CP1517: Changes to BSC Configurable Items for the TERRE Final Implementation Date
Formal title: Changes to BSC Configurable Items for the TERRE Final Implementation Date
Current Status
National Grid ESO TERRE derogation request – granted: impacts on CP1517
Ofgem’s decision to grant the request confirms its view that National Grid ESO can be exempt from using the European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from the replacement reserve process until 30 June 2020.
Elexon is working closely with National Grid ESO to deliver its P344 Wider Access commitments. on the 11 December 2019 Wider Access was enabled to the GB Balancing Mechanism (BM), which included the implementation of CP1517. Virtual Lead Parties can now trade in the BSC. This deployment will deliver benefits to GB consumers and new participants wishing to trade under the BSC.
P344 was implemented on 28 February 2019. This was one of two Implementation Dates set for P344:
- The P344 Relevant Implementation Date, which was 28 February 2019 as part of the February 2019 Release; and
- The P344 Final Implementation Date, defined as the date specified in the P344 Final Implementation Date Notice (to be issued by National Grid Electricity System Operator).
On the Relevant Implementation Date all Sections of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and its subsidiary documents, where the solution was known and so could be amended, became effective.
There are several BSC Configurable Items (CIs) which need to be amended to give full effect to the TERRE solution that could not be developed in time to become effective on 28 February 2019, or which should only become effective on the TERRE Final Implementation Date. This is because the changes relate to the new and amended software or the new BSC Services that will be introduced on that date.
CP1517 was raised by Elexon on 17 May 2019. It seeks to amend the Configurable Items (CIs) to give full effect to the TERRE solution that could not be developed in time to become effective on 28 February 2019, or which should only become effective on the TERRE Final Implementation Date.
We anticipate that CP1517 will impact:
- Virtual Lead Parties
- Suppliers
- National Electricity Transmissions System Operator (NETSO)
CP1517 was raised on 17 May 2019 and published for consultation on the same day, with responses due by 13 June 2019.
As a result of the responses we received to the CP1517 consultation (and other work we are doing with our service provider to finalise the P344 solution) we identified a number of minor changes and clarifications. Therefore, CP1517 was issued for a second consultation on the 8 July 2019 , with a response deadline of the 2 August 2019.
CP1517 was approved by the ISG on the 20 August 2019. CP1517 was Approved to the SVG on 3 September 2019 . CP1517 was implemented on 11 December 2019, as a Standalone Release.
Next Events
CP1517 was implemented on the 11 December 2019 and is now closed.