BSC Panel Elections


BSC Panel Members are appointed by election (in the case of Industry Members) or by appointment by the Panel Chair (in the case of Independent Members), the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) and Citizens Advice / Citizens Advice Scotland as appropriate.

Contact information

BSC Panel Secretary and Election Co-ordinator
[email protected]

2024 Elections

Trading Parties were invited to vote on members to serve for the period 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2026. Voting for the 2022 BSC Panel member elections ran from 5 August to 30 August 2024.

Once all votes were counted and verified, the elected members were confirmed as follows:

Name Nominated by Round elected in

Lisa Waters

Nicholas Sillito, Peak Gen Top Co Limited

Round 1

Kevin Woollard

Tim Burrough, British Gas Trading Ltd

Round 3

Andrew Colley

Garth Graham, SSE Generation Ltd

Further Round

Thomas Edwards

Melanie Ellis, Shell Energy Europe Limited

Further Round

Nick Sillito

Philip Robinson, Habitat Energy Limited

Further Round

A total of 44 votes were received. A full breakdown of the voting can be found in the following document:


Previous election results


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