021 CVA Risk: Retrieval and Processing of Metered Data
This page outlines the Risk that CVA Metered Data is not retrieved, processed correctly or at all, by the CDCA.
How it relates to you
Parties responsible for risk factors
- CVA Meter Operator Agent
- non-Performance Assurance Parties
Parties responsible for risk controls
- Registrant
- Licensed Distribution System Operator
- Non-Performance Assurance Parties
Potential causes
Potential causes, or as they known in the Risk Evaluation Register: Risk Factors are the points of failure that could result in erroneous or estimated data entering Settlement.
Elexon has identified a number of typical failure points related to this risk, parties should note the list is non-exhaustive, and not all risk factors are applicable to every role type.
- Communication faults (e.g. modem failures, line faults and private/public network issues, removal/de-energisation of Metering Equipment before de-registering a BMU and disconnection)
- Site access issues for handheld reads (e.g. hard to access sites, customer not providing access, weather condition & site safety)
- Central data collection and processing systems failures
- Metered data lost due to Meter’s Outstation memory overwriting
- CVA Registrants fail to respond to CDCA SF estimation requests
- CDCA sends incorrect data to SVAA (e.g. GSP Group Take, BMU Metered Volume)
- Incorrect or incomplete transfer of metered data between systems
- CDCA does not validate metered data
- CDCA does not estimate when required or estimates incorrectly
- CDCA does not reprocess metered data when additional information becomes available
- CDCA does not retrieve available data for missing Settlement Periods
- Reading not obtained as prescribed by BSC (e.g. initial/final reading on Meter exchange)
Potential solutions
Parties responsible for operating controls should take note of the information below. This identifies the BSC Sections and Procedures relating the risk.
Review the processes outlined in the following documents and ensure that internal processes match the requirements:
- BSC Section R: Collection and Aggregation of Meter Data from CVA Metering Systems
- RESI R021 Retrieval and Processing of Metered Data
Impact of this risk on the industry
- Impact: £59.3 Million
- Upper Impact: £145.7 Million
- Volatility: Medium
In order to calculate the impact this risk has on your Party, multiply your market share by the impact as outlined above.
Further information
Risk Evaluation Register sets out further detailed information on the noted controls. Details can be found under Associated Documents.
Support and training
Operational Support Managers (OSMs) are able to help with further information or training on this risk and associated processes.
Methodology used for this risk
The following documents outline the methodology used to assess the Settlement Risk related to Agent appointments.