Settlement & Invoicing: News
Improving customer experience for the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent
The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA) is one of the BSC agents that Elexon uses to deliver the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). The ECVAA receives notifications of bilateral trades between Trading Parties. It then time-stamps and validates the trade before sending the data to Elexon’s Settlement Administration Agent (SAA). The SAA calculates payments for Parties and performs the daily Settlement Runs.
ECVAA is a critical, 24/7 service for customers that is vital for the continuous operation of Balancing and Settlement. The ECVAA must send an acknowledgement of any trades to Parties after it receives them.
Consultation: P350 Draft Reference Network Mapping Statement 2025-26
This consultation seeks views on the draft reference Network Mapping Statement (NMS) for use in the allocation of Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) for BSC Year 2025-2026.
Consultation on new GSP for UK Power Distribution (Powergate GSP) – 09 August 2024
ELEXON has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). UK Power Distribution (UKPD) is connecting two new circuits at the Willesden 66 kV substation.
The National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) proposes that GSP POWE_H is allocated to the Southern (_H) GSP Group.
This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as Powergate GSP (POWE_H).
Re-Issuing of Period Profile Class Coefficients impacting Settlement from January to September 2023
Between 27 January 2023 and 24 September 2023, the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) issued incorrect Daily Profile Coefficients (DPCs) to Non Half Hourly Data Collectors (NHHDCs) on 85 Settlement Days.
Estimates of Annual Consumption (EAC) and Annualised Advances (AAs) calculated by NHHDCs using these inaccurate Coefficients were incorrectly apportioning the volume to each Settlement Period.
Settlement error identified in GSP Group _G
Elexon has identified an error in Settlement volumes attributed to a windfarm located in GSP Group _G.
Indicative Settlement Price data now available on the Insights Solution
Elexon has completed the migration of all Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) datasets and functionalities that were in scope to be built onto the Insights Solution platform.
New BSC Service Status Dashboard
We have launched the new BSC Service Status Dashboard today (20 November) so that Parties can see an up to the minute view of whether there are any issues with the BSC services that we provide.
Market Index Definition Statement Review 2023
The Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) is annually reviewed by the BSCCo. on behalf of the BSC Panel, to ensure that the Market Index Price is providing a reasonable reflection of the price of wholesale electricity in the short term market.
Understanding Settlement Reports: a guide for BSC Parties
For any Settlement Date and Settlement Run Type carried out in accordance with the Settlement Calendar, the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) publishes Settlement Reports (known as SAA-I014 reports) to relevant industry parties. Whilst all Settlement Reports are built using the same data, there are slightly differing sub-flows of the SAA-I014 depending on the primary recipient.
Why are there file sequence numbers missing for my SAA-I014 reports?
The SAA-I014 files are released daily to customers and a sequence number is assigned to each file. Some customers have been in contact with us regarding missing file sequence numbers, since the go-live of the new Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) service on Elexon Kinnect, our cloud platform.
Why is my FAA Daily Advice Note showing a different total to my SAA data?
Greater precision
Our new Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) went live on our Kinnect Platform in June 2023. Since then, a small number of customers have asked why rounded numbers are used for trading charges invoiced by the Funds Administration Agent, (FAA) compared with figures that are reported by the SAA reports.
Build up to go live of new Settlement Administration Agent
As part of our Elexon Kinnect programme we have been building a new Settlement Solution which replaces services of the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) on our new cloud platform.
Issue 107: Consultation on Confirmation Notices
The Issue 107 Workgroup are seeking views from Trading Parties on its two preferred invoicing options.
Understanding Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data for Secondary BM Units
This article explains how Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) is treated in Settlement for Secondary Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units. We are publishing this following a question from a VLP around why an Imbalance Charge was not calculated for them after National Grid ESO (NGESO) submitted ABSVD values for their Secondary BM Units.
Changes to how some BSC Portal reports are accessed
The following datasets will no longer be published on the following Elexon BSC Portal pages from Thursday 4 May 2023. This is due to the internal migration of our Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) system. However, replacement pages have been created to enable you to access the datasets.
Give your feedback on the MHHSP Qualification tranche timeline
The draft Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP) Approach and Plan states that participants will be allocated to Qualification tranches in May 2024. The Code Bodies want your feedback on the allocation timeline and approach by Tuesday 2 May 2023.
Register an interest in the Network Gas Supply Emergency Settlement Validation Committee
Elexon is inviting industry participants to register their interest in joining the Network Gas Supply Emergency Settlement Validation Committee (NGSESVC). Please note that there is no immediate requirement for this committee.