Urgent Modification Consultation for P482: Enable flexible splitting of BSC Agent services and establishing contracts for MHHS Delivery
To support the transition to Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS), Elexon must sign BSC Agent contracts for the operation of new services. This Modification seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents for the SVAA services at MHHS go-live. It will provide the option of having these new MHHS systems operated by the service providers who developed them, while the currently appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes
CP1592 Implementation Phase Consultation to Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA systems
The current versions of NHHDA (Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation) and EAC/AA (Estimation of Annual Consumption/Annualised Advance) system applications that Elexon provides to Party Agents run on Oracle 12c, for which Oracle Corporation withdrew application support in 2022.
This CP proposes to upgrade EAC/AA and NHHDA to the latest available version of Oracle 19.21. Where possible, it leverages cost savings by aligning with Elexon’s planned update to other BSC central systems
P480 Report Phase Consultation Publication of regional demand forecast data to fulfil ESRS Reporting requirements
P480 seeks to facilitate the Electricity System Restoration Standard (ESRS) requirements to publish the day-ahead peak demand forecast for each restoration region and the demand restored in each restoration region published hourly during a System Restoration on BMRS (Elexon’s Insights Solution Platform). P480 is a consequential Modification to GC0156 ‘Facilitating the Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard’.
This Proposed Solution is to make changes to BSC system and BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ and Code Subsidiary Documents to implement these provisions outlined in GC0156.
P475 Implementation Consultation on BM Units production / consumption flags
The purpose of this implementation consultation is to seek feedback from industry participants on the proposal to bring forward the Implementation Date of P475. By gathering views on the revised timeline, the consultation allows stakeholders to assess and respond to the impact of an earlier delivery of the Modification.
Elexon has identified an opportunity to adjust the timeline, allowing for the earlier delivery of the Modification’s benefits. This feedback will help the BSC Panel make an informed recommendation to the Authority regarding the updated implementation date, ensuring that both market and participant needs are considered.
Second Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation
The Authority have sent us a Direction triggering Paragraph 2.11.18 of BSC Section F, this sets out that Ofgem may direct the BSC Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for a Modification. This is due to the Authority considering that the proposed Implementation Date and the previously revised Implementation Date is, or may no longer be, appropriate or might otherwise prevent Ofgem from making a decision.
P444 Send Back Consultation
This is the P444 ‘Compensation for Virtual Lead Party actions in the Balancing Mechanism’ Send Back Consultation, which Elexon is issuing for industry consultation on behalf of the BSC Panel. The purpose of this consultation is to invite BSC Parties and other interested parties to provide their views on the outcomes of the P444 Send Back process. It includes a summary of the additional work undertaken by Elexon and the Workgroup.
P472 Report Phase Consultation on Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E
P472 seeks to amend BSC Section E ‘BSC Agents’ to allow Elexon to remove the requirement for Parties to be able to bring claims against BSC Agents where Elexon believes there would be value in doing so and only where the Panel agrees.
P481 Report Phase Consultation Enabling Elexon to be the Market Facilitator Delivery Body
P481 seeks to extend Elexon’s vires to take up the role of Market Facilitator Delivery Body, to implement Ofgem’s decision published on 29 July 2024.
P481 was raised by Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) on 12 September 2024 after BSC Panel Designated ADE to raise this Modification.
Request for Information – MHHS changes to Guidance Notes and Simple Guides
We invited industry feedback on Elexon’s approach to updating the Guidance Notes and Simple Guides.
P478 Authority Led SCR Consultation relating to the Implementation of MHHS Arrangements
This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) arrangements.
P477 Data Protection Provisions for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement
The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), once the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) arrangements are operational.
Under the current settlement arrangements Elexon receives meter volume data that is aggregated, meaning that this does not constitute personal data. The BSC currently does not include anything other than generic data protection provisions that require Parties to comply with data protections laws.
Once the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) operating model is in place, and BSC Parties (specifically Suppliers and Distribution System Operators (DSOs)) will be required to submit personal data to BSC central systems, these provisions will no longer be fit for purpose. The personal data will include MPAN Core data, MPAN address and Meter ID data.
Data protections laws create certain obligations in this scenario, including a requirement for there to be a written contract setting out the basis on which that personal data may be processed. In addition, data protection laws require that written contract to include certain provisions that are specified in the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to remain compliant with data protection laws, the BSC needs to include provisions that set out the terms on which this personal data is being shared.
P469 Report Phase Consultation on Credit Default ECVNs Refuse and Rejection Periods
P469 proposal seeks to delay the Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Periods. This change would give parties a two-hour window from the Level 2 Credit Default notification until the time when any Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVN) related to a defaulting party are rejected.
To implement the proposed Solution, this Modification aims to change BSC Section M, 3.3.3 a (i) and (ii).
P476 Report Phase Consultation on Exemption from MHHS Requirements for Smart Market Segment Supplier Qualification
P476 seeks to allow the Performance Assurance Board to have the authority to exempt Suppliers from Smart Segment Qualification obligations. This would allow a Supplier operating in the advanced market segment (that does not have the system, processes or controls in place to meet these obligations) without a specific cost associated to be exempted from Design, Test and Build.
P475 Report Phase Consultation on Allowing All Storage Sites to set and fix their own Production/Consumption Flags
The purpose of this Modification is to address the issue of storage BM Units flipping between Production (P) and Consumption (C) statuses. This flipping leads to significant financial challenges for parties managing large storage units. The proposal seeks to allow storage BM Units to fix their P/C status, thereby mitigating these challenges.
P463 Report Phase Consultation on Introducing a Standard Change Process
P463 seeks to introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures. This should reduce the burden on industry and Elexon; allowing them to focus on higher value activities.
P471 Report Phase Consultation relating to the procurement of BSC Agents
P471 seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents, to allow the option of having these systems operated by the service provider who developed them (at least for the duration of the transition period), while the currently-appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes.
Elexon have re-issued this P471 Report Phase Consultation, following feedback from a P471 webinar held on 27 June 2024. P471 now includes some alternative legal text. We have included two additional consultation questions as a result.
The alternative legal text has amended Section E2.7.1, E2.7.3 and a new paragraph E 2.7.1A has been included, which focuses on what the Appointment Approach Statement should include. It now requires a brief description, where an appointment, rather than a procurement of a BSC Agent is proposed to require:
Rationale for the approach;
Considerations of commercial and other advantages, including value for money assessments, where practical and proportionate; and
The duration and overall amounts involved in such arrangements
P474 Authority Led SCR Consultation relating to the Data Integration Platform (DIP)
This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the ongoing governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform (DIP).
P469 Assessment Procedure Consultation on Credit Default ECVNs Refusal and Rejection Periods
P469 seeks to delay the start of the Credit Default Refusal Period and Credit Default Rejection Period for Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs) where acceptance of said ECVNs and MVRNs would increase a BSC Party’s Energy Indebtedness.
This Assessment Procedure Consultation was issued on 14 June 2024 and will close at 5 pm on Friday 28 June 2024.
Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation
This consultation aimed to provide the BSC Panel with further information to enable it to recommend a revised Implementation Date to the Authority. The Authority directed the Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for P466, as the current Implementation Date is no longer appropriate.
We reported to Ofgem that the current P466 Implementation Date was no longer appropriate, as it significantly increased the risk of delivering P415 Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties and Helix, our Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) delivery programme. This is because P415 and Helix require, amongst others, changes to the FAA system. We are modernising the FAA system as part of our Kinnect programme and for reasons of efficiency and cost, will implement P466, P415 and Helix onto the new FAA system. To manage the risk, we plan to implement the new FAA system and P466 at the same time and then subsequently implement the P415 and Helix changes. This is not possible under the current P466 implementation approach.
P473 Correcting inconsistencies in the P415 Legal Text
Modification P415 ‘Facilitating access to Wholesale Markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties’ seeks to allow independent aggregators to sell customers’ flexibility into Wholesale Markets. Independent aggregators wishing to do this will be required to accede to the BSC in the new role of Virtual Trading Party (VTP). Ofgem has approved this Modification for implementation on 7 November 2024 as part of the standard November 2024 BSC release.
Elexon has received industry feedback on the Legal Text post Ofgem approval on 6 October 2023, as well as internal feedback during work with service providers to design the system changes required to implement Modification P415, and this has revealed that the P415 Legal Text does not correctly describe the intended solution for P415 as well as some inconsistencies and omissions.
Send Back Consultation on P461: Accurate Reporting of Customers Delivered Volumes to Suppliers
Ofgem issued a Send Back Direction on P461 ‘Accurate Reporting of Customers Delivered Volumes to Suppliers’ to the BSC Panel on 8 May 2024, as it was unable to form an opinion on whether or not P461 should be approved. The Panel approved the draft Send Back Process at its meeting on 9 May 2024.
The Send Back Consultation was issued on 13 May 2024 and will close at 5pm on Friday 24 May 2024.
P463 Assessment Procedure Consultation on Introducing a Standard Change Process
P463 seeks to introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures. This should reduce the burden on industry and Elexon; allowing them to focus on higher value activities.
CP1594 CP Consultation relating to older metering communication types
Older metering communication types are quickly becoming redundant and are being replaced by newer communication types. Elexon are proposing to create an approvals process to allow for the managed end dating of older technologies, such as Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Circuit Switched Data (CSD) and subsequently 2G.
P455 ‘On-Site Aggregation as a method to facilitate Third Party Access’ Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to establish a more cost effective and efficient method for delivering Third Party Access on private networks that include domestic and small business customers. It does so by enabling aggregated meter data from sub meters on private networks to be submitted into Settlement in lieu of data from Settlement meters installed at the Boundary Point.
P467 Enduring solution for cash out price calculation in the event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE)
This is a follow on Modification from Issue 105 and provides an enduring solution in an event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE).
P468 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to allow Elexon to act as EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator for the Department of Business and Trade’s (DBT) Electricity Support Payment Scheme (ESP) Scheme, if appointed to those roles by the DBT.
Issue 101 ‘Ongoing Governance, Funding and Operation of the DIP’ Consultation
The purpose of this consultation is to invite potential Data Integration Platform (DIP) Users and other interested parties to provide their views on the proposed arrangements for the enduring governance, funding and operation of the DIP.
P466 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to update BSC Section N ‘Clearing Invoicing and Payment’ to support the effective running of the Funds Administration Agent (FAA). The Modification will align the BSC with Elexon’s updated financial systems and modern banking practices to increase the efficiency of service provided to industry.
P442 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to allow correct reporting of chargeable volumes to the EMRS company for SVA Metering Systems that record both exempt supply and licensed supply through the addition of a new third party role, the “Exempt Supply Notification Agent”.
P455 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P455 seeks to establish a more cost effective and efficient method for delivering Third Party Access on private networks that include domestic and small business customers. It does so by enabling aggregated meter data from sub meters on private networks to be submitted into Settlement in lieu of data from Settlement meters installed at the Boundary Point.
P461 Report Phase Consultation
- Suppliers
- Virtual Lead Parties
P454 Report Phase Consultation
P454 would remove the existing requirement within BSC Section V ‘Reporting’ for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) to provide BMR Service (BMRS) data via the legacy High Grade Service, otherwise referred to as the TIBCO service.
P465 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification is required to correct an error in the approved legal drafting for P415. This Proposal will ensure that Credit Cover requirements for Virtual Trading Parties (VTPs) correctly take into account the energy volumes (‘Deviation Volumes’) that VTPs trade in wholesale markets, which was the intention of the P415 Workgroup.
P451 Report Phase Consultation
P451 seeks to facilitate the implementation of NGESO’s new approach to Black Start, termed System Restoration. In doing so, it proposes to update all BSC references to “Black Start” to “System Restoration”, and enable contracted Restoration Service Providers who are non-BSC parties to claim BSC Black Start compensation.
P442 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P442 seeks to allow correct reporting of chargeable volumes to the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) Settlement Services Provider (SSP) for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Systems that record both exempt supply and licensed supply through the addition of a new Party Agent role, the Exempt Supply Notification Agent.
P454 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification would remove the existing requirement within BSC Section V ‘Reporting’ (and facilitate potential future changes as explained in the report) for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) to provide BMR Service (BMRS) data via the legacy on premise High Grade Service, otherwise referred to as the TIBCO service. This will align with the principle to make the BSC technology and vendor agnostic while not imposing infrastructure or vendor-tied solution to BSC Parties.
P456 Report Phase Consultation
Removing barriers in BSC Section E that would prevent Elexon updating BSC Agent contracts, therefore enabling BSC Agents to use Technology Services procured by Elexon. This should reduce costs for BSC Parties.
Informal Consultation on the BSC changes needed to enable Elexon’s ownership change
Elexon were seeking views from industry on the proposed changes to the BSC to enable Elexon’s ownership change, as part of a process led by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and Ofgem. The purpose of this informal consultation was to confirm that the proposed changes to the BSC meet the policy intent, as published by DESNZ and Ofgem.
This consultation was running in tandem with an Ofgem consultation on new electricity supply and generation licence conditions to implement the new ownership arrangements for Elexon.
P451 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P451 seeks to facilitate the implementation of NGESO’s new approach to Black Start, termed System Restoration. In doing so, it proposes to update all BSC references to “Black Start” to “System Restoration”, and enable contracted Restoration Service Providers who are non-BSC parties to claim BSC Black Start compensation.
P460 Report Phase Consultation
BSC Section C ‘BSCCo and its Subsidiaries’ states that BSCCo has a responsibility to propose, consult on and obtain approval for a MHHS Migration Plan. However, responsibility for Migration activities sits with the MHHS System Integration (SI) function. Therefore it would be a more efficient use of resource for the MHHSP to create, consult on and obtain approval for the migration plan.
P457 Report Phase Consultation
BSC Section H ‘General’ sets out dispute resolution procedures that allows Market Participants to undertake arbitration pursuant to the arbitration rules of the Electricity Arbitration Association if required. However, the EAA has not been used by a Market Participant since its inception in 1993 and does not provide good value for money for BSC Parties as monthly payments are required, irrespective of whether there are any disputes to consider.
P458 Report Phase Consultation
The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), specifically in the context of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) testing. The current BSC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection provisions were not designed to allow the sharing of personal information, which has now become necessary for the planned MHHS testing.
Issue 107: Consultation on Confirmation Notices
The Issue 107 Workgroup are seeking views from Trading Parties on its two preferred invoicing options.
Issue 101: Consultation on the framework for the enduring DIP governance, funding and operation
This consultation invites potential Data Integration Platform (DIP) users and other interested parties to provide their views on the proposed framework for the enduring governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform (DIP).
P453 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to progress two recommendations from Issue 93 ‘Review of the BSC metering Codes of Practice’.
P415 & P444 Report Phase Consultations
P415 seeks to amend the BSC to allow Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs) to participate in the GB wholesale market.
The P444 solution seeks to introduce compensation for Suppliers and Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs) for volumes adjusted by VLPs in the Balancing Mechanism.
P443 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to limit the exposure of all GB parties, including consumers, to extreme prices because of tight margins across the European energy markets. The proposed solution is to cap the price that enters the BSC Imbalance Price calculation at the Value of Lost Load (VoLL – currently £6,000/MWh), for Interconnector actions only. VoLL under the BSC represents the value to customers of unsupplied energy. National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) would still be able to take Interconnector actions it deems necessary, but these would be capped in the Imbalance Price calculation where the relevant actions exceed VoLL.
P452 Urgent Modification Consultation on Energy Bill Discount Scheme
This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to act as the payment provider for the Government’s Energy Bill Discount Scheme for non-domestic electricity customers. This scheme will replace the existing Energy Bill Relief (EBR) Scheme.
Mini-consultation on the future of the SVA Data Catalogue, the User Requirements Specifications and BSC guidance documents
We are seeking views from interested parties on the future of certain BSC Document types. Specifically, the SVA Data Catalogue, the User Requirements Specifications, Guidance Notes and Simple Guides.
In this exploratory consultation, we outline options for the future of each of these document types. We will use the results from this consultation to inform what changes to make to these document types. Please provide your responses using this form.
P443 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P443 seeks to limit the exposure of all GB parties, including consumers, to extreme prices because of tight margins across the European energy markets.
P444 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification would amend BSC systems and processes to introduce a compensation mechanism for Suppliers and VLPs when a VLP takes a Bid or Offer in the BM, to ensure a level playing field and enable correct incentivisation of flexibility.
P449 Urgent Modification Consultation on Energy Bill Relief Scheme
This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to act as the payment provider for the Government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non-domestic electricity customers. The intention of the subsidy would be to reduce non-domestic consumer tariffs in light of the recent rises in energy costs.
P448 Urgent EBGL Consultation
This Modification would enable Generators to continue generating during a Network Gas Supply Emergency, if it occurs.
The proposed solution would require changes to below BSC documents to create a mechanism in the BSC that allows Load Shedding instructions issued during a Stage 2+ Network Gas Supply Emergency to be treated as Accepted Bids for BSC purposes. The generator will be protected from BSC Imbalance Charges if the Load Shedding prevents them from delivering contracted positions agreed prior to receipt of the Load Shedding instruction:
- BSC Sections B, G, M, Q, T and X;
- Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure (BSCP)18;
- Interface Definition and Design (IDD) Part 2 Document;
- Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) Service Description; and
- Settlement Administration Agent User Requirements Specification.
P434 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification will require a period of mandatory Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) activity for all Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Metering Systems to complete before the Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) migration to the Target Operating Model (Milestone 11 (M11) in the MHHS Timetable). At the time of writing, this would need to complete by October 2024. It will also require all new UMS connections to be settled Half Hourly (HH) from 12 months prior to M11, currently October 2023.
P432 Send Back Consultation
This Modification proposes to align the BSC definition of an Advanced Meter with that in the Standard License Conditions (SLC) and to set explicit Half Hourly (HH) Settlement obligations for Current Transformer (CT) Advanced Meters ahead of the migration to Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
P448 Urgent Modification Consultation
This Modification would enable Generators to continue generating during a Network Gas Supply Emergency, if it occurs.
P447 Urgent Modification Consultation
This Modification would prevent negative impacts to the cash-out price if NGESO’s Winter Contingency service is used.
P446 Urgent Modification Consultation
This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to implement and administer the payment scheme for Suppliers as part of the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) scheme for domestic electricity customers. The intention of the subsidy would be to reduce consumer tariffs in light of the recent rises in energy costs.
P437 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification proposes to introduce a provision in Section L ‘Metering’ to allow the relevant Meter Operator Agent to apply for Metering Dispensations on behalf of a non-BSC Party.
The solution will see non-BSC Parties being able to request Metering Dispensations for the relevant MOA (Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) for SVA sites, Central Volume Allocation (CVA) for CVA sites) to apply on their behalf.
P445 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to allow the Funds Administration Agent (FAA) to process a Default Funding Share for unpaid Trading Charges earlier to reduce the cost of the borrowing facility and reduce the risk of shortfall. The Modification will also allow the Panel to instruct the FAA to release Trading Charges where the default relates to an Energy Supply Company Administration (ESCA).
P425 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification aims to reduce the requirement from two or more Suppliers, to one or more Suppliers, to be involved in a Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Arrangement.
This would allow multiple Suppliers to continue facilitating Shared SVA Metering Arrangements, while also allowing a single Supplier to make use of such an arrangement.
P427 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to amend BSC Section Z to allow the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to recommend that the Panel publish notices to industry in respect of Performance Assurance Parties’ (PAPs’) contribution to Settlement Risk along with relevant risk data.
This will increase the effectiveness of all detective and investigative Performance Assurance Techniques (PATs) including Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) through greater incentives. Improved efficiency of Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) with swifter resolution rates to EFR plans and any other significant issues that impact Settlement is expected.
- BSC Section Z – Performance Assurance
July 2022 CPC
The July 2022 CPC batch contains the consultations for CP1565 ‘Updating BSCP520 to address operational issues in the Central Management System’ and CP1566 ‘Introducing the CVA Commissioning End to End Check (CEEC) process’
P437 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P437 will amend BSC Section L ‘Metering’ and BSCP32 ‘Metering Dispensations’ to permit BSCCo (Elexon) to submit a Metering Dispensation application on request from a party, other than the Registrant of the applicable Metering System for new connections.
The incoming Registrant of the applicable new connections site will be notified by Elexon of any Metering Dispensation. Registrants will also be able to check for any Metering Dispensation on the existing Statement of Site Specific Dispensation and Generic Metering Dispensation log.
P434 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification will require a period of mandatory Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) activity for all Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Metering Systems running from October 2023 to October 2024. It will also require all new UMS connections to be settled Half Hourly (HH) from October 2023.
If the transition for NHH UMS Metering Systems is not brought forward, combined with the workload from other MHHS activities, It will significantly increase the risk that there will be insufficient time for Customers, Suppliers and UMSOs to address any issues that may arise with the transition to the MHHS Target Operating Model.
P432 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification proposes to align the BSC definition of an Advanced Meter with that in the Standard License Conditions (SLC) and to set explicit Half Hourly (HH) Settlement obligations for Current Transformer (CT) Advanced Meters ahead of the migration to Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) requires that all Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) are settled on a Half Hourly (HH) basis and moved to the MHHS Target Operating Model. The Code Change and Development Group (CCDG) has recommended moving Current Transformer (CT) Advanced Meters to settle HH by October 2023 in its consultation on the Transition Approach for MHHS. If this recommendation is not implemented the risk is that there will be insufficient time for Customers, Suppliers and their Agents to address issues that may arise will be increased, especially against the backdrop of the larger MHHS migration activities that will be needed for smart Meters.
- Inconsistent definitions of Advanced meter in the BSC versus Electricity Supply Standard Licence Conditions; and
- The risk of not meeting MHHS Transition Timetable leading to Settlement errors.
P432 seeks to align the BSC definition of an Advanced Meter with that in the SLC and to set explicit HH Settlement obligations for CT Advanced Meters ahead of the migration to MHHS. Existing CT Advanced Meters settling NHH are expected to migrate using the Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) process to settle HH by October 2023 and all new connections for CT Advanced Meters will be expected to settle HH from October 2022. Any opt-out/in rights for customers under the SLC are reflected in the P432 solution.
Issue 99 consultation: Industry’s view on the value of the D0215 data flow
The Issue 99 Group has issued a RFI to understand the value of the D0215 data flow.
P427 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P427 seeks to allow the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to recommend that the Panel publish notices to industry in respect of Performance Assurance Parties’ (PAPs’) contribution to Settlement Risk along with relevant risk data.
P440 Report Phase Consultation
The BSC does not currently allow Elexon to undertake administrative activities that would support the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG). This does not align to Ofgem’s decision to appoint Elexon to undertake the CMAG administrative activities on its behalf.
This Modification should enable Elexon as the BSCCo to conduct the administrative process work for the CMAG, on a not for profit basis, that Ofgem is awarding to Elexon (subject to this Modification) per its decision dated 9 May 2022.
Elexon shall:
- be required by the BSC to create, maintain and operate the CMAG processes in support of the Change Process for the Capacity Market Rules guidance, that Ofgem publishes;
- be accountable to Ofgem rather than the BSC Panel for operating and maintaining (including changing) the CMAG processes; and
- recover its costs for the administrative work from BSC Parties in proportion to their market share through the main funding share.
P438 Urgent Modification Consultation
This Modification would allow Elexon to seamlessly give effect to sanction orders.
P395 Report Phase Consultation
P395 proposes to amend BSC systems and processes so that the SAA-I042 ‘BM Unit Gross Demand Report’ only includes electricity ‘supplied’ to premises by licensed Suppliers, and therefore excludes electricity imported by Generators operated by a licensee for generation activities (i.e. those activities authorised by their generation licence to carry on).
P439 Authority Led SCR Modification Consultation
P439 makes changes to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to enable Elexon, in its capacity as the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation Manager, to develop the Event Driven Architecture (EDA) based system for MHHS, which will be known as the Data Integration Platform (DIP).
P415 Cost Benefit Analysis Consultation
CEPA and Elexon have issued a Call for Evidence to gather stakeholder views on the potential benefits, costs and other impacts of implementing P415.
P432 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification proposes to align the BSC definition of an Advanced Meter with that in the Standard License Conditions (SLC) and to set explicit Half Hourly (HH) Settlement obligations for Current Transformer (CT) Advanced Meters ahead of the migration to Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
P425 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification aims to reduce the requirement from two or more Suppliers, to one or more Suppliers, to be involved in a Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Arrangement.
CP1559 Assessment Consultation
This Change Proposal will deliver improvements to the Complex Sites process.
CP1561 Assessment Consultation
CP1561 looks to update the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Catalogue Volume 1 and 2 to include the approved data flows and data items from CP1546.
CP1562 Assessment Consultation
CP1562 seeks to update the NETA Interface Definition Documents Part 1 and 2 that were approved under P375, to provide clarity to the relevant Parties that make use of the document.
P395 Assessment Procedure Consultation
Amending the BM Unit Gross Demand Report to the EMRS to include electricity ‘supplied’ to premises by Suppliers, correctly excluding electricity imported by Generators or Battery Storage facilities operated by a licensee for generation activities, for use in calculating FCL in accordance with BEIS regulations.
P436 Report Phase Consultation
Ofgem’s Switching Significant Code Review (SCR) will introduce the new Central Switching Service (CSS) and version 3.0 of the Retail Energy Code (REC 3.0). P436 progresses the consequential BSC changes needed to align with REC 3.0.
P435 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to enable EMRS to undertake the necessary preparatory work for potential future settlement services to LCCC.
P419 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification seeks to enable BSC Systems to aggregate the Import data of all non-Final Demand sites for exclusion from Balancing Services and Use of System (BSUoS) charges.
P421 Revised Implementation Date Consultation
At the Panel meeting on 9 December 2021, Ofgem noted that there was a risk that they will be unable to make a decision on P421 by 3 February 2021, which is required to meet the standard February 2022 Release. Were this to happen, P421 would ‘time-out’ and be closed.
To mitigate this risk the Panel requested a revised Implementation Date for P421 (in accordance with Section F2.11.18).
P431 Report Phase Consultation
As a result of the UK leaving the EU, Great Britain (GB) is no longer part of the Internal Energy Market and updates are required to the BSC to ensure that the legal text appropriately reflects these changes.
P433 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P433 ‘Updating the P375 legal text to align with the post-P420 BSC Baseline’.
- P433: Updating the P375 legal text to align with the post-P420 BSC Baseline
P433 would amend a small amount of the legal text approved under P375 without changing its intent to resolve the conflicts with the post-P420 BSC Baseline and allow the effective implementation of P375 on 30 June 2022.
Issue 93 consultation: cease using Codes of Practice 6 to 9
As part of Issue 93 we are aiming to consolidate the Codes of Practice (CoPs) into one document. The Issue Group believes this will remove any inconsistencies between the CoPs and provide an easier experience for participants using and interpreting the CoPs.
P428 Report Phase Consultation
Under the current approved P376 solution, VLPs with BM Units that have not been registered as a ‘Baselined BM Unit’ would be required to specify the ‘Inactive’ status of a non-baselined BM Unit. It is Elexon’s view that this new requirement was not intended, is expected to increase both system development costs associated with P376 as well as on-going operational costs for VLPs. This current requirement is not necessary, adds no value and does not better facilitate any of the Applicable BSC Objectives. The Proposer of P376 agrees that allowing non-baselined BM Units would cause a problem and suggested disallowing this functionality.
P429 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P429 ‘Switching off Participant-Reported PARMS Serials’.
P429 would permanently cease the operation of, and remove the obligations associated with, participant-reported Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Serials and associated Supplier Charges.
P419 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P419 ‘Enhanced Reporting of Demand Data to the NETSO to facilitate BSUoS Reform’.
This Modification seeks to expand the systems and processes introduced by P383 ‘Enhanced reporting of demand data to the NETSO to facilitate CUSC Modifications CMP280 and CMP281’ to allow eligible facilities to declare exemption from BSUoS charges and provide NGESO with aggregated Non-Final Demand data.
P332 Report Phase Consultation: Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P332 ‘Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle’.
This Modification seeks to address issues associated with customer preferred Supplier Agents. The proposed solution is a side letter between Elexon and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Data Collectors (DCs) which will enable a Supplier who does not have a direct contract with the DC to enforce, as a last resort, the side letter as a proxy contract, to ensure that BSC obligations are met. The proposed solution will now apply to SVA DCs only as SVA Meter Operator governance will move from the BSC to the Retail Energy Code (REC) from 1 September 2021 as part of Retail Code Consolidation (RCC).
P421 ‘Align the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0144 for TERRE Market Suspension’
This Modification aligns the BSC with the provisions introduced into the Grid Code under GC0144 ‘Alignment of Market Suspension Rights to the EU Emergency and Restoration Code Article 35.1(b)’
P332 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P332 ‘Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle’.
This Modification seeks to address issues associated with customer preferred Supplier Agents. The proposed solution is a side letter between Elexon and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Data Collectors (DCs) which will enable a Supplier who does not have a direct contract with the DC to enforce, as a last resort, the side letter as a proxy contract, to ensure that BSC obligations are met. The proposed solution will now apply to SVA DCs only as SVA Meter Operator governance will move from the BSC to the Retail Energy Code (REC) from 1 September 2021 as part of Retail Code Consolidation (RCC).
P422 ‘Reflecting NCER Rules in the BSC’
This Modification will update the BSC to ensure it accurately reflects the BSC provisions constituting the network code on electricity emergency and restoration (NCER) Rules in the mapping for the European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EBGL) Article 18 Terms and Conditions. Both the EBGL and the NCER were incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 following the UK-EU transition period.
P416 Report Phase Consultation
We have issued P416 ‘Introducing a route of appeal for the Annual Budget in line with the proposals for the Retail Energy Code’ for Report Phase Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 3 June 2021.
P416 seeks to amend the BSC to include an appeals mechanism to Ofgem that could be used to challenge items in the Annual Budget in line with the appeals mechanism detailed in proposals for the Retail Energy Code (REC).
The Proposed Solution contains the following key features:
- Any BSC Party can raise an appeal against an Annual Budget line item within 10 WDs of the BSCCo Board issuing approval of the Annual Budget
- Provisions to allow the Authority to respond to appeals by referring individual items back to the Board for reconsideration, powers to change costings or remove individual items from the Annual Budget, and powers to dismiss appeals that are trivial or vexatious or has no reasonable prospect of success.
- Provisions to stop all of part of spend against appealed Annual Budget line items if specified conditions are met.
P420 Authority Led SCR Modification Consultation
We have issued P420 ‘Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review’ for Industry Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 17 June 2021.
P420 seeks to ensure the BSC aligns with Ofgem’s Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review, which consolidates a number of existing codes into the REC. The proposed changes have a direct impact on the BSC in terms of the transfer of the SVA Metering arrangements from the BSC to the REC and cross-code change procedures, as well as consequential changes reflecting the close down of the MRA.
P420 makes the necessary changes to reflect the code governance changes implemented through the Retail Code Consolidation SCR. Specifically, it will:
- Ensure the BSC reflects the close down of the MRA.
- Transfer operational procedures relating to Metering Point Lifecycle from the MRA to the BSC.
- Make the necessary changes to transfer SVA Metering arrangements to the REC, and facilitate a transition period for metering assurance.
- Insert the required drafting to give effect to the CCSG, which will be established under the REC to better facilitate cross-code change
P416 Assessment Procedure Consultation
We have issued P416 ‘Introducing a route of appeal for the Annual Budget in line with the proposals for the Retail Energy Code’ for Assessment Procedure Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 22 April 2021.
P416 seeks to amend the BSC to include an appeals mechanism to Ofgem that could be used to challenge items in the Annual Budget in line with the appeals mechanism detailed in proposals for the Retail Energy Code (REC).
The Proposed Solution contains the following key features:
- Any BSC Party can raise an appeal against an Annual Budget line item within 10 WDs of the BSCCo Board issuing approval of the Annual Budget
- Provisions to allow the Authority to respond to appeals by referring individual items back to the Board for reconsideration, powers to change costings or remove individual items from the Annual Budget, and powers to dismiss appeals that are trivial or vexatious or have no reasonable prospect of success.
- Provisions to stop all of part of spend against appealed Annual Budget line items if specified conditions are met.
P376 Report Phase Consultation
Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications for Settlement of Applicable Balancing Services
P402 Report Phase Consultation
We have issued P402 ‘Enabling reform of residual network charging as directed by the Targeted Charging Review’ for Report Phase Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 5pm on Monday 1 March 2021.
The P402 Proposed Solution will introduce new reporting requirements on LDSOs and BSCCo that will ensure the provision of data to enable the NETSO to set TNUoS demand residual tariffs and enable accurate billing of subsequent charges. To ensure that NETSO receives the data it requires, P402 introduces processes that require the provision, consolidation and validation of three types of data to NETSO (Monthly Billing data, Annual Tariff Setting data and Unmetered Supplies (UMS) data), the creation of two new reports to NETSO and an update to the P0210 ‘TNUoS Report’.
Under the Proposed Solution, new requirements will be introduced on Licenced Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) to send reports to Elexon (as the BSCCo) and on BSCCo to aggregate this data and report to National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). This will impact LDSOs, NETSO and BSC systems and processes.
The P402 Alternative Solution sees LDSOs compiling this data themselves, sending it directly to National Grid and so not to relying on BSCCo or BSC Systems and Agents for these purposes.
The Alternative Solution will introduce new requirements on LDSOs to send reports to NETSO. This will impact LDSOs and NETSO and will not require any changes to BSC Systems – however BSCCo will provide support to Parties as part of Business as Usual.
The BSC Panel initially recommends that the P402 Alternative Modification should be approved and that the P402 Proposed Modification should be rejected
We invite you to respond to this Report Phase Consultation to provide your views on the Panel’s initial recommendations for P402.
Please send your response to [email protected] using the form attached to the consultation by 5pm on Monday 1 March 2021.
Please note that this is your final opportunity to comment on this Modification.
P413 Report Phase Consultation
We have issued P413 ‘Enable Elexon to be the Programme Manager for the implementation of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement’ for Report Phase Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 1 March 2021 .
P413 will enable Elexon to provide Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation Management services under the BSC, as the BSC Company (BSCCo), where Ofgem determines that Elexon shall provide some or all of these services. Elexon may also appoint a MHHS Implementation Assurance Provider, depending on Ofgem’s preference.
Under the Proposed Modification, Elexon’s costs in providing MHHS Implementation Management services will be recovered from BSC Trading Parties by market share through the BSC’s existing Main Funding Share mechanism.
Under the Alternative Modification, the costs will be recovered solely from Suppliers by market share through a new Specified BSC Charge.
P413 will also enable Elexon to participate in any competitive tender exercise used to appoint MHHS Implementation Management services. Any Elexon bid costs will be recovered from BSC Trading Parties through the Main Funding Share, but subject to a cap.
P376 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P376 ‘Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications’ proposes to allow the Final Physical Notification which feeds into the Settlement of Trading Charges to be created via a Baselining Methodology. The new Physical Notification will be de-coupled from the Physical Notification used by National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) for dispatch. This change will allow Balancing Service Providers to be fully recompensed for their actual change from normal usage and the impact this change has on the system, thus enabling greater participation.
P417 Report Phase Consultation
A Modification is required to remove the templates in annexes M1 – M4 in Section M ‘Credit Cover and Credit Default’ and replace them with a requirement for the BSC Panel approved templates and Approved Insurance Product requirements to be published on the BSC Website. Subsequently, the Letter of Credit templates previously approved by the Panel in their meeting on April 2020 shall become the only Letter of Credit templates to be used and published on the Elexon website.
P418 Report Phase Consultation
P418 aims to ensure the Legal Text for approved BSC Modification P383 properly reflects the approved solution, business requirements, and is aligned with the BSC baseline introduced by P344, P354 and P388. In particular, it will clarify that the solution being delivered by P383 is applicable to both Supplier Base Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units and Additional BM Units.
P413 Assessment Procedure Consultation
We have issued P413 ‘Enable Elexon to be the Programme Manager for the implementation of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement’ for Assessment Procedure Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 15 January 2021 .
P413 will require Elexon to provide Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation Management services under the BSC, as the BSC Company (BSCCo), where Ofgem determines that Elexon shall provide some or all of these services. These services may include activities and responsibilities relating to MHHS programme management, system integration and programme party co-ordination (or any part of these). Elexon may also appoint a MHHS Implementation Assurance Provider, depending on Ofgem’s preference.
Under the Proposed Modification, Elexon’s costs in providing MHHS Implementation Management services will be recovered from BSC Trading Parties by market share (through the BSC’s existing Main Funding Share mechanism). The Workgroup also seeks views on a potential Alternative Modification that would recover these costs solely from Suppliers by market share (through a new Specified BSC Charge).
P413 will enable Elexon to participate in any competitive tender exercise used to appoint MHHS Implementation Management services. Any Elexon bid costs will be recovered from BSC Trading Parties through the Main Funding Share, but will be subject to a cap.
P399 – Report Phase Consultation v2.0
We are re-issuing P399 for Report Phase Consultation as new material information in relation to the solution was provided in the first Report Phase Consultation. The ESO response identified that the cost for including the ‘tendered status’ filed will now cost an additional £350k-500k. The Workgroup have decided to keep the tendered status in the solution, but in light of this material increase in cost are re-issuing P399 for consultation.
Following the introduction of P392 ‘Amending BSC Change Process for EBGL Article 18’ in June 2020, all BSC Modifications must now consider the impact on the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions for balancing. This requires that the Workgroup is reconvened, where there have been any representations that may require the Modification Proposal to be amended. The Workgroup must then decide whether to amend, or not, the solution and where it is amended re-consult.
P402 Second Assessment Procedure Consultation
We have issued P402 ‘Enabling reform of residual network charging as directed by the Targeted Charging Review’ for Assessment Procedure Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by Tuesday 27 October 2020.
The purpose of this second P402 Assessment Procedure Consultation is to invite BSC Parties and other interested parties to provide their views on the merits of the P402 Proposed and Alternative Solutions. In particular, the Workgroup seeks your views on the Alternative Modification Proposal, which was raised by the Workgroup in response to the first Assessment Procedure Consultation. The P402 Workgroup will then discuss the consultation responses, before making a recommendation to the BSC Panel at its meeting on 16 January 2020 on whether or not to approve P402.
P402 will introduce new reporting requirements on LDSOs and BSCCo that will ensure the provision of data to enable the NETSO to set TNUoS demand residual tariffs and enable accurate billing of subsequent charges.
Please send your response to [email protected] using the form attached to the consultation by Tuesday 15 December 2020.
P379 Cost Benefit Analysis Consultation
We have issued P379 ‘Multiple Suppliers through Meter Splitting’ for Cost Benefit Analysis Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by Friday 15 January 2021.
P379 will enable consumers to be supplied by multiple Suppliers through Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Settlement Meters at the Boundary Point. P379 will allow multiple Suppliers to compete for the supply or export of electricity through a single Meter without needing to establish an agreement between all of the Suppliers involved for every instance.
We invite you to respond to this Assessment Procedure Consultation to provide your views on the expected costs and benefits of P379.
Please send your response to [email protected] using the form attached to the consultation by Friday 22 January 2021.
P414 Report Phase Consultation
P414 ‘Allowing a Party to Withdraw from the BSC and transfer outstanding liabilities to another Party’ seeks to improve the BSC exit arrangements. It will allow a BSC Party to withdraw from the Code as soon as practicable after serving a notice of withdrawal provided that all liabilities under the Code are satisfied or transferred to another BSC Party through a transfer of its BSC party ID to that legal entity.
P375 – Report Phase Consultation
P375 proposes using Metering Equipment ‘behind’ the defined Boundary Point for Balancing Services (‘behind the Meter’), for Settlement purposes rather than the Boundary Point Meter.
This will allow balancing-related services on-site to be separated from imbalance-related activities, more accurately reflecting the balancing-energy volumes provided by the Balancing Service Provider (BSP).
P402 Assessment Procedure Consulation
We have issued P402 ‘Enabling reform of residual network charging as directed by the Targeted Charging Review’ for Assessment Procedure Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by Tuesday 27 October 2020.
P402 will introduce new reporting requirements on LDSOs and BSCCo that will ensure the provision of data to enable the NETSO to set TNUoS demand residual tariffs and enable accurate billing of subsequent charges. To ensure that NETSO receives the data it requires, P402 introduces processes that require the provision, consolidation and validation of three types of data to NETSO (Monthly Billing data, Annual Tariff Setting data and Unmetered Supplies (UMS) data), the creation of two new reports to NETSO and an update to the P0210 ‘TNUoS Report’.
We invite you to respond to this Assessment Procedure Consultation to provide your views on the Workgroup’s initial recommendations for P402.
Please send your response to [email protected] using the form attached to the consultation by Tuesday 27 October 2020.
Issue 88 Request For Information
The provision of this information will inform the Issue 88 Workgroup of the industry’s current understanding of Complex Site arrangements in relation to netting of Import/Export volumes and estimation techniques.
CP1535 Implementation Date Consultation
Consultation on bringing forward the CP1535 Implementation Date from 1 April 2021 to 3 December 2020 due to the further delay of TERRE go-live.
P398 Assessment Phase Consultation
In June 2019 the Energy Data Task Force (EDTF) published its report ‘A Strategy for a Modern Digitalised Energy System’. One of its recommendations was that the energy sector should ‘adopt the principle that Energy System Data should be Presumed Open’. The EDTF report recommends that BEIS and/or Ofgem should use legislative and regulatory powers to achieve this recommendation.
The BSC does not fully adhere to open data principles however, by taking action now, we can remain at the forefront of industry development and will be able to create the precedence for industry to follow/emulate.
P398 proposes amending the BSC so that all data is assumed open unless there is a reason otherwise. The Panel (or delegated Sub-Committee) will determine if there is any reason not to make data available. This will be done based on a transparent process of triage and categorisation. In the longer term, we will look at an IT solution to make accessing BSC data even easier than having to make a formal request for release/publication.
P375 Assessment Phase Consultation
P375 proposes using Metering Equipment ‘behind’ the defined Boundary Point for Balancing Services (‘behind the Meter’), for Settlement purposes rather than the Boundary Point Meter.
This will allow balancing-related services on-site to be separated from imbalance-related activities, more accurately reflecting the balancing-energy volumes provided by the Balancing Service Provider (BSP).
P375 arose from Issue 70 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering at the asset’.
P399 – Assessment Procedure Consultation
P399 seeks to include additional information in the Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) to identify the assets involved in bilateral trades.
Currently, each Balancing Adjustment Action taken outside the Balancing Mechanism is reported with a unique sequential number. The Proposer contends that this does not identify the counterparty to the bilateral trade and creates an information advantage to those counterparties, reducing transparency in the operation of the system creating a barrier to effective competition.
P397 Report Phase Consultation v2.0
P397 seeks to introduce a mechanism through which the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) determines whether Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs), the National Electricicty Transmission System Operator (NETSO), certain Party Agents and BSC Agents, and BSCCo should carry out the Settlement Adjustment Processes following a DCE. BSCCo would determine the nature of the DCE and, where necessary, determine and compare the costs and value of the DCE in order to determine whether the value of carrying out the Settlement Adjustment Processes outweigh the costs.
P411 Report Phase Consultation
Responses to the P411 Report Phase Consultation are invited by 29 July 2020.
P408 Report Phase Consultation
P408 will align with Grid Code Modification GC0130 to publish new and amended Output usable data on BMRS.
Issue 89 Request for Information
The BSC Panel has asked Elexon to provide analysis on the cost and effort related to the DCE that occurred on 9 August 2019 (DCE00201). We are looking specifically at those costs incurred by parties, both direct and indirect, associated with the SAP that are required to be carried out to ensure Settlement is accurately calculated for the Settlement Periods impacted by the DCE. This analysis is being carried out for Issue 89 and P397.
The provision of this information is critical to meet the aim of Issue 89, to ensure the SAP is fit for purpose, and the aim for P397, to only run the SAP when the benefits outweigh the costs. Moreover, the provision of this information is needed to meet the Ofgem request in relation to P397. Your help and support in this matter is appreciated.
P390 Report Phase Consultation
The BSC restricts the activities of Elexon and in the absence of a specific Modification any additional activities cannot be pursued by Elexon (even when those activities would be of benefit to BSC Parties, industry generally and/or the consumer).
In the past specific Modifications have been necessary which have enabled Elexon to provide the Warm Homes Discount Reconciliation service, EMR settlement, and to participate in gas performance assurance framework and REC manager appointment processes.
Such individual Modifications to extend Elexon’s vires are time consuming and can be an unnecessary distraction for industry. They can also result in Elexon being unable to pursue an opportunity within a required timeframe.
P390 seeks to introduce a framework into the BSC that allows the Elexon Board to determine whether Elexon can undertake additional activities provided certain conditions are met and with consent of the Authority
All of the conditions introduced in previous Modifications to Elexon’s vires, P330 ‘Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role’ and P365 ‘Enabling Elexon to tender for the Retail Energy Code (REC)’ are included, plus some additional conditions to safeguard the interests of BSC Parties.
Following closure of the Report Phase Consultation on 29 April, the Draft Modification Report will be presented to the BSC Panel on 14 May 2020.
P405 Report Phase Consultation
P405 will allow notices that the BSC currently requires to be sent by post or fax to be sent by email. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not currently practical to use post or fax. More generally, it is now accepted and more efficient to send notices via email.
P406 Report Phase Consultation
In order to support Suppliers through the COVID-19 pandemic, P406 seeks to set SP08a, SP08b, SP08c and SP04 Serials to £0 for all Suppliers from the March 2020 PARMS reporting period, until further notice.
Supplier Charges are to be reinstated by the BSC Panel after a period of suspension following any changes to Government guidelines and restrictions, and a three month notice period will be provided.
At its meeting on Thursday 9 April 2020, the BSC Panel requested that Ofgem treat P406 as Urgent in order that the solution (subject to subsequent approval) can capture the March 2020 Supplier Charges period, the first period impacted by COVID-19.
P403: BSC Arrangements in the event that the TERRE Market is suspended by National Grid ESO
This Modification will change the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to align with the existing Grid Code Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) market suspension arrangements and support National Grid Electricity System Operator’s (NGESO) Market Suspension Rules proposal; mandated by the European regulations ‘Network Code on Electricity Emergency and Restoration’ (NCER) and ‘Establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SOGL). P403 will provide Market Participants clarity on how the BSC arrangements will operate in the event that the TERRE Market arrangements are suspended
P404 ‘Moving the SAD to a Category 3 BSC Configurable Item’
P404 aims to move Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure BSCP537 Appendices 1 ‘Self Assessment Document’, 2 ‘Testing Requirements’ and 3 ‘Guidance Notes on completing the SAD’ to a new Category 3 BSC Configurable Item.
This will facilitate quicker change to the Self Assessment Document (SAD) and its supporting documentation, with the new Category 3 BSC Configurable Item being owned and managed by the Performance Assurance Board (PAB).
P392 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification will ensure the process and responsibilities for amending BSC provisions constituting EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions reflect delegations made by NGESO in favor of the BSCCo and BSC Panel, to ensure a unified market change process. These changes are necessary to ensure the EBGL change process is followed as part of the existing BSC Change process, for all future BSC Modifications that impact the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions found in the BSC.
P400 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation is in regards to allowing the BSC Panel to make decisions on Modifications Business via tele/video conference.
Currently, paragraph 4.4.7 of BSC Section B explicitly prevents the Panel from conducting Modification Business by tele/video conference except in the case of Urgent Modification Proposals. This is overly restrictive and could, in the event that a quorum of Panel Members or their Alternates cannot physically attend a Panel meeting, could delay or halt the progression of BSC Change.
This consultation allows you to have your say regarding the proposed changes.
P401 Report Phase Consultation
P401 looks to clarify the governance arrangements for BSC Panel Alternates in respect of their contribution to quoracy and voting at BSC Panel meetings. This will help to address ambiguity within the existing arrangements.
This consultation allows you to have your say regarding the proposed changes.
P390 Assessment Procedure Consultation
The BSC restricts the activities of Elexon and in the absence of a specific Modification any additional activities cannot be pursued by Elexon (even when those activities would be of benefit to BSC Parties, industry generally and/or the consumer).
In the past specific Modifications have been necessary which have enabled Elexon to provide the Warm Homes Discount Reconciliation service, EMR settlement, and to participate in gas performance assurance framework and REC manager appointment processes.
Such individual Modifications to extend Elexon’s vires are time consuming and can be an unnecessary distraction for industry. They can also result in Elexon being unable to pursue an opportunity within a required timeframe.
P390 seeks to introduce a framework into the BSC that allows the Elexon Board to determine whether Elexon can undertake additional activities provided certain conditions are met.
All of the conditions introduced in previous Modifications to Elexon’s vires, P330 ‘Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role’ and P365 ‘Enabling Elexon to tender for the Retail Energy Code (REC)’ are included, plus some additional conditions to safeguard the interests of BSC Parties.
P396 Report Phase Consultation
P396 seeks to exclude Interconnector Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units from the Main Funding Share and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) (Production) Funding Share Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Charges, in order to better facilitate the EU Third Package.
P397 Report Phase Consultation
P397 seeks to introduce a mechanism through which the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) determines whether Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs), the National Electricicty Transmission System Operator (NETSO), certain Party Agents and BSC Agents, and BSCCo should carry out the Settlement Adjustment Processes following a demand control event (DCE). BSCCo would determine the nature of the DCE and, where necessary, determine and compare the costs and value of the DCE in order to determine whether the value of carrying out the Settlement Adjustment Processes outweigh the costs.
P385 Report Phase Consultation
P385 proposes to amend BSC Section H in such a manner as to introduce new Events of Default and simplify and reduce the periods after which an Event of Default is triggered.
P394 Report Phase Consultation
P394 proposes to remove text relating to unused or expired provisions from the BSC.
P393 Report Phase Consultation
P393 seeks to set Supplier Charge SP01 to zero in BSC Section S Annex S-1
Further information and detail can be found on the P393 webpage.
P375 and P376 Request For Information
We are requesting data on balancing services provided by assets. We will use this data to conduct analysis into the suitability of some known baseline methodologies, used in other markets, to demonstrate that the solution can produce accurate figures that will not pose a risk to the integrity of Settlement.
Without this data, the P376 Workgroup will be unable to assess the suitability of baselines using GB specific data. It will be used by P375 to help demonstrate the independence of assets.
Data provided under this Request for Information will be anonymised to protect confidentiality.
P391 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification proposes to amend the BSC to expand the scope of the TAM technique to allow for Desktop Audits to act as a supplement to existing on-site Inspection Visits.
By amending the BSC and BSC Systems (namely the TAAMT) to facilitate Desktop Audits, Elexon can provide a flexible, pragmatic and cost-effective addition to onsite Inspection Visits. To facilitate the solution, Section L and BSCP27 will be amended to describe the high-level obligations and process detail for the undertaking of Desktop Audits respectively, while definitions of a Desktop Audit and On-Site Inspection will be introduced to Annex X-1.
Listen to our podcast to find out more about the Desktop Audit modification.
P383 Report Phase Consultation
This Modification is intended to enable the aggregation of specific Metering Systems’ metered data for network charging purposes, i.e. to support the operation of CUSC Modification Proposals CMP280 and CMP281. This Modification will introduce processes explaining how Suppliers, Half Hourly Data Aggregators (HHDAs) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) participate in the aggregation and reporting of storage facilities’ Metering Systems’ metered data and enable the BSC Panel and BSCCo to perform assurance activities in relation to the aggregation of this data.
P374 Report Phase Consultation
P374 seeks to ensure that the BSC is aligned with the European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EBGL – Regulation 2017/2195) derogation and change process by ensuring that:
- BSC Modifications are not implemented until the EBGL change process has completed; and
- BSC Derogations cannot be granted for provisions that constitute relevant legal requirements (Alternative Modification, which aligns to existing BSC wording) or that meet the EBGL balancing terms and conditions (Proposed Modification).
Specifically, P374 aims to reflect changes to the Code Governance arising from the application of the terms and conditions related to balancing from Articles 4, 5, 6, 10 and 18 of the EBGL
P389 Resolution of Capacity Market and Balancing Mechanism registration conflicts
There is a conflict between the rules in the Balance and Settlement Code (BSC) and the Capacity Market (CM) rules regarding how Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units are registered. Removing this conflict from the BSC will clarify the arrangements and ensure BSC Parties remain compliant with both the BSC and CM rules.
P385 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification proposes to amend BSC Section H in such a manner as to introduce new Events of Default and reduce the periods after which certain Events of Default are triggered.
The parameters for certain Events of Default will be removed from Section H, while retaining existing high-level obligations and necessary process detail. Instead, the Panel will decide on changes to these parameters, consult with the industry to ascertain impacts and lead times, and publish the parameters on the BSC Website.
The Workgroup will review the responses and provide their final views, before submitting the Assessment Report to the Panel on 12 September 2019.
P388 Report Phase Consultation
A number of opportunities to simplify and align the P344 ‘Project TERRE’ and P354 ‘Use of ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level’ legal text have been identified. The process for allocating MSID Pair Delivered Volumes to composite MSIDs will be updated to account for both Virtual Lead Party and NETSO inputs. The P344 and P354 processes surrounding the Supplier Volume Allocation Metering System Balancing Services Register will be aligned and simplified.
The Report Phase Consultation closed on 30 July 2019. Two respondents raised concerns that P388 does not take into account balancing actions being provided for regional DNO services, such as voltage support.
P383 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification is intended to enable the aggregation of specific Metering Systems’ metered data for network charging purposes, i.e. to support the operation of CUSC Modification Proposals CMP280 and CMP281. This Modification will introduce processes explaining how Suppliers, Half Hourly Data Aggregators (HHDAs) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) participate in the aggregation and reporting of storage facilities’ Metering Systems’ metered data and enable the BSC Panel and BSCCo to perform assurance activities in relation to the aggregation of this data.
The Workgroup will review the responses and provide their final views, before submitting the Assessment Report to the Panel on 8 August 2019.
P374 – Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification is concerned with providing clarity in regards to BSC compliance with European Balancing Guideline (EBGL) Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing, with a specific view of the EBGL Amendment process and Article 62 (Derogations).
The Proposed Modification would make clear that any BSC Modification seeking to amend any BSC provisions that constitute the Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing, once approved by the Authority (i.e. Ofgem) cannot be progressed as Self-Governance. This is due to the EBGL requirement that any amendment to the Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing must undergo a separate EBGL Amendment process (detailed in Articles 4, 5, 6 and 10) and be given approval by the Authority.
The Proposed Modification would also specifically preclude any BSC provisions constituting EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing from being granted a BSC derogation via the BSC Sandbox process.
The P374 Workgroup agreed to raise an Alternative Modification that is identical to the Proposed, except in that it will not specifically preclude BSC provisions that constitute Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing from a BSC derogation. Instead the current process would remain, allowing each application to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
P371 Assessment Procedure Consultation
The Proposer contends that there is no reason for a different treatment of Reserve products and Non BM Fast Reserve should have been captured already in the calculation of the Imbalance Price via the BSAD and via the Reserve Scarcity Price (RSP) methodology. This Modification is about Non BM Fast Reserve, however, the implementation of this Modification will remove any potential ambiguity and make it clear to the Electricity System Operator, when developing future Balancing Services and associated systems that all Actions should flow through into the Imbalance Price calculation.
P371 seeks to include the price of Non-Balancing Mechanism (BM) Fast Reserve actions into the calculation of the Imbalance Price. The aim is to correct the calculation of the Imbalance Price; guarantee fair and harmonised treatment of all services which cost should be included; provide greater transparency and, ultimately, ensure National Grid’s compliance with the Balancing Services Adjustment Data Methodology Statement (BSAD).
P366 Report Phase Consultation
P366 will amend how Supplier Charge SP08a is applied to Non Half Hourly non-domestic Meters that are hard-to-read (HTR). It is believed that applying Supplier Charge SP08a to HTR Metering Systems is anti-competitive and limits consumer choice.
P386 Report Phase Consultation
A number of opportunities to add clarity have been identified within the P344 ‘Project TERRE’ legal text, alongside the correction of manifest errors. This Modification will ensure that the legal text accurately reflects the P344 Workgroup’s intended solution, as approved by the BSC Panel and the Authority and as detailed in the P344 Business Requirements documentation.
P387 ‘Allowing email communications for the BSC Panel Elections process’
This Modification Proposal aims to amend the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel Elections process to allow communications between parties via email as well as other methods to be approved by the BSC Panel on a case-by-case basis.
P372 Report Phase Consultation
The Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) is the primary channel for providing operational data relating to Great Britain’s (GB) Electricity Balancing and Settlement arrangements, as well as REMIT and European Transparency Regulation data.
This Modification proposes to move a selection of Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) reporting items, currently set out in BSC Section V ‘Reporting’, to a new Code Subsidiary Document (CSD). This will remove the need to progress a Modification for future amendments while retaining obligations to provide or report required data remain within the BSC.
BMRS changes, which meet newly established criteria designed to speed up the progression of ‘De-Minimis BMRS Changes’ will not be subject to the normal Change Proposal (CP) consultation and will instead be progressed straight for decision. A 15 Working Day objection window will allow market participants to challenge the application of the criteria.
P384 Report Phase Consultation
P384 will ensure balancing information required by the European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL) and the European Transparency Regulation (ETR) is available to Market Participants. It will also ensure the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) and National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) remains compliant with this European legislation.
P366 Assessment Procedure Consulation
P366 will amend how Supplier Charge SP08a is applied to Non Half Hourly non-domestic Meters that are hard-to-read (HTR). It is believed that applying Supplier Charge SP08a to HTR Metering Systems is anti-competitive and limits consumer choice.
P364 Report Phase Consultation
P364 will clarify the requirements for configuring and registering Plant and Apparatus in Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units. Specifically where Parties seek to share responsibility for Imports and Export from the same Plant and Apparatus or via the same Boundary Point.
It will also clarify the circumstances and requirements for maintaining BM Unit registration details and seeking to re-register BM Units when the configuration of Plant and Apparatus change
The P363+4 combined Assessment Report was presented to the Panel on 14 MArch 2019. the Panel agreed to amalgamate P363 into P364 and allow P364 to move into the Report Phase. Following amalgamation of P363 and P364, only the P364 page will be updated. The P363 page will not be updated.
P382 report Phase Consultation
The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) contains multiple references to European Union (EU) legislation and bodies. Additionally, it also contains text introduced as a result of implementing various EU legislation. Retaining these references and text following the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) withdrawal from the EU without a deal (‘no-deal Brexit’) will mean that the BSC is no longer technically accurate but will remain operable because of the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018.
P372 Assessment Procedure Consultation
The requirement to raise a Modification to make additions or changes to the data reported via the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS), is contributing to extended timescales for implementing these updates.
P372 aims to simplify the governance arrangements and reduce the timescales for the publication of data on the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS).
The BSC is constructed in a way that means the burden of governance can be reduced while maintaining appropriate oversight, by taking BMRS changes out of the Modification process and putting them under formal control of the Change Proposal (CP) process.
P381 Report Phase Consultation
P381 proposes to remove Section C3.9.1 of the BSC in respect of ‘quarterly reports’. Currently, the quarterly reports are not viewed by market participants, as the information is made readily available in a more timely and accessible manner elsewhere on the BSC Website. Therefore, the current quarterly reports process utilises Elexon resource that could be better used adding greater value for our customers.
P380 Report Phase Consultation
Modifying the P344 wording of BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ to ensure National Grid ESO’s continued compliance with the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and the Replacement Reserve Implementation Framework (RRIF).
P363 and P364 Assessment Consultation
Following Elexon’s review of Metering Dispensation the decision was made to raise two separate Modifications, P363 ‘Simplifying the registration of new configurations of BM Units’ and P364 ‘Clarifying requirements for registering and maintaining BM Units’, to address the issues that were found. Separate Modifications were proposed to address the two different defects at hand. It was thought that by keeping the Modifications separate we avoid the possibility of them being dependent on each other when it comes to approval and/or rejection.
The combined P363/4 Workgroup identified a single solution that will remedy both the P363 and P364 defects. The proposed solution for P363/4 has four elements:
- Expand BSC Section K ‘Classification and registration of Metering Systems and BM units’ Section 3 criteria for those BM Unit configurations that are deemed to meet the conditions to be registered as a Standard BM Unit;
- Lay down new criteria for what is considered to be a Standard BM Unit;
- Change the BSC so that an application to register BM Units must either meet the configuration criteria (bullet one above) or align with the new list of registration criteria (bullet two above) to be considered as a Standard BM Unit; and
- Removing the need to apply for a Non-Standard BM Unit where the configuration is Standard but there is more than one Party involved.
P378 Modification Consultation
We have issued Urgent Modification Proposal P378 ‘ Introduction of a CM Supplier Interim Charge’ for industry consultation, with responses invited by 5pm on Tuersday 29 January 2019.
P378 seeks to use the BSC to introduce a CM Supplier Interim Charge for Suppliers. This will act as a contingency fund to protect the industry, and customers, from a price shock in the event that the CM standstill is lifted and back payments are required to be made. The Modification solution is based on the recommendations of Issue 76.
P370 Report Phase Consultation
We have issued P370 ‘Allow the Panel to designate non-BSC Parties to raise Modifications’ for Report Phase Consultation, interested parties were invited to respond by Friday 25 January 2019. P370 seeks to allow the BSC Panel, instead of Ofgem, to designate interested third parties to raise Modification Proposals and for Ofgem to become the appeals body. P370 also opens up the Issues process to non-BSC Parties.
P377 Amending Gate Closure references in Market Index Data
BSC Section T 1.5.3(b)(iii) defines ‘short term’ in relation to Market Index Data as a time period in reference to Gate Closure. Following BSC Modification P342 implemented in November 2017, the deadline for contracts for delivery in a Settlement Period has moved from Gate Closure to the Submission Deadline. P342 did not change the Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) to reflect this. The 2018 MIDS Review is proposing to amend references of Gate Closure to the Submission Deadline to include trades taken in the hour prior to a Settlement Period in Market Index Data which will impact Market Index Data Providers. This change to the MIDS will need BSC Panel approval in November and approval from the Authority.
P370 Assessment Procedure Consultation
We have issued P370 ‘Allow the Panel to designate non-BSC Parties to raise Modifications’ for Assessment Procedure Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by Monday, 12 November 2018. P370 seeks to allow the BSC Panel, instead of Ofgem, to designate interested third parties to raise Modification Proposals and for Ofgem to become the appeals body. P370 also opens up the Issues process to non-BSC Parties.
P369 Report Phase Consultation
P369 proposes to modify the Balancing Settlement Code (BSC) to reflect the creation of a new National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) that is legally separate from National Grid Electricity Transmission Limited (NGET). Further information can be found on the P369 webpage.
This is the P369 Report Phase Consultation, whereby industry views are requested in respect of the BSC Panel’s initial recommendations on the Modification.
P361 Report Phase Consultation
P361 seeks to exclude Interconnector Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units from the Main Funding Share and SVA (Production) Funding Share BSC Charges, in order to better facilitate the EU Third Package.
P362 Report Phase Consultation
P362 seeks to enable BSC Parties to be derogated against specific BSC obligations in order to trial pre-competitive and innovative products and services.
P368 Report Phase Consultation
P368 shall amend provisions in the timing and revision of the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) Procedure documents in order to support the objectives of the PAF Review in delivering a more efficient and effective PAF. Further information can be found on the P368 webpage.
This is the P368 Report Phase Consultation, whereby industry views are requested in respect of the BSC Panel’s initial recommendations on the Modification.
P367 Report Phase Consultation
P367 proposes to remove all obsolete Supplemental Balancing Reserve (SBR) and Demand Side Balancing Reservice (DSBR) requirements, definitions, and references from the BSC and subsidiary documents. Further information can be found on the P367 webpage.
This is the P367 Report Phase Consultation, whereby industry views are requested in respect of the BSC Panel’s initial recommendations on the Modification.
P359 Report Phase Consultation
P359 seeks to introduce a new mechanised process for Generation Capacity (GC) and Demand Capacity (DC) re-declarations following a ‘GC/DC breach’. More details on the P359 page.
P344 Report Phase Consultation
P344 seeks to align the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) with the European Balancing Project TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange) requirements. This is in order to allow the implementation of the TERRE balancing product at national level and hence ensure compliance with the European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL).
This is the P344 Report Phase Consultation, whereby industry views are requested in respect of the BSC Panel’s initial recommendations on the Modification.
P362 second Assessment Procedure Consultation
At its meeting on 23 April 2018, the Workgroup, in response to the first Assessment Consultation responses, decided to raise an Alternative Modification. This requires second Assessment Procedure Consultation. The Proposed Solution is identical to the Proposed Modification, except that the Alternative allows the Transmission Company (TC) to apply for, and be granted, BSC Derogations.
P362 seeks to enable BSC Parties to be derogated against specific BSC obligations in order to trial pre-competitive and innovative products and services. Ofgem will act as the point of entry to co-ordinate applications across the industry. This is designed to improve the customer experience and reduce the burden for applicants, particularly where applications require derogation from more than one industry code
P361 Assessment Procedure Consultation
Under the EU Third Package (Article 2 of Regulation 714/2009) Interconnector flows should be treated as part of the Transmission System and not as Production or Consumption. The current BSC charging arrangements are not aligned with the EU Third Package. This Modification Proposal seeks to exclude Interconnector Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units from the Main Funding Share and SVA (Production) Funding Share BSC Charges, in order to better facilitate the EU Third Package.
The intent of the Proposed solution is that the excluded BSC Charges will be recalculated and re-billed from the implementation date back to the start of the previous financial year (1 April). The effects of this will be that any BSC Charges in the current financial year to date, will be recalculated and re-billed as one lump sum payment, subject to P361 approval.
P362 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P362 seeks to enable BSC Parties to be derogated against specific BSC obligations in order to trial pre-competitive and innovative products and services. Ofgem will act as the point of entry to co-ordinate applications across the industry. This is designed to improve the customer experience and reduce the burden for applicants, particularly where applications require derogation from more than one industry code.
Elexon will receive applications via Ofgem and prepare relevant information for the Panel’s consideration. The Panel will make a recommendation to Ofgem whether to approve or reject the derogation. Ofgem will decide whether to grant the derogation and synchronise derogations across the impacted codes and licences. Anyone can apply for derogation, but non-Parties will be required to accede to the Code and complete the relevant market entry processes before the derogation can be effective.
P359 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P359 proposes to introduce an automated process for GC and DC submissions. As such, the Modification seeks to:
- Improve the accuracy of GC and DC declarations following a breach by introducing
a consistent, objective and mechanistic method used for all re-declarations; and - Relieve BSC Parties of the burden of re-declaring GC and DC values following a
breach by requiring Elexon to administer the mechanistic method.
P365 Report Phase Consultation
P365 seeks to amend the BSC such that the Elexon Board can determine whether to bid for the role of REC administrator (and perform the role if the contract is awarded to Elexon). This will be done via a separate not for profit subsidiary (RECASCo), funded by Elexon (through BSC Parties).
Elexon operates on a not for profit basis, therefore if the Elexon Board determines a bid should be submitted, the costs incurred will be borne by BSC Parties, with bid costs capped at the sum of £100k.
The proposed changes ensure that Elexon is ring-fenced from any enduring operational costs and risks associated with performing the role of REC administrator.
P356 Report Phase Consultation
P356 will align the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0099, which seeks to introduce the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer process to the Grid Code. This is in order to establish common, cross-code provisions which are compatible with both the EU single intraday market coupling processes, and GB and EU balancing processes. The P356 Assessment Report was presented to the Panel on 8 February 2018 and the Panel is now consulting on their views ahead of the Draft Modification Report being presented to the Panel on 8 March 2018.
P356 Report Phase Consultation
P356 will align the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0099, which seeks to introduce the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer process to the Grid Code. This is in order to establish common, cross-code provisions which are compatible with both the EU single intraday market coupling processes, and GB and EU balancing processes. The P356 Assessment Report was presented to the Panel on 8 February 2018 and the Panel is now consulting on their views ahead of the Draft Modification Report being presented to the Panel on 8 March 2018.
P354 – Report Phase Consultation
P354 seeks to allow the Transmission Company to provide Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) for non-BM Balancing Services to BSC Central Systems for allocation to the appropriate Supplier BM Units to correct Suppliers’ Energy Imbalance positions.
P354 – Second Assessment Procedure Consultation
P354 seeks to allow the Transmission Company to provide Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) for non-BM Balancing Services providers to BSC Central Systems for allocation to the appropriate Supplier BM Unit to correct their Energy Imbalance position. Since the first Assessment Procedure Consultation, the proposed solution has been amended as follows:
- The BSC Systems will aggregate MSID ABSVD to Supplier BM Unit level and use this to correct the Supplier’s Energy Imbalance position
- Removal of the opt-out provision under BSC Section Q6.4.5
- Amend BSC Section Q6.4.8 with the intention that Suppliers’ positions in all reasonable endeavours be corrected by SF but no later than R1
- All MSID ABSVD will be reported to the affected Supplier.
P344 Second Assessment Procedure Consultation
P344 seeks to align the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) with the European Balancing Project TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange) requirements. This is in order to allow the implementation of the project at national level and be compliant with the first tranche of obligations in the European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL).
P354 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P354 seeks to allow the Transmission Company to provide Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) for non-BM Balancing Services providers to BSC Central Systems for allocation to the appropriate Supplier account to correct their Energy Imbalance position.
P356 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P356 will align the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0099, which seeks to introduce the interconnector scheduled transfer process to the Grid Code. This is in order to establish common, cross-code provisions which are compatible with both the EU single intraday market coupling processes, and GB and EU balancing processes
P357 Report Phase Consultation
P357 proposes to remove the Generation Capacity (GC) and Demand Capacity (DC) tolerance limit parameters from Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Section K ‘Classification and Registration of Metering Systems and BM Units’. This will allow the tolerances to be reviewed and updated from time to time without the need for a Modification.
P358 Report Phase Consultation
P358 proposes to amend BSC Section K to allow Elexon to carry over BSC Seasonal GC/DC.
P332 Data Request
The P332 ‘Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle’ Workgroup is requesting all Suppliers and Supplier Agents respond to this request for data to support its assessment.
P348 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P348 ‘Provision of gross BM Unit data for TNUoS charging’.
P349 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P349 ‘Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill’.
P344 First Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the first Industry Consultation period for BSC Modification P344 ‘Project TERRE implementation into GB market arrangements’.
P348 ‘Provision of gross BM Unit data for TNUoS charging’
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P348 ‘Provision of gross BMM Unit data for TNUoS charging’.
P349 ‘Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill’
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P349 ‘Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill’.
P350 Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P350 ‘Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme’.
P351 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P351‘Align the BSC with changes to the SCR requirements’
P342 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P342 ‘Change to Gate Closure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications’.
P347 – Report Phase Consultation
This is the ReportPhase Consultation for P347 ‘Reduction in R1 Read Requirement for HH Sites’
P339 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P339 ‘Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement Classes E-G’.
P351 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P351’Align the BSC with changes to the SCR requirements’.
P350 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P350 ‘Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme’.
P343 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P343 ‘Increase to the number of Supplier IDs that can be held by a Supplier’.
P346 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P346 ‘Changes to the BSC Specified Charges to facilitate Elective HH settlement’
P339 ‘Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P339 ‘Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement Classes E-G’.P339 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P350 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P350 ‘Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme’.
P342 ‘Change to Gate Closure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications’
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P342 ‘Change to Gate Clsoure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications’.
P343 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P343 ‘Increase to the number of Supplier IDs that can be held by a Supplier’
P346 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the industry Assessment Procedure Consultation for P346 ‘Changes to BSC Specific Charges for Elective Half Hourly Settlement’
P324 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P324 ‘Review of BSCCo’s governance: introducing improved accountability to BSC Parties’.
P348 & P349 Assessment Procedure Consultations
These are the Assessment Procedure Consultations for P348 ‘Provision of gross BM Unit data for TNUoS charging‘ and P349 ‘Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill’.
P324 Second Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the second Assessment Procedure Consultation for P324 ‘Review of BSCCo’s governance: introducing improved accountability to BSC Parties’.
P333 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P333 ‘Inclusion of DSBR volumes into the cashout price in time for publication after the end of the Settlement Period’.
P335 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P335 ‘Inclusion of Non-BM STOR costs and volumes in the indicative cashout price’.
P324 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P324 ‘Review of BSCCo’s governance: introducing improved accountability to BSC Parties’.
P333 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P333 ‘Inclusion of DSBR volumes into the cashout price in time for publication after the end of the Settlement Period’.
P326 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P326 ‘Introduction of a non-Working Day adjustment to the Credit Cover Percentage calculation’.
P336 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P336 ‘Fuel types on the BMRS’.
P337 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P337 ‘Extension to the payment timescales for Quarter Date Advice Notes below the Advice Note Threshold Limit’.
P330 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P330 ‘Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role’.
P329 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P329 ‘Changes to REMIT inside information reporting’.
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P331 ‘Extended Dispute Deadline at the Post-Final Settlement Run under exceptional circumstances’
P329 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P329 ‘Changes to REMIT inside information reporting’.
P326 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P326 ‘Introduction of a non-Working Day adjustment to the Credit Cover Percentage calculation’.
P326 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P326 ‘Introduction of a non-Working Day adjustment to the Credit Cover Percentage calculation’.
P318 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P318 ‘Change of Party ID/Company Number Through Enabling Assignment’.
P321 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P321 ‘Publication of Trading Unit Delivery Mode’.
P315 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P315 ‘Publication of Gross Supplier Market Share Data’
P308 – Industry Consultation on Potential Solutions
This is an Industry Consultation on the potential solutions for P308 ‘Alternative security product for securing credit under the BSC’.
P323 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P323 ‘Enabling inclusion and treatment of SBR in the Imbalance Price’.
P318 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P318 ‘Change of Party ID/Company Number Through Enabling Assignment’.
P321 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P321 ‘Publication of Trading Unit Delivery Mode’.
P320 Report Phase Consultation
The implementation of P272 would require changes to the existing PARMS Serials to report any non-compliance. The Proposer believes that a Committee report would be a more suitable reporting tool than PARMS Serials and proposes to remove the PARMS Serial reporting requirements introduced by P272. Reporting P272 non-compliance using a Committee report would also remove the proposed Supplier Charge under P272.
The BSC Panel initially recommended approval of P320. This Report Phase Consultation seeks market participants’ views on the Panel’s initial recommendation.
P315 Assessment Procedure Consultation v3.0
P315 proposes to give industry participants and potential new entrants more equal access to basic market share information. It proposes to increase transparency of Metered Volumes and MPAN counts for Suppliers that have a market share above the defined reporting threshold, make market level consumption information available to a wider range of market participants. In addition, the Alternative Modification would make available some historical GSP Group consumption totals information and some Supplier-specific information in an aggregated form.
P322 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Consultation for P322 ‘Revised Implementation Arrangements for Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’
CP1434 Request for Information
This Request for Information seeks further information on CP1434 ‘Amend the three digit numeric Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) Id to an Alphanumeric LLFC Id’ and two potential alternative solutions.
It seeks information from Distribution System Operators (DSOs) on when and why they will run out of LLFCs and the consequences of this happening, and high-level information from all participants on the impacts, costs and lead times of two alternative solution options.
This information will assist the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) in making its determination on CP1434.
P315 Assessment Procedure Consultation v2.0
P315 was issued for industry consultation on 9 February 2015. The Workgroup subsequently developed its proposed and alternative solutions taking into account of the responses received from the previous industry consultation. This second consultation seeks market participants’ views on the P315 proposed and alternative solutions to inform the Workgroup’s further assessment of P315.
P302 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P302 ‘Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters’
P319 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P319 ‘Removal of annual RMP review from PAF’.
P317 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P317 ‘Changes to the Unmetered Supplies obligations in the BSC’.
P272 Extension Request Consultation
This P272 Extension Request Consultation has been issued on behalf of the Panel, which seeks further information to enable it to consider whether to request that the Authority agree to delay the implementation of P272 and, if so, what revised P272 Implementation Date to request.
P305 and P316 Report Phase Consultations
These are the Report Phase Consultations for related Modifications P305 ‘Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review Developments’ and P316 ‘Introduction of a single marginal cash-out price’.
P315 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P315 ‘Publication of Gross Supplier Market Share Data’.
P302 Second Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Second Assessment Procedure Consultation for P302 ‘‘Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters’
P309 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P309 ‘Facility to enable BSC Parties to select either replacement contract notifications or additional contract notifications’.
P305 and P316 Assessment Procedure Consultations
These are the Assessment Procedure Consultations for related Modifications P305 ‘Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review Developments’ and P316 ‘Introduction of a single marginal cash-out price’.
P310 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P310 ‘Revised Credit Cover for Exporting Supplier BM Units’.
P307 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P307 ‘Amendments to Credit Default arrangements’.
P315 Impact Assessment Consultation
P315 aims to increase transparency in the electricity supply market by publishing monthly Supplier market share data.
The Workgroup has identified three potential solution options to provide Supplier market share data to the industry. We invite you to respond to this Impact Assessment to help the Workgroup identify the activities, costs and lead times required from you to implement P315 should it be approved.
P272 Implementation Plan Questionnaire Consultation
Approved Modification P272 makes Half Hourly (HH) Settlement mandatory for Profile Classes (PCs) 5-8 Metering Systems with Advanced Meters and comes into effect on 1 April 2016. In order for the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to monitor the transition effectively, the questionnaire has been derived for Suppliers and their Agents to fill out to report their preparation plan for the implementation.
P309 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P309 ‘Facility to enable BSC Parties to select either replacement contract notifications or additional contract notifications’.
P314 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P314 ‘Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 250MWh’.
Due to the Urgent status of P314 there will be no Report Phase consultation; this is your only opportunity to respond.
P303 – Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for Modification P303 ‘Amendments to Provisions for BSCCo Directors’
P304 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P304 ‘ Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 250MWh’.
P306 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P306 ‘Expanding the definition of a ‘Letter of Credit’ to include regulated insurance companies’.
P307 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P307 ‘Amendments to Credit Default arrangements’.
P305 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the industry Impact Assessment for P305 ‘Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review Developments’.
P300 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for Modification P300 ‘Introduction of new Measurement Classes to support Half Hourly DCUSA Tariff Changes (DCP179)’
P272 Implementation Date Consultation
This is the consultation on a revised proposed Implementation Date for P272 ‘‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’.
P304 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Consultation for P304 ‘Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 250MWh’.
P303 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Consultation for P303 ‘Amendments to the provisions for BSCCo Directors’.
P306 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Consultation for P306 ‘Expanding the Definition of a ‘Letter of Credit’ to include regulated insurance companies’.
P302 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P302 ‘Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters’.
P300 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P300 ‘Introduction of new Measurement Classes to support Half Hourly DCUSA Tariff Changes (DCP179)’
P300 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment Consultation for P300 ‘Introduction of new Measurement Classes to support Half Hourly DCUSA Tariff Changes (DCP179)’
P298 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P298 ‘Consequential amendments to the BSC Modification process following the implementation of Third package and other miscellaneous changes’
P299 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P299 ‘Allow National Grid access to Metering System Metered Consumption data to support the DSBR service’
P286 Implementation Date Consultation
This is the consultation on a revised proposed Implementation Date for P286 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for generation BM Units’.
P299 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P299 Allow National Grid access to Metering System Metered Consumption data to support the DSBR service’
P297 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for for P297 ‘Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data Items’.
P298 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P298 ‘Consequential amendments to the BSC Modification process following the implementation of Third package and other miscellaneous changes’.
P297 2nd Assessment Procedure Consultation
The is the second Assessment Procedure Consultation for P297 ‘Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data Items’
P295 Report Phase Consultation
The is the Report Phase Consultation for P295 ‘Submission and publication of Transparency regulation data via the BMRS’.
P297 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P297 ‘Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data items’.
P295 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P295 ‘Submission and Publication of Transparency regulation data via the BMRS’.
P294 Report Phase Consultation
The is the Report Phase Consultation for P294 ‘Addition of Offshore Transmission System and OTSUA to the definition of the Total System’
P295 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P295 ‘Submission and publication of Transparency regulation data via the BMRS’.
P294 Assessment Phase Consultation
The is the Assessment Phase Consultation for P294 ‘Addition of Offshore Transmission System and OTSUA to the definition of the Total System’
P296 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P296 ‘Introduction of a ‘Fast Track’ Modification Process following the outcomes of the Code Governance Review (Phase 2)’.
P291 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P291 ‘REMIT Inside Information Reporting Platform for GB Electricity’.
P293 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase consultation for Modification P293 ‘Changes to BSC Section H ‘Audit’ and BSC Service Description for BSC Audit to reflect current Practice’.
P291 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P291 ‘REMIT Inside Information Reporting Platform for GB Electricity’.
P283 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation and industry impact assessment for Modification P283, ‘Reinforcing the Commissioning of Metering Equipment Processes’.
P291 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P291 ‘REMIT Inside Information Reporting Platform for GB Electricity’.
P292 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase consultation for Modification P292 ‘Amending Supplier & Meter Operator Agent responsibilities for smart Meter Technical Details’.
P290 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P290 ‘Enabling Elexon to participate in roles in support of the Smart Energy Code (SEC) Panel’.
P289 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P289 ‘Enabling Elexon to participate in tendering for the DCC Licensee role via a subsidiary’.
P288 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P288 ‘Aligning Supplier Charge SP08a calculation with current practice’
P272 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile classes 5-8’.
P274 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P274 ‘Cessation of Compensatory Adjustments’.
P282 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P282 ‘Allow MVRNs from Production to Consumption or Vice Versa’.
P285 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P285 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for Interconnector BM Units’.
P286 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P286 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for generation BM Units’.
P286 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P286 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for generation BM Units’.
P285 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P285 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for Interconnector BM Units’.
P274 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P274 ‘Cessation of Compensatory Adjustments’.
P272 Assessment Consultation on Benefits
This is an Assessment Procedure Consultation for P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’, seeking information on the benefits of P272.
P282 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P282 ‘Allow MVRNs from Production to Consumption or Vice Versa’.
P284 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P284 ‘Expansion of Elexon’s role via the ‘contract model”.
P281 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P281 ‘Change of BSCCo Board of Directors & Chairman’.
P286 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P286 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for generation BM Units’.
P285 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P285 ‘Revised treatment of RCRC for Interconnector BM Units’.
P272 Assessment Consultation on Costs
This is an Assessment Procedure Consultation for P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’, seeking information on the costs of P272.
P287 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P287 ‘Allow the BSC Panel to conduct Modification Business via teleconference’.
P280 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P280 ‘Introduction of new Measurement Classes’.
P284 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P284 ‘Expansion of Elexon’s role via the ‘contract model”.
P282 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P282 ‘Allow MVRNs from Production to Consumption or Vice Versa’.
P276 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P276 ‘Introduce an additional trigger/threshold for suspending the market in the event of a Partial Shutdown’.
P281 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P281 ‘Change of BSCCo Board of Directors & Chairman’.
P280 Second Assessment Consultation
This is the second Assessment Procedure Consultation for P280 ‘Introduction of new Measurement Classes’.
This second industry consultation has been issued to gather further information from participants following the discussions of the P280 Workgroup.
P274 Industry Impact Assessment
This is the Industry Impact Assessment for P274
You are invited to respond to the attached Industry Impact Assessment by 12 noon on Friday 18 May 2012.
P276 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Procedure Consultation for P276 ‘Introduce an additional trigger/threshold for suspending the market in the event of a Partial Shutdown’.
P277 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P277 ‘Allow Interconnector BM Units to choose their P/C Status’.
P278 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P278 ‘Treatment of Transmission Losses for Interconnector Users’.
P275 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P275 ‘Extending BSC Performance Assurance’.
P280 Assessment Consultation Procedure
P280 seeks to introduce new Measurement Classes for Half Hourly-settled customers in the Domestic, SME and I&C markets, and a requirement for the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent to provide Distributors with aggregated Half Hourly consumption data for Metering Systems registered to these new Measurement Classes.
P275 Assessment Consultation
This is the Assessment Phase consultation for P275 ‘Extending BSC Performance Assurance’.
P272 Second Assessment Consultation
This is the seond Assessment Consultation issued for P272.
The P272 Workgroup issued an assessment consultation on Friday 23 September. The Group subsequently met on the Friday 21 October to discuss the consultation responses and how best to proceed with the Modification. During the discussions, Ofgem asked the Group whether they could better quantify the costs and benefits of P272, to help inform their recommendation to the BSC Panel. In the light of Ofgem’s questions, the Group agreed to consult further to ascertain a clearer picture of what the costs will be across the industry, including initial set up costs and ongoing costs.
P279 Report Phase Consultation
This will the Report Phase consultation for Modification P279 ”Correcting the BSC description of the CDCA to SVAA interface for GSP Group net Export’.
P272 Assessment Phase Consultation
This is the Assessment Phase consultation for P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’
P271 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation for Modification P271 ‘NETSO Consultation in relation to any potential changes to the BSC which takes place in forums other than the BSC Panel’.
P273 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase Consultation forModification P273 ‘Make the SVA Funding Share Calculation robust to changes in Scaling Weights’.
P272 Impact Assessment
P272 ‘Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8’ is in the Assessment Procedure Phase and the Modification Workgroup invites you to respond to this impact assessment.
P268 Report Phase Consultation
This is the Report Phase consultation for Modification P268 ‘Clarify the P/C status process for exempt BM Units’
P269 Report Phase Consultation
Modification P269 ‘Prevention of Base Trading Unit BMUs’ Account Status Flipping from Consumption to Production (the “Flipping” mod)’ is issued for Report Phase Consultation.
P270 Report Phase Consultation
This is a Report Phase consultation for P270 ‘The Application of Line Loss Factors to GSPs that are not Transmission-interconnected’.
P268 Assessment Phase Consultation
This is an Assessment Phase Consultation for P268 ‘Clarify the P/C status process for exempt BM Units’.
P269 Assessment Phase Consultation
This is the Assessment Phase consultation for P269 ‘Prevention of Base Trading Unit BMUs’ Account Status Flipping from Consumption to Production’.
P264 Report Phase Consultation
This is an Assessment Phase consultation for Modification P264 ‘Two-thirds majority requirement for Panel recommendations on licence originated Modifications’
P270 Assessment Phase Consultation
This is an Assessment Phase consultation for Modification P270 ‘The Application of Line Loss Factors to GSPs that are not Transmission-interconnected’
P264 Assessment Phase Consultation
This is an Assessment Phase consultation for P264 ‘Two-thirds majority requirement for Panel recommendations on licence originated Modifications’
P266 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P266: Improving the allocation of Reactive Power flows between Import and Export Metering Systems.
P266 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P266: Improving the allocation of Reactive Power flows between Import and Export Metering Systems.
P262 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P262: Code Governance Review: Significant Code Reviews, Self Governance and Code Administration Code of Practice.
P253 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P253: Improving the accuracy of the credit calculation for SVA participants.
P265 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P265: Improving the Accuracy of the Credit Calculation (P253 Alternative solution).
P260 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P260: Extension to data provided to the Transmission Company in the TUoS Report.
P262 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P262: Code Governance Review: Significant Code Reviews, Self Governance and Code Administration Code of Practice.
P263 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P263: Code Governance Review: Send Back Process and Environmental Assessment.
P259 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P259: Provision of Applicable Balancing Service Volumes for Interconnectors.
P253 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P253: Improving the accuracy of the credit calculation for SVA participants.
P260 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P260: Extension to data provided to the Transmission Company in the TUoS Report.
P256 Report Phase Consultation
This consultation document seeks respondents’ views on the issues raised by P256: Improving efficiency and clarity of the Trading Disputes process.