Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement and the BSC: News
Respond to our MHHS Qualification Consultations
The MHHS Programme and Code Bodies have published documents for consultation. The deadline for all documents listed below is 17:00 on Friday 19 July.
Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Qualification documents submitted for approval
Elexon and the Retail Energy Code (REC) are submitting three Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Qualification Documents to their respective Performance Assurance Boards (PAB) for approval. The documents will go to the REC PAB on Tuesday 26 March, and the BSC PAB on Thursday 28 March.
Migrating non-half hourly unmetered supplies metering systems to MHHS
Elexon is working to smooth the path to Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation by supporting Parties that need to migrate more than 30,000 Non-Half Hourly unmetered supplies metering systems to MHHS.
Consultation on MHHS Qualification Assessment Document
The Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) sets out the information and evidence that all Suppliers, Supplier Agents, MEMs, and LDSOs are required to provide to BSC and REC Code Bodies so that they can be MHHS Qualified to operate the new arrangements.
MHHS: Pre-Qualification Submission Window Open
The pre-qualification submission window for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) participation has been opened today (5 February) and final submissions must be provided by 26 April 2024.
Non-System Integration Testing (SIT) Suppliers, Supplier Agents and Meter Equipment Managers, New Entrant LDSO Programme Participants are required to provide a Pre-Qualification Submission for MHHS Qualification.
Impact of MHHS Programme Change Freeze on BSC Changes
The Market Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme has implemented a Programme Change Freeze. This means that any BSC Changes that require changes to the MHHS design or MHHS code drafting (via a MHHS Change Request) are likely to have their implementation postponed.
Code Drafting in preparation for Market-Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS)
A significant amount of work is being done by Elexon and the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP) to make changes to BSC documents (or to develop new documents) in preparation for MHHS.
MHHS Qualification Plan presented to Suppliers and Supplier Agent representatives
Code Bodies presented the MHHS Qualification Plan to Suppliers and Supplier Agent representatives in an extraordinary Qualification Working Group (QWG) meeting on Monday 27 November.
The Qualification Plan provided the current position for Supplier and Supplier Agent Qualification alongside the Qualification Approach & Plan (QAP) and the Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) timelines.
Elexon assurance of legacy Suppliers and agents during the transition to MHHS
The MHHS Programme is introducing changes for legacy Suppliers and agents to support the Migration of Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) from legacy arrangements to MHHS. Reverse migration can take place during the migration period (from March 2025 onwards) where a customer has switched to a Supplier that is not yet MHHS Qualified.
Get involved with the Performance Assurance Working Group
Calling all industry members – we want your input as members of our Performance Assurance Working Group (PAWG). The PAWG is one of several working groups set up by Elexon to deliver the technical overview of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) scope.
Give your feedback on the MHHSP Qualification tranche timeline
The draft Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP) Approach and Plan states that participants will be allocated to Qualification tranches in May 2024. The Code Bodies want your feedback on the allocation timeline and approach by Tuesday 2 May 2023.
Avanade appointed as the Data Integration Platform Service Provider
Following a thorough procurement process, the Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme and Elexon are pleased to announce the appointment of Avanade with their Microsoft Azure infrastructure solution as the Data Integration Platform Service Provider (DIPSP) for the Programme.
Ofgem confirms Elexon will operate key IT data platform to support MHHS
Yesterday (21 April) Ofgem confirmed that the Balancing and Settlement Code will be used to govern and fund the new Data Integration Platform (DIP) to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS). This means that Elexon will manage the DIP service provider, which is currently being procured through the MHHS Programme.
Ofgem approve Elexon’s Business Separation Plan for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement
On 19 November 2021, Ofgem approved Elexon’s Business Separation Plan for the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme.
Review of the MHHS 2021/22 costs – £4m to be returned to Suppliers in December
The MHHS Implementation Management Charge was set by the BSC Panel at its June meeting at £0.03847/Supplier Volume Allocation MSID, per month. This charge was initially calculated on the basis of the annual MHHS budget, however we committed at the June 2021 Panel meeting to review the charge later in the financial year once there was a better view of the costs likely to be incurred.
CCDG recommendations following MHHS transition consultation
Elexon has today published and delivered to Ofgem the recommendations made by the Code Change and Development Group (CCDG), following the CCDG’s consultation on the transition and migration approach to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation.
The CCDG is one of two industry workgroups for which Elexon has been providing technical leadership, to support further development of the MHHS Target Operating Model.
Nominations needed for members of MHHS Programme decision groups
Source: MHHS programmeMHHS Programme Governance Framework issued 30 July 2021
Today Elexon, on behalf of the MHHS Programme (Implementation Manager), is publishing a consultation on the details of the proposed MHHS Programme governance framework on the BSC website (in lieu of the MHHS Programme’s website going live).
Board approves budget for MHHS implementation programme
Elexon is managing the implementation of the industry-led MHHS Programme and as such is the Senior Responsible Owner and Programme Manager. Elexon’s Board has approved a budget of £14.5m for the first year (2021/22) of the implementation programme for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
CCDG transition plan consultation and webinar
On 5 July 2021 we published a consultation on the transition and migration approach that the Code Change and Development Group (CCDG) has developed to support implementation of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS). We hosted a webinar about the consultation on 7 July.
Architecture Working Group recommendation on reference architecture to support MHHS
On 14 June 2021 we published the Architecture Working Group’s (AWG) recommendation to Ofgem that ‘event-driven’ reference architecture is developed to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation.
Introduction of MHHS Implementation Monthly Charge
Responses to consultation on reference architecture to support MHHS
Webinar on Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme Budget
Consultation on reference architecture to support MHHS
Today (26 April) we have published the Architecture Working Group (AWG) consultation on the reference architecture to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation.
The additional meter readings available from smart meters will result in a big increase in the volume and frequency of meter data that needs to be settled. This requires a different approach to the way energy companies interact with each other and Settlement data. The reference architecture sets out the framework for this new data integration.
Elexon appointed Senior Responsible Owner for MHHS
Ofgem proposes that Elexon is owner for MHHS implementation
Ofgem has today, 22 January 2021, published its consultation on implementation principles for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) in which it explains its ‘plan to clearly place responsibility for management and delivery of the programme with industry.’
Have your say: CCDG consultation on MHH Settlement
A new consultation on the detailed design of, and Industry Code changes from, the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHH Settlement) Target Operating Model (TOM) has now been published and we would like your feedback.
The deadline for consultation responses has now been extended until 08:00 on Friday 29 January 2021.
Elexon on Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme Manager role
Elexon have published its views to Ofgem’s consultation about having a Programme Manager (PM) for the introduction of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS).