Consultations for all Process, Operational and Credit areas
This page lists all Consultations relating to BSC and code processes, Market Entry and Compliance, and Operations and Settlement. The consultations allow ELEXON to gather feedback from the industry about proposed changes so that any concerns are considered as part of our processes.
This list does not include Change Consultations.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £300/MWh from 30 November 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £300/MWh from 30 November. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 16 November 2022.
Last month, the Credit Committee confirmed a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) at £250/MWh from 8 November 2022. However, following prices in December remaining higher, a CAP value of £300/MWh effective from 30 November 2022 has been proposed by the Credit Committee for consultation. This gives the Credit Committee the optionality to increase the CAP were December prices to remain higher, or the option to withdraw it if prices remain steady, or decrease, when further data is available closer to December delivery.
Consultation: revising CAP to £300/MWh from 8 November 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £300/MWh from 8 November. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 25 October 2022.
Consultation on Credit Assessment Price increase to £525/MWh from 1 November 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £525/MWh from 1 November. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 17 October 2022.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price revision for mid-October 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £420/MWh from 12 October 2022 and to £465/MWh from 19 October. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 27 September 2022.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price decrease to £350/MWh from 7 October 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £350/MWh from 7 October 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 22 September 2022.
Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) Review 2022
We are seeking your views on the annual Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) review. If you represent BSC Parties or any other party in connection with the MIDS please respond to this online consultation.
Data Release Consultation: Total Number of MPANs by DNO/IDNO (DR712203)
This consultation seeks to publish the count of Metering Systems per DNO (Distribution Network Operator) and IDNO (Independent Distribution Network Operator) under a BSC Open Data Licence. This will improve the visibility of the DNO market.
Data Release Consultation: Total Number of MPANs by DA, DC and MOA (DR197306)
This consultation seeks to publish the count of Metering Systems per Data Collector (DC), Data Aggregator (DA) and Meter Operating Agent (MOA) under a BSC Open Data Licence. This will improve the visibility of the market for these roles.
Consultation on CAP change to £515/MWh from 21 September 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £515/MWh from 21 September 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 6 September 2022.
Consultation: P350 Draft Reference Network Mapping Statement 2023-24
This consultation seeks views on the draft reference Network Mapping Statement (NMS) for use in the allocation of Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) for BSC Year 2023-2024.
Consultation: CAP increase to £565/MWh from 15 September 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £565/MWh from 15 September 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 31 August 2022.
The Credit Committee has decided to withdraw the previously notified CAP of £475/MWh that was due for implementation from 16 September. This decision follows on from recent decreases in the forward market prices and means that the current CAP of £415/MWh will remain valid on and beyond 16 September until the next scheduled CAP replaces it.
- Elexon Circular EL03664 – first outcome where the Credit Committee did not go ahead with the consulted CAP but set a £475/MWh CAP
- Elexon Circular EL03676 – second outcome withdrawing of the £475/MWh CAP
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £435/MWh from 7 September 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £435/MWh from 7 September 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 22 August 2022.
The Credit Committee has decided to withdraw the notified CAP of £510/MWh before implementation on 7 September 2022. This means the current CAP value of £415/MWh remains valid at least until it is replaced by the next scheduled CAP of £475/MWh on 16 September.
- Elexon Circular EL03667
On 7 September, the CAP value will increase to £510/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
A Consultation paper on the value of the CAP was issued on 18 August as part of the alternative CAP review process. BSC Parties were invited to indicate whether they agreed with the proposal to increase the value of the CAP to £435/MWh effective from 7 September.
- Elexon Circular EL03654
BSC Sandbox Consultation BSB003: application by Good Energy – 15 August 2022
Elexon has issued a public industry consultation for BSC Parties and interested Third Parties to seek views on the impacts on Parties relating to the implementation of a BSC Sandbox Application by Good Energy.
Good Energy have raised a BSC Sandbox request for a derogation against the BSC provisions preventing them from appointing different Supplier Agents for Import / Export Metering Systems where Data Communications Company (DCC) enabled Smart Meters are installed. This will allow them to remove a barrier preventing the use of Export Metering System IDs (MSIDs) for small-scale micro generation.
Consultation on CAP increase to £395/MWh from 31 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £395/MWh from 31 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 16 August 2022.
On Wednesday 31 August, the CAP value will increase to £415/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03650
Consultation on CAP increase to £390/MWh from 24 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £390/MWh from 24 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 9 August 2022.
On Wednesday 24 August 2022, the CAP value will increase to £390/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03648
Consultation on CAP increase to £330/MWh from 17 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £330/MWh from 17 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 2 August 2022.
On Wednesday 17 August 2022, the CAP value will increase to £330/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03644
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £300/MWh from 9 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £300/MWh from 9 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 25 July 2022.
On Tuesday 9 August 2022, the CAP value will increase to £300/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03635
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £270/MWh from 26 July 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £270/MWh from 26 July 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 8 July 2022.
On Tuesday 26 July 2022, the CAP value will increase to £270/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03626
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £215/MWh from 8 July 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £215/MWh from 8 July 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 23 June 2022.
On Friday 8 July 2022, the CAP value will increase to £215/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03615
Data Release Consultation: Data Items within the D0018 ‘Daily Profile Data Report’ (DR498617)
Seeking views from industry on data requests received, prior to the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service Change Board (BCB) making a determination on whether to release requested data.