Issue 113 ‘Introduction of a Radio Teleswitch System (RTS) user charge’

Formal title: Introduction of a Radio Teleswitch System (RTS) user charge

The contract between Elexon and the Energy Networks Association (ENA) currently passes the operational costs for the Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) through the BSC as ‘BSC Costs.’ These costs amount to approximately £3.5 million, with around 1 million RTS devices (Radio Teleswitches and Radio Telemeters) in use. Under the existing arrangement, all BSC Trading Parties contribute to these costs based on their Funding Share.

However, Ofgem wishes to explore ways to incentivise Suppliers to promptly replace RTS meters. Ofgem has requested Elexon revisit a solution proposed in Issue 108. This solution aims to target RTS cost recovery specifically toward the relevant Suppliers. Additionally, considerations should be made regarding the reporting provided to impacted parties and publishing the relevant information in the interests of transparency.

Current Status



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