BSC Changes impacting an Interconnector User
This page shows which Modifications and Change Proposals have been identified as impacting an Interconnector User. Please note that the assessment of where impacts may affect certain roles within the electricity market may be amended during the course of the Change process.
P472 Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E
P479 Amendments to the Credit Cover calculations
This Modification seeks to amend the Credit Cover calculations to make more accurate and operationally efficient estimates of Energy Indebtedness, using data available closer to real time.
P463 Introduce a Standard Change Process
To introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures.
P458 Introducing Data Controller and Processor Obligations in the BSC for MHHS Testing
The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), specifically in the context of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) testing. The current BSC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection provisions were not designed to allow the sharing of personal information, which has now become necessary for the planned MHHS testing.
P470 Protecting the Imbalance Price from IOLC related distortions
P470 seeks to reprice Offer prices in the Imbalance Settlement Price calculation where those Offers were impacted by price restrictions introduced by the Inflexible Offers Licence Condition (IOLC).
P467 Enduring Solution in an event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE)
This is a follow on Modification from Issue 105 and provides an enduring solution in an event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE).
P454 Removal of BSC obligations to provide BMRS Data via TIBCO and the High Grade Service
This Modification would remove the existing requirement within BSC Section V ‘Reporting’ for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) to provide BMR Service (BMRS) data via the legacy High Grade Service, otherwise referred to as the TIBCO service.
P454 is a recommendation from BSC Issue 95, which considered the impacts associated with maintaining the legacy TIBCO service.
P466 BSC Section N Modernisation
This Modification seeks to update BSC Section N ‘Clearing Invoicing and Payment’ to support the effective running of the Funds Administration Agent (FAA). The Modification will align the BSC with Elexon’s updated financial systems and modern banking practices to increase the efficiency of service provided to industry.
P460 Amend the responsibility to propose and consult on a MHHS Migration Plan
P460 aims to change responsibility for proposing, consulting on and obtaining approval of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Migration Plan from BSCCo to the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP).
P457 Replace the Electricity Arbitration Association with the London Court of International Arbitration
P457 proposes to remove the Electricity Arbitration Association (EAA) from the BSC and replace with the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) to deliver better value for money and service.