CP1489 – Amendments to BSCP128 to align with BSCP68 timescales for LLF submissions for BM Units transferring from SMRS to CMRS and vice versa
Formal title: Amendments to BSCP128 to align with BSCP68 timescales for LLF submissions for BM Units transferring from SMRS to CMRS and vice versa
Current Status
There is inconsistency in timescales for Line Loss Factor (LLF) mid-year submission and approval between BSCP68 ‘Transfer of Registration of Metering Systems between Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS) and Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) and BSCP128 ‘Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors’.
Change Proposal (CP) 1423 ‘Amendments to BSCP68 following a review’ discussed Housekeeping changes to processes of transfer between the CMRS and the SMRS or vice versa.
The Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) rejected CP1423 and proposed to raise two subsequent CPs. The first change amended BSCP128 to include the new file generation process developed by Elexon (CP1461 ‘Amending BSCP128 to reflect a new simple SVA file format for LDSO LLF submissions’).
CP1489 investigates the lead times of LLF submission with a view to aligning BSCP128 with the shorter timescales given in BSCP68. It also proposes to add two new sections to BSCP128 detailing the process for transferring registrations of Metering Systems from CMRS to SMRS and vice versa.
Elexon raised CP1489 on 7 June 2017. At its meetings on 26 September 2017 and 3 October 2017 respectively, Elexon asked the ISG and SVG to note that it was no longer progressing with the CP and as such it should be withdrawn.