BSC Simple Guides

List of BSC Simple Guides

(Showing items 16-20 of 30)

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Section O: Communications Under the Code

Section O of the BSC primarily addresses data communications and sets out an outline of the arrangements for Communications under the BSC; requirements to be complied with by Parties and Party Agents to be able to send certain Communications to BSC Agents and ensure that certain Communications are received; requirements for the form of certain Communications between Parties or Party Agents and BSC Agents; and the basis upon which certain Communications will be treated as received by a Party or a BSC Agent for the purposes of the BSC.

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Section P: Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations

Section P sets out how Contract Trading Parties (Trading Parties and the NETSO), may notify contract volumes to settlements, specifically to the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA). Two types of notifications, Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs), are allowed and these can only be submitted on behalf of Contract Trading Parties by agents, appointed by the Parties specifically for this purpose, and known as Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents (ECVNAs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents (MVRNAs) respectively.

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Section Q: Balancing Services Activities

Section Q deals with the submission of data items in respect of relevant BM Units in accordance with the Grid Code; the submission of Physical Notifications in accordance with the Grid Code, to enable Final Physical Notification Data to be submitted by the NETSO; arrangements for the submission by Lead Parties of Bid-Offer Pairs for relevant BM Units and for the acceptance of Bids and Offers by the NETSO; the submission by the NETSO of Acceptance Data for the purposes of Section T and Section V; the submission by National Grid of Balancing Services Adjustment Data; the submission by the NETSO to the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) of other operational data items for the purposes of Section V.

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Section R: Collection and Aggregation of Meter Data from CVA Metering Systems

Section R details the rules for the determination of Metered Volumes for the purposes of Central Volume Allocation (CVA) in relation to relevant BM Units, Interconnectors, Grid Supply Points and GSP Groups. These are collectively referred to as Volume Allocation Units in Section R.

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Section S: Annex S-1: Performance Levels and Supplier Charges

Annex S-1 defines Performance Levels or Serials required of Suppliers and their Supplier Agents, and the Menu of Supplier Charges that specifies charges to apply should each Supplier or its Supplier Agents deviate from these Performance Levels. The arrangements for the payment of such charges are also defined.

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