrangements to allow Elexon to bid for the gas PAFA role.


P330 was raised by ScottishPower Energy Retail on 1 December 2015. The Panel agreed to submit P330 to an Assessment Procedure for consideration by a Workgroup.

The Panel considered the Workgroup’s Assessment Report and industry participants’ responses to the P330 Assessment Procedure Consultation at its meeting on 14 April 2016. The Panel’s initial majority view was that P330 does not better facilitate Applicable BSC Objective (d). The P330 Report Phase Consultation was issued on 19 April with responses due by 3 May 2016.

The Panel considered the Draft Modification Report, including consultation responses, at its meeting on 12 May 2016. The Panel’s final majority view was that P330 does not better facilitate Applicable BSC Objective (d), and it therefore initially recommended by majority that P330 should be rejected.

The Authority approved P330 on 25 May 2016 for implementation on 2 June 2016, five Working Days following approval.



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