List of homepage news articles
This page lists all of the news articles we have produced over the last year. Any news articles older than 1 year are removed from the website as they will have concluded their designated lifecycle. Please contact us if you are looking for specific information on any subjects we have covered.
Webinar and consultation for Risk Evaluation Methodology and Risk Evaluation Register 2025/26
We invite you to respond to the consultation on the Risk Evaluation Methodology (REM) & Risk Evaluation Register (RER) draft documents for the 2025/26 Performance Assurance Operating Period. The REM sets out the methodology for identifying and scoring the significance of Settlement Risks and the RER documents the Settlement Risks and associated information.
Changes to BSC Parties and Qualified Persons: January 2025
This page lists changes to the status of Balancing and Settlement (BSC) Parties and Qualified Persons in January. It includes information on any new qualifications and registrations, new market participants, withdrawals and defaults.
Public notification of Tomato Energy Limited’s lack of progress against its EFR milestones
In the Public Notification (EL04172): Public notification of Tomato Energy Limited (BSC Party ID: MARIGOLD, MPID: MARI)’s failure to meet multiple milestones in its Error Failure Resolution (EFR) plan following escalation to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB), Elexon noted that the BSC Panel had requested additional information about Tomato Energy’s lack of progress against its EFR milestones be made public.
- See the EL04172 Elexon Circular.
Elexon consults on its 2025/26 business plan
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteConsultation on the BMU / MSID Allocation service impacting Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party and Supplier
Elexon have received feedback from several industry participants (Virtual Lead Parties, Virtual Trading Parties) about plans to allocate large volumes of MSID Pairs to Balancing Mechanism Units (BMUs) to enable independent Aggregators to offer Balancing Services and Participate in the Wholesale Market through P415.
Webinar about MHHS Supplier Charges
Elexon ran a webinar that highlighted the principles of Supplier Charges post Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation. From that webinar we have also produced a list of FAQ which might be helpful.
Introduction to Elexon and the Energy Market: February 2025
This event is now fully booked. To sign up for the waitlist, please email [email protected] with the following:
- Your full name
- Your organisation
- Your job title
- Your work email address
- Any dietary requirements
This seminar is an all-day event that provides a useful introduction to Elexon and the different roles we perform across GB energy markets. You’ll hear presentations from a range of Elexon colleagues, as well as from a guest presenter from National Energy System Operator (NESO), and be given the opportunity to ask questions and network with other industry professionals.
CALF values Spring 2025 BSC Season: appeal deadline 1 February 2025
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Spring 2025 BSC Season, which runs from 1 March 2025 to 31 May 2025, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the Elexon Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
MHHS: Ofgem approval of Change Request 055 to allow for robust testing time
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteMarket Facilitator governance workshop 1 on 27 November 2024
Source: Elexon corporate websiteElexon would like to invite interested parties to help us develop the enduring arrangements for the market facilitator role, through a series of six to seven workshops taking place between end 2024 and March 2025.