CP1573 Amendments to the IDD Pt 1 Spreadsheet, SVA DC and REC EMAR Data Specification for P376
Formal title: Amendments to the approved NETA Interface Definition Design Spreadsheet, SVA Data Catalogue Volume 2 and the D0393 Market Message for P376
This Change Proposal seeks to amend the IDD Part 1 Spreadsheet, SVA Data Catalogue Volume 2 and the Retail Energy Code’s’ EMAR Data Specification to ensure that the BSC Configurable Items accurately reflect the P376 solution.
It also seeks to amend the HDI group in the P0311 ’Invalid Metering System Data’ flow to reinstate the Message Role ‘D’ (Data) to ensure the structure of P0311 is not changed by P376 implementation.
Furthermore, a change is required to the format of the new D0393 ‘Metered Volume History Acceptance’ Market Message, so that the ‘History Days’ group is optional, to ensure that HHDAs will be able to respond appropriately to a D0393 Market Message ‘Request for Metered Volume History.