CP1568 Inclusion of new LDSO-mastered SMRS data items

Formal title: Inclusion of new LDSO-mastered SMRS data items in the SVA Data Catalogue, the REC EMAR Data Specification and BSCP604

This Change Proposal will include new LDSO-mastered SMRS data items in the SVA Data Catalogue, the REC EMAR Data Specification and BSCP604. 

CP1558 ‘New Registration data items and processes to support the MHHS transition’ will introduce changes to BSCP501 ‘Supplier Meter Registration Service’ and BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to specify six additional data items that each Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) will be required to send to the relevant Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA). The Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) will then be required to send these new data items to the Electricity Enquiry Service (‘EES’, formerly known as ‘ECOES’).

However, before the EES can publish any new data items received from the SMRS, they must first be registered in the Retail Energy Code (REC) Energy Market Asset Repository (EMAR) Data Specification and the EES software will need to be amended to accommodate the data items. CP1558 did not include any change to the EMAR Data Specification, so EES will not be able to publish the four new data items specified in CP1558 before this CP has been implemented.

Current Status

Change Proposal Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


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