List of homepage news articles
This page lists all of the news articles we have produced over the last year. Any news articles older than 1 year are removed from the website as they will have concluded their designated lifecycle. Please contact us if you are looking for specific information on any subjects we have covered.
Introduction to Elexon and the Energy Market: February 2025
This event is now fully booked. To sign up for the waitlist, please email [email protected] with the following:
- Your full name
- Your organisation
- Your job title
- Your work email address
- Any dietary requirements
This seminar is an all-day event that provides a useful introduction to Elexon and the different roles we perform across GB energy markets. You’ll hear presentations from a range of Elexon colleagues, as well as from a guest presenter from National Energy System Operator (NESO), and be given the opportunity to ask questions and network with other industry professionals.
CALF values Spring 2025 BSC Season: appeal deadline 1 February 2025
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Spring 2025 BSC Season, which runs from 1 March 2025 to 31 May 2025, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the Elexon Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
MHHS: Ofgem approval of Change Request 055 to allow for robust testing time
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteMarket Facilitator governance workshop 1 on 27 November 2024
Source: Elexon corporate websiteElexon would like to invite interested parties to help us develop the enduring arrangements for the market facilitator role, through a series of six to seven workshops taking place between end 2024 and March 2025.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £120/MWh from 12 December 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £120/MWh from 12 December 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 27 November 2024.
CP1592 Implementation Phase Consultation to Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA systems
The current versions of NHHDA (Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation) and EAC/AA (Estimation of Annual Consumption/Annualised Advance) system applications that Elexon provides to Party Agents run on Oracle 12c, for which Oracle Corporation withdrew application support in 2022.
This CP proposes to upgrade EAC/AA and NHHDA to the latest available version of Oracle 19.21. Where possible, it leverages cost savings by aligning with Elexon’s planned update to other BSC central systems
Market Index Definition Statement Review 2024
The Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) is annually reviewed by the BSCCo on behalf of the BSC Panel, to ensure that the Market Index Price is providing a reasonable reflection of the price of wholesale electricity in the short term market.
Elexon implements landmark rule change for growth in flexibility & progress to Net Zero
Source: Elexon corporate websiteFrom today (7 November) independent aggregators of electricity flexibility can start the process to register to participate in the wholesale electricity market, resulting from a rule change made by Elexon.
Request for Information – MHHS changes to Guidance Notes and Simple Guides
We invited industry feedback on Elexon’s approach to updating the Guidance Notes and Simple Guides.
Submission of Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) for the Winter 2024 BSC Season
The Winter BSC Season begins on 1 December and if you are using the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution, the deadline for submitting your GC and DC values for the Season is 14 November 2024.
P480 Report Phase Consultation Publication of regional demand forecast data to fulfil ESRS Reporting requirements
P480 seeks to facilitate the Electricity System Restoration Standard (ESRS) requirements to publish the day-ahead peak demand forecast for each restoration region and the demand restored in each restoration region published hourly during a System Restoration on BMRS (Elexon’s Insights Solution Platform). P480 is a consequential Modification to GC0156 ‘Facilitating the Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard’.
This Proposed Solution is to make changes to BSC system and BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ and Code Subsidiary Documents to implement these provisions outlined in GC0156.
Engagement plan for MHHS impacts on Performance Assurance Framework (PAF)
The Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) engagement plan supports Elexon’s objectives during the PAF changes due to MHHS. It outlines Elexon’s approach, detailing the audience, purpose, key messages, timing, and engagement methods for key PAF deliverables.
The plan includes key dates for industry stakeholders, related to Settlement Risk resources and changes to Performance Assurance Techniques for the 2025-2026 Performance Assurance Operating Period (PAOP).
Urgent Modification Consultation for P482: Enable flexible splitting of BSC Agent services and establishing contracts for MHHS Delivery
To support the transition to Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS), Elexon must sign BSC Agent contracts for the operation of new services. This Modification seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents for the SVAA services at MHHS go-live. It will provide the option of having these new MHHS systems operated by the service providers who developed them, while the currently appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes
Volume Notification on ‘Long’ Clock Change Day: Sunday 27 October 2024
UK time changes on Sunday 27 October 2024 from British Summer Time (BST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/ Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at 02:00 (BST). This will result in a ‘long’ day as the clocks go back an hour.
P478 Authority Led SCR Consultation relating to the Implementation of MHHS Arrangements
This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) arrangements.
P472 Report Phase Consultation on Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E
P472 seeks to amend BSC Section E ‘BSC Agents’ to allow Elexon to remove the requirement for Parties to be able to bring claims against BSC Agents where Elexon believes there would be value in doing so and only where the Panel agrees.
P481 Report Phase Consultation Enabling Elexon to be the Market Facilitator Delivery Body
P481 seeks to extend Elexon’s vires to take up the role of Market Facilitator Delivery Body, to implement Ofgem’s decision published on 29 July 2024.
P481 was raised by Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) on 12 September 2024 after BSC Panel Designated ADE to raise this Modification.
P475 Implementation Consultation on BM Units production / consumption flags
The purpose of this implementation consultation is to seek feedback from industry participants on the proposal to bring forward the Implementation Date of P475. By gathering views on the revised timeline, the consultation allows stakeholders to assess and respond to the impact of an earlier delivery of the Modification.
Elexon has identified an opportunity to adjust the timeline, allowing for the earlier delivery of the Modification’s benefits. This feedback will help the BSC Panel make an informed recommendation to the Authority regarding the updated implementation date, ensuring that both market and participant needs are considered.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £95 from 25 October 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £95 from 25 October 2024. This three-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 10 October 2024.
Profile Administration Service to be decommissioned ahead of MHHS implementation
Elexon collects load profile data to represent the electricity consumption patterns of typical customers across profile classes 1 to 4, which include households and some businesses.
Second Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation
The Authority have sent us a Direction triggering Paragraph 2.11.18 of BSC Section F, this sets out that Ofgem may direct the BSC Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for a Modification. This is due to the Authority considering that the proposed Implementation Date and the previously revised Implementation Date is, or may no longer be, appropriate or might otherwise prevent Ofgem from making a decision.
Elexon ownership change on 1 October 2024
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteElexon’s ownership structure has changed to a “federated model” ownership arrangement, independent of National Grid ESO.
P477 Data Protection Provisions for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement
The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), once the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) arrangements are operational.
Under the current settlement arrangements Elexon receives meter volume data that is aggregated, meaning that this does not constitute personal data. The BSC currently does not include anything other than generic data protection provisions that require Parties to comply with data protections laws.
Once the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) operating model is in place, and BSC Parties (specifically Suppliers and Distribution System Operators (DSOs)) will be required to submit personal data to BSC central systems, these provisions will no longer be fit for purpose. The personal data will include MPAN Core data, MPAN address and Meter ID data.
Data protections laws create certain obligations in this scenario, including a requirement for there to be a written contract setting out the basis on which that personal data may be processed. In addition, data protection laws require that written contract to include certain provisions that are specified in the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to remain compliant with data protection laws, the BSC needs to include provisions that set out the terms on which this personal data is being shared.
P444 Send Back Consultation
This is the P444 ‘Compensation for Virtual Lead Party actions in the Balancing Mechanism’ Send Back Consultation, which Elexon is issuing for industry consultation on behalf of the BSC Panel. The purpose of this consultation is to invite BSC Parties and other interested parties to provide their views on the outcomes of the P444 Send Back process. It includes a summary of the additional work undertaken by Elexon and the Workgroup.
Consultation on Metering Dispensation D/582
This generic Metering Dispensation consultation seeks views from BSC Parties and Party Agents for the Honeywell (Elster) Meters on the back of the MHHS Data Cleanse Plan.
Technical Assurance Agent Management Tool (TAAMT) enhancements
A new release of TAAMT will go live on 23 September 2024, bringing a range of improvements to the usability and functionality of the service.
Vires Modification raised so that Elexon can take on the market facilitator role
Today (12 September) the BSC Panel initially agreed that a Modification to amend Elexon’s vires so that it can take on the market facilitator delivery body role should be approved.
CALF values for winter 2024 BSC Season: 1 November 2024 appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the winter 2024 BSC Season, which runs from 1 December 2024 to 28 February 2025, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the ELEXON Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
Consultation: P350 Draft Reference Network Mapping Statement 2025-26
This consultation seeks views on the draft reference Network Mapping Statement (NMS) for use in the allocation of Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) for BSC Year 2025-2026.
Consultation on new GSP for UK Power Distribution (Powergate GSP) – 09 August 2024
ELEXON has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). UK Power Distribution (UKPD) is connecting two new circuits at the Willesden 66 kV substation.
The National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) proposes that GSP POWE_H is allocated to the Southern (_H) GSP Group.
This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as Powergate GSP (POWE_H).
Deadline for applications to join the Capacity Market Advisory Group is 12 August
We are looking for new members to join our the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG) which plays a role in developing, analysing, prioritising and making recommendations to Ofgem for changes to the Capacity Market Rules.
CMAG members include impartial experts on the Capacity Market and other stakeholders.
How to apply
- Please complete the CM Experience Survey by 17:00 on Monday 12 August 2024.
- You also need to send in your CV to [email protected] explaining that you are applying to become a member.
Find out more about the CMAG
- Visit the CMAG website
- See information about current CMAG members
P474 Authority Led SCR Consultation relating to the Data Integration Platform (DIP)
This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the ongoing governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform (DIP).
P463 Report Phase Consultation on Introducing a Standard Change Process
P463 seeks to introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures. This should reduce the burden on industry and Elexon; allowing them to focus on higher value activities.
Changes proposed to make trading easier and more practical for Parties affected by a default
Elexon appointed as the market facilitator for local flexibility
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteOfgem has today (29 July 2024) announced that Elexon has been appointed as the market facilitator for local flexibility.
More functionality added to Digital Code in August 2024 release
As part of our ongoing development of the Digital Code we have introduced some more enhancements that we hope will improved your experience of the service. Here’s what we’ve been working on for August.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £72 from 7 August 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £72 from 7 August 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 23 July 2024.
P469 Report Phase Consultation on Credit Default ECVNs Refuse and Rejection Periods
P469 proposal seeks to delay the Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Periods. This change would give parties a two-hour window from the Level 2 Credit Default notification until the time when any Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVN) related to a defaulting party are rejected.
To implement the proposed Solution, this Modification aims to change BSC Section M, 3.3.3 a (i) and (ii).
P475 Report Phase Consultation on Allowing All Storage Sites to set and fix their own Production/Consumption Flags
The purpose of this Modification is to address the issue of storage BM Units flipping between Production (P) and Consumption (C) statuses. This flipping leads to significant financial challenges for parties managing large storage units. The proposal seeks to allow storage BM Units to fix their P/C status, thereby mitigating these challenges.
P476 Report Phase Consultation on Exemption from MHHS Requirements for Smart Market Segment Supplier Qualification
P476 seeks to allow the Performance Assurance Board to have the authority to exempt Suppliers from Smart Segment Qualification obligations. This would allow a Supplier operating in the advanced market segment (that does not have the system, processes or controls in place to meet these obligations) without a specific cost associated to be exempted from Design, Test and Build.
Elexon publishes its first Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan to support Net Zero
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteThis is a key enabler for demand-side response and flexibility needed to achieve a Net Zero energy system.
Respond to our MHHS Qualification Consultations
The MHHS Programme and Code Bodies have published documents for consultation. The deadline for all documents listed below is 17:00 on Friday 19 July.
Elexon implements Modification P467 to help NGESO with security of supply
P471 Report Phase Consultation relating to the procurement of BSC Agents
P471 seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents, to allow the option of having these systems operated by the service provider who developed them (at least for the duration of the transition period), while the currently-appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes.
Elexon have re-issued this P471 Report Phase Consultation, following feedback from a P471 webinar held on 27 June 2024. P471 now includes some alternative legal text. We have included two additional consultation questions as a result.
The alternative legal text has amended Section E2.7.1, E2.7.3 and a new paragraph E 2.7.1A has been included, which focuses on what the Appointment Approach Statement should include. It now requires a brief description, where an appointment, rather than a procurement of a BSC Agent is proposed to require:
Rationale for the approach;
Considerations of commercial and other advantages, including value for money assessments, where practical and proportionate; and
The duration and overall amounts involved in such arrangements
P469 Assessment Procedure Consultation on Credit Default ECVNs Refusal and Rejection Periods
P469 seeks to delay the start of the Credit Default Refusal Period and Credit Default Rejection Period for Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs) where acceptance of said ECVNs and MVRNs would increase a BSC Party’s Energy Indebtedness.
This Assessment Procedure Consultation was issued on 14 June 2024 and will close at 5 pm on Friday 28 June 2024.
Webinar on P471 and P472 introducing amendment to BSC Section E impacting BSC Agents
Elexon will hold a webinar on Thursday 27 June to discuss P471: Amendment to BSC Section E to allow more flexibility in procurement of BSC Agents, and P472: Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E.
P473 Correcting inconsistencies in the P415 Legal Text
Modification P415 ‘Facilitating access to Wholesale Markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties’ seeks to allow independent aggregators to sell customers’ flexibility into Wholesale Markets. Independent aggregators wishing to do this will be required to accede to the BSC in the new role of Virtual Trading Party (VTP). Ofgem has approved this Modification for implementation on 7 November 2024 as part of the standard November 2024 BSC release.
Elexon has received industry feedback on the Legal Text post Ofgem approval on 6 October 2023, as well as internal feedback during work with service providers to design the system changes required to implement Modification P415, and this has revealed that the P415 Legal Text does not correctly describe the intended solution for P415 as well as some inconsistencies and omissions.
Send Back Consultation on P461: Accurate Reporting of Customers Delivered Volumes to Suppliers
Ofgem issued a Send Back Direction on P461 ‘Accurate Reporting of Customers Delivered Volumes to Suppliers’ to the BSC Panel on 8 May 2024, as it was unable to form an opinion on whether or not P461 should be approved. The Panel approved the draft Send Back Process at its meeting on 9 May 2024.
The Send Back Consultation was issued on 13 May 2024 and will close at 5pm on Friday 24 May 2024.
Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan and Annual BSC Meeting 2024
We are delighted to invite you to our Annual BSC Meeting and Seminar at the Elexon offices where we will launch our first-ever Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan.
Re-Issuing of Period Profile Class Coefficients impacting Settlement from January to September 2023
Between 27 January 2023 and 24 September 2023, the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) issued incorrect Daily Profile Coefficients (DPCs) to Non Half Hourly Data Collectors (NHHDCs) on 85 Settlement Days.
Estimates of Annual Consumption (EAC) and Annualised Advances (AAs) calculated by NHHDCs using these inaccurate Coefficients were incorrectly apportioning the volume to each Settlement Period.
Increased functionality added to Digital Code site
Elexon is always working towards improvements to the customer experience of our services and the Digital Code is a key part of what customers can access. We have been working on new functionality which we think will really help our customers when they are using this site.
Legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service to be switched off today
Elexon will switch off the legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) on 31 May (2024) at 11:59pm, as we have replaced it with the Insights Solution, our new wholesale market data platform.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £78 from 18 June 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £78 from 18 June 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 31 May 2024.
Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation
This consultation aimed to provide the BSC Panel with further information to enable it to recommend a revised Implementation Date to the Authority. The Authority directed the Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for P466, as the current Implementation Date is no longer appropriate.
We reported to Ofgem that the current P466 Implementation Date was no longer appropriate, as it significantly increased the risk of delivering P415 Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties and Helix, our Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) delivery programme. This is because P415 and Helix require, amongst others, changes to the FAA system. We are modernising the FAA system as part of our Kinnect programme and for reasons of efficiency and cost, will implement P466, P415 and Helix onto the new FAA system. To manage the risk, we plan to implement the new FAA system and P466 at the same time and then subsequently implement the P415 and Helix changes. This is not possible under the current P466 implementation approach.
P463 Assessment Procedure Consultation on Introducing a Standard Change Process
P463 seeks to introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures. This should reduce the burden on industry and Elexon; allowing them to focus on higher value activities.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £70 from 31 May 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £70 from 31 May 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 15 May 2024.
End to reporting of some transparency data to Elexon
As part of the development of Elexon’s new wholesale market data service, the Insights Solution, we did not migrate some data flows from the legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) to the new platform.
Help us shape the future of the Digital Code
Elexon is developing the capabilities of the Digital Code, and we need your help to shape what it looks like in the future.
Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service will be switched off on 31 May 2024
Elexon can confirm that all Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) endpoints will be switched off on 31 May 2024 as they have been replaced by the Insights Solution.
Webinar on the Insights Solution data service and switching off BMRS
Elexon has now completed development of the Insights Solution, our new wholesale market data service which replaces the legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS).
Smaller generators can now be paid for providing system restoration services
Elexon, the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Manager, has implemented a change to the BSC so that smaller, distribution-connected generators that are not BSC Parties are treated the same as larger generators for payments under the BSC if system restoration services are needed.
Elexon to administer a support scheme to grow the green economy
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteFrom this month (April 2024) Elexon will be administering a new scheme for around 340 energy intensive industries in Great Britain, to compensate them for the cost of network charges on their electricity bills.
CP1594 CP Consultation relating to older metering communication types
Older metering communication types are quickly becoming redundant and are being replaced by newer communication types. Elexon are proposing to create an approvals process to allow for the managed end dating of older technologies, such as Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Circuit Switched Data (CSD) and subsequently 2G.
Elexon’s final 2024/25 business plan is now live
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteMarket-wide Half Hourly Settlement Qualification documents submitted for approval
Elexon and the Retail Energy Code (REC) are submitting three Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Qualification Documents to their respective Performance Assurance Boards (PAB) for approval. The documents will go to the REC PAB on Tuesday 26 March, and the BSC PAB on Thursday 28 March.
P467 Enduring solution for cash out price calculation in the event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE)
This is a follow on Modification from Issue 105 and provides an enduring solution in an event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE).
Treatment of Volume Notifications on the ‘short’ clock change day 31 March 2024
UK time changes on Sunday 31 March 2024 from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to British Summer Time (BST) at 01:00 (GMT). This will result in a ‘short’ day as the clocks go forward an hour.
An update on CP1589 ‘Change the number of characters used to specify Market Participant Role Codes in MDD’
CP1589 ‘Change the number of characters used to specify Market Participant Role Codes in the Market Domain Data’ will now go for decision following the Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) decision for Change Request (CR) CR041 ‘Change the format of Market Participant Role Code from Char(1) to Char(2)’.
CR041 was issued for impact assessment on 10 January 2024 and will close on 24 January 2024.
Settlement error identified in GSP Group _G
Elexon has identified an error in Settlement volumes attributed to a windfarm located in GSP Group _G.
Indicative Settlement Price data now available on the Insights Solution
Elexon has completed the migration of all Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) datasets and functionalities that were in scope to be built onto the Insights Solution platform.
Migrating non-half hourly unmetered supplies metering systems to MHHS
Elexon is working to smooth the path to Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation by supporting Parties that need to migrate more than 30,000 Non-Half Hourly unmetered supplies metering systems to MHHS.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £62 from 7 March 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £62 from 7 March 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 21 February 2024.
Consultation on MHHS Qualification Assessment Document
The Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) sets out the information and evidence that all Suppliers, Supplier Agents, MEMs, and LDSOs are required to provide to BSC and REC Code Bodies so that they can be MHHS Qualified to operate the new arrangements.
Risk Operating Plan 2024/25 consultation
We invite you to comment on the Risk Operating Plan (ROP) for 2024/25. The ROP provides an overview of planned activities undertaken by the Performance Assurance Administrator (PAA) as part of the Performance Assurance annual cycle.
Elexon’s response to Ofgem Consultation on Market Facilitator delivery body
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteSubmission of Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) for the Spring 2024 BSC Season
The Spring BSC Season begins on 1 March 2024. The deadline for submitting your GC and DC values for the Season is 15 February 2024.
Even if the values are identical to the last BSC Season you need to submit values for the new Season.
MHHS: Pre-Qualification Submission Window Open
The pre-qualification submission window for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) participation has been opened today (5 February) and final submissions must be provided by 26 April 2024.
Non-System Integration Testing (SIT) Suppliers, Supplier Agents and Meter Equipment Managers, New Entrant LDSO Programme Participants are required to provide a Pre-Qualification Submission for MHHS Qualification.
Respond to Ofgem’s consultation on licence conditions and changes to the BSC to implement Elexon’s new ownership arrangements
The Future System Operator (FSO) will be established in 2024 and will be called the National Energy System Operator (NESO). As a result, Elexon will move away from being under National Grid ESO ownership and in future will operate under a ‘federated model’ ownership arrangement. Ofgem are asking for your views on licence conditions and changes to the BSC to support the implementation of the new ownership agreements.
Elexon Insight: The key to unlocking the future of local flexibility
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteEnhancing our customer enquiry processes using Elexon Support
In our recent customer feedback survey, a number of customers expressed the need for a more efficient and streamlined process to submit and track enquiries and concerns related to the BSC and its services.
We’ve taken this feedback on board and have been working on an enquiry management tool called Elexon Support. Elexon Support will provide you with a centralised platform to easily manage your interactions with us.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £90 from 2 February 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £90 from 2 February 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 18 January 2024.
Flow data from Britain’s newest interconnector link now available
Instant data on electricity flows across the new 1.4 GW Viking interconnector is now available from Elexon. The Viking Link is the world’s longest land and subsea electricity cable, connecting the East of England with Denmark.
Making the flow data for the Viking Link available is important so that Elexon can continue to provide more transparency to anyone that monitors the electricity market.
Tell us your views on our 2024/25 business plan
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteInformal Consultation on the BSC changes needed to enable Elexon’s ownership change
Elexon were seeking views from industry on the proposed changes to the BSC to enable Elexon’s ownership change, as part of a process led by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and Ofgem. The purpose of this informal consultation was to confirm that the proposed changes to the BSC meet the policy intent, as published by DESNZ and Ofgem.
This consultation was running in tandem with an Ofgem consultation on new electricity supply and generation licence conditions to implement the new ownership arrangements for Elexon.
Elexon’s views on the Market Facilitator role
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteConsultation: decreasing CAP to £100 from 4 January 2024
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £100 from 4 January 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 15 December 2023.
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for spring 2024 BSC Season: 1 February appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the spring 2024 BSC Season, which runs from 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the ELEXON Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
Code Drafting in preparation for Market-Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS)
A significant amount of work is being done by Elexon and the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP) to make changes to BSC documents (or to develop new documents) in preparation for MHHS.
Impact of MHHS Programme Change Freeze on BSC Changes
The Market Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme has implemented a Programme Change Freeze. This means that any BSC Changes that require changes to the MHHS design or MHHS code drafting (via a MHHS Change Request) are likely to have their implementation postponed.
Consultation on the Risk Evaluation Register 2024/25
We invite you to respond to the consultation on the Risk Evaluation Register (RER) which sets out potential Risk events and the affect they would likely have on the Settlement Risks during 2024/25.
MHHS Qualification Plan presented to Suppliers and Supplier Agent representatives
Code Bodies presented the MHHS Qualification Plan to Suppliers and Supplier Agent representatives in an extraordinary Qualification Working Group (QWG) meeting on Monday 27 November.
The Qualification Plan provided the current position for Supplier and Supplier Agent Qualification alongside the Qualification Approach & Plan (QAP) and the Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) timelines.
New BSC Service Status Dashboard
We have launched the new BSC Service Status Dashboard today (20 November) so that Parties can see an up to the minute view of whether there are any issues with the BSC services that we provide.
Reduction of UMS MEM Error threshold from 2024 Quarter 1
The Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Material Error Monitoring (MEM) threshold will reduce from 10,000MWh to 7,000MWh, effective from the Quarter 1 2024 reporting window.
2024 dates for Elexon’s Introduction to the Energy Market seminar released
We have released three new dates for our Introduction to the Energy Market seminars in 2024. Find out more below and sign up to attend.
Submission of Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) for the Winter 2023 BSC Season
The Winter BSC Season begins on Friday 1 December 2023. The deadline for submitting your GC and DC values for the Summer BSC Season is Thursday 16 November 2023.
Even if the values are identical to the last BSC Season you need to submit values for the new Season.
Elexon assurance of legacy Suppliers and agents during the transition to MHHS
The MHHS Programme is introducing changes for legacy Suppliers and agents to support the Migration of Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) from legacy arrangements to MHHS. Reverse migration can take place during the migration period (from March 2025 onwards) where a customer has switched to a Supplier that is not yet MHHS Qualified.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £120 from 21 November 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £120 from 21 November 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 6 November 2023.
Elexon administers new discount scheme for PPM standing charges
This month (October 2023) Elexon has begun to administer a new support scheme to benefit electricity prepayment meter (PPM) customers this winter by discounting their daily standing charges. Xoserve (a gas industry code manager) will be administering the equivalent scheme for gas PPMs.
Maximum Export Limit data on BMRS and Insights Solution
Following the issues mentioned in Elexon Circular EL03922 we have recently deployed a fix that addresses the issue with processing of large volume of Maximum Export Limit (MEL) data on our Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS).
Consultation on Metering Dispensation D/565 for non-compliant Metering Equipment
Elexon Ltd (Elexon) has raised a generic Metering Dispensation (D/565) on behalf of SMS PLC (SMS). If the BSC Panel approves a generic Metering Dispensation, it allows non-compliant Metering Equipment (or Metering Equipment that has not been approved under BSCP601 – a requirement of CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 11) to be installed and registered in any Settlement Metering System, subject to any conditions the BSC Panel agrees.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £130 from 3 November 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £130 from 3 November 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 19 October 2023.
Elexon welcomes Devrim Celal to the Board as a new industry Non-Executive Director
Source: Elexon corporate websiteElexon has appointed Devrim Celal to the Elexon Board. Devrim, who takes up his post from 1 November 2023, replaces Claire Duffy who is retiring from the Board.
The BSC requires the Elexon Board to be comprised mainly of Non-Executive Directors who have electricity industry experience and at least two Non-Executive Directors who must be from outside the industry.
The Elexon Board will now comprise Sara Vaughan Chair, Peter Stanley Elexon CEO along with our three industry Non-Executive Directors David Titterton, Ian Graves and Devrim Celal and our two non-industry Non-Executive Directors Tim Fitzpatrick and Anne Heal.
Virtual Lead Parties to offer services in the wholesale electricity market
Ofgem has today (6 October 2023) approved Balancing and Settlement Code Modification P415 ‘Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties’.
Market Index Definition Statement Review 2023
The Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) is annually reviewed by the BSCCo. on behalf of the BSC Panel, to ensure that the Market Index Price is providing a reasonable reflection of the price of wholesale electricity in the short term market.
New service standards for Insights Solution users
Elexon is consulting on removing a requirement in the Balancing and Settlement Code to continue provision of a High Grade telecommunications line so that Parties can receive instant updates from the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS).
Consultation: increasing CAP to £105 from 18 October 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £105 from 18 October 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 3 October 2023.
Peter Stanley has been appointed as the new CEO of Elexon
Source: Elexon corporate websiteWe are delighted to announce that Peter Stanley has been appointed as the new CEO of Elexon. This follows consultation with the BSC Panel. Peter joined Elexon in 2016 as a member of the Executive team and has been acting as interim CEO since August.
Webinar about Modification P395: Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations
Elexon will implement Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Modification P395 ‘Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations – an enduring solution’ on 2 November as part of the November 2023 BSC Release.
We hosted a webinar on 21 September 2023 to explain the changes.
Watch the webinar on Low Power Instrument Transformers and their potential use in Settlement Metering Systems
Elexon’s Metering Team recently hosted a webinar where Siemens Energy gave a presentation on a new type of technology that has the potential to be used within Settlement Metering Systems, Low Power Instrument Transformers (LPITs).
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for Winter 2023: 1 November appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Winter 2023 BSC Season, which runs from 1 December 2023 to 29 February 2024, are available from the BSC Portal. If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
- BSC Portal > Financial and Credit > Credit / Credit Alerting
Customer survey: an opportunity to offer feedback
Source: Elexon corporate websiteAt Elexon, we want to make sure that the information we provide to you is clear, precise, easy to find and tailored to your needs. But to do this we need your help.
Understanding Settlement Reports: a guide for BSC Parties
For any Settlement Date and Settlement Run Type carried out in accordance with the Settlement Calendar, the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) publishes Settlement Reports (known as SAA-I014 reports) to relevant industry parties. Whilst all Settlement Reports are built using the same data, there are slightly differing sub-flows of the SAA-I014 depending on the primary recipient.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £95 from 5 September 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £95 from 5 September 2023. This two-day consultation closed at 17:00 on 18 August 2023.
Elexon Chief Executive Simon McCalla to step down
Source: Elexon corporate websiteSimon McCalla is stepping down as Chief Executive of Elexon with effect from 4 September 2023 to focus on further developing his family’s growing retail business.
Workaround for loading Market Domain Data version 338
Please note that there was an error within the blue text in the original Circular sent on Thursday 10 August. This has since been amended in the version in the online archive.
Please refer to the below information to make manual adjustments.
Submission of Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) for the Autumn 2023 BSC Season
The Autumn BSC Season begins on Friday 1 September 2023. The deadline for submitting your GC and DC values for the Summer BSC Season is Thursday 17 August 2023.
Even if the values are identical to the last BSC Season you need to submit values for the new Season.
Join our webinar on the upcoming P395 changes
Elexon will implement Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Modification P395 ‘Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations – an enduring solution’ on 2 November as part of the November 2023 BSC Release.
We are hosting a webinar on 21 September 2023 to explain the changes.
Elexon Board Directors election or re-election results 2023
Source: Elexon corporate websiteIn keeping with best practice for corporate governance and accountability, all Elexon Board Directors were subject to election or re-election via a vote at Elexon’s Annual BSC Seminar held on 13 July 2023.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £90 from 2 August 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £90 from 2 August 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 18 July 2023.
Where are Great Britain’s Radio Teleswitch System meters and who uses them?
This is the second in our series of articles that provide statistics and information on Radio Teleswitch System (RTS) meters. Since April 2020 the costs for the RTS service have been recovered through the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) charging arrangements.
Highest number of BSC changes implemented in one year since 2009
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteNew and improved REMIT portal live on the Insights Solution
Elexon has built a new and improved portal for publishing Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) disclosures by the industry.
Understanding Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data for Secondary BM Units
This article explains how Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) is treated in Settlement for Secondary Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units. We are publishing this following a question from a VLP around why an Imbalance Charge was not calculated for them after National Grid ESO (NGESO) submitted ABSVD values for their Secondary BM Units.
Issue 107: Consultation on Confirmation Notices
The Issue 107 Workgroup are seeking views from Trading Parties on its two preferred invoicing options.
Join our implementation working group on changes to UMS Metering Systems
Modification P434 ‘Half Hourly Settlement for UMS Metering Systems’ was implemented on 14 December 2022 as a special BSC Release. This Modification will require a period of mandatory Change of Measurement Class for NHH UMS Metering Systems.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £100 from 5 July 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £100 from 5 July 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 20 June 2023.
What are Radio Teleswitch System meters and how many are there in Great Britain?
This is the first in a series of articles on Radio Teleswitch System (RTS) meters.
Long before smart meters, an option for variable rate meters was the Radio Teleswitch System, which relied on a radio signal for timing information. Since April 2020 the costs for the RTS service have been recovered through the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) charging arrangements. They were previously borne by the Energy Networks Association (ENA). The cost for the RTS service is a direct pass through to BSC Parties, and it has increased from £1.5m in 2022/23 to £4.9m in our 2023/24 business plan.
Join the P434 Implementation Working Group
We’re looking for members to join our P434 Implementation Working Group, created to support Parties impacted by Modification P434 ‘Half Hourly Settlement for UMS Metering Systems’.
Issue 101: Consultation on the framework for the enduring DIP governance, funding and operation
This consultation invites potential Data Integration Platform (DIP) users and other interested parties to provide their views on the proposed framework for the enduring governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform (DIP).
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for Autumn 2023: 1 August appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Autumn 2023 BSC Season, which runs from 1 September 2023 to 30 November 2023, are available from the BSC Portal. If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
- BSC Portal > Financial and Credit > Credit / Credit Alerting
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £90 from 13 June 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £90 from 13 June 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 25 May 2023.
Get involved with the Performance Assurance Working Group
Calling all industry members – we want your input as members of our Performance Assurance Working Group (PAWG). The PAWG is one of several working groups set up by Elexon to deliver the technical overview of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) scope.
Submission of Generation and Demand Capacity for Summer 2023 BSC Season
The Summer BSC Season begins on 1 June 2023 and if you are using the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution, the deadline for submitting your Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) values for the Season is 16 May 2023.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £100 from 26 May 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £100 from 26 May 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 11 May 2023.
Supplier Volume Allocation Non-Final Demand Declarations
Elexon implemented Balancing and Settlement Code Modification P419 ‘Enhanced Reporting of Demand Data to the NETSO to facilitate BSUoS Reform’ in February 2023.
P419 introduced a process to allow Non-Final Demand Operators and Suppliers to declare Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Non-Final Demand Facilities through BSC processes so that they would be exempt from Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Charges.
- Find out more about P419
Deployment of Error Failure Resolution (EFR) against Settlement Risk 008
This is of interest to all Suppliers with Non Half Hourly portfolios
At its meeting on 27 April 2023, the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) approved the deployment of EFR for Settlement Risk 008; the risk that Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) metered data is not processed or transferred correctly, or is not processed at all.
Changes to how some BSC Portal reports are accessed
The following datasets will no longer be published on the following Elexon BSC Portal pages from Thursday 4 May 2023. This is due to the internal migration of our Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) system. However, replacement pages have been created to enable you to access the datasets.
Give your feedback on the MHHSP Qualification tranche timeline
The draft Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP) Approach and Plan states that participants will be allocated to Qualification tranches in May 2024. The Code Bodies want your feedback on the allocation timeline and approach by Tuesday 2 May 2023.
Elexon’s Potential BSC Changes dashboard gets upgraded
Following our request for customer feedback at the most recent Upcoming BSC Change Proposals meeting on 23 March, the Potential BSC Changes awaiting initial consideration dashboard has been upgraded,
Functionality added to Kinnect Customer Solution for Modifications P376 and P419
As part of the 23 February 2023 Balancing and Settlement Code release, two Modifications (P376 and P419) will be implemented using our Customer Solution, one of the three pillars of Elexon Kinnect, our cloud platform.
We will publish guidance documents for companies that want to participate in the P376 and P419 reforms later this month.
Decommissioning the TIBCO service could lead to significant savings
The Balancing and Settlement Code Panel has agreed to Elexon’s recommendation to raise a Modification to remove our obligation to provide Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) data through the High Grade communications line service.
Build up to go live of new Settlement Administration Agent
As part of our Elexon Kinnect programme we have been building a new Settlement Solution which replaces services of the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) on our new cloud platform.
Obsolete BMRS email alerts sent to BSC Portal subscribers
There was an issue with Elexon BSC Portal publishing email alerts. This has now been fixed but after fixing this, the BSC Portal sent email alerts for backfilled data.
These email alerts are not for current system events and can be ignored.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for Summer 2023: 2 May appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Summer 2023 BSC Season, which runs from 1 June 2023 to 31 August 2023, are available from the BSC Portal. If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
- BSC Portal > Financial and Credit > Credit / Credit Alerting
Register an interest in the Network Gas Supply Emergency Settlement Validation Committee
Elexon is inviting industry participants to register their interest in joining the Network Gas Supply Emergency Settlement Validation Committee (NGSESVC). Please note that there is no immediate requirement for this committee.
Final 2023/24 Elexon business plan now available
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteConsultation: decreasing CAP to £125 from 14 April 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £125 from 14 April 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 28 March 2023.
Mini-consultation on the future of the SVA Data Catalogue, the User Requirements Specifications and BSC guidance documents
We are seeking views from interested parties on the future of certain BSC Document types. Specifically, the SVA Data Catalogue, the User Requirements Specifications, Guidance Notes and Simple Guides.
In this exploratory consultation, we outline options for the future of each of these document types. We will use the results from this consultation to inform what changes to make to these document types. Please provide your responses using this form.
Join the Elexon Ownership Consultation webinar with DESNZ
Source: Elexon corporate websiteThe Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) is hosting a webinar on their Elexon Ownership Consultation response from 13:00-14:30 on Thursday 30 March 2023.
Confirmation of Code of Practice Compliance and Protocol Approval – CP1527
We implemented Change Proposal (CP) 1527 ‘Increase the minimum data storage capacity for Settlement Outstations and mandate specific selectable integration periods for Metering Codes of Practice’ on 30 June 2022, as part of the June 2022 BSC Release.
CP1527 incremented the Issue (and version) numbers of the below CoPs, by one.
Data Release Consultation: Data flows under P315 Data Licence (DR531721 & DR699000)
This consultation seeks to remove current restrictions and publish all data items within the P0276 and P0277 data flows under a BSC Open Data Licence.
Decision on future ownership of Elexon
Source: Elexon corporate websiteGovernment and Ofgem have published their response today (23 March) on the future ownership of Elexon. Elexon is currently owned by National Grid and our ownership model needs to change as part of the transition to the Future System Operator Model.
Digital Code upgraded with new features
We have upgraded the Digital Code with some additional features to help you find the information you need from the BSC.
BSC Panel approves the first new data set for public Peer Comparison
Last week Elexon issued a formal notice to Suppliers of additional data sets having been approved to be published under Peer Comparison. This data has been approved for publication under the provisions introduced by BSC Modification P427 ‘Publication of Performance Assurance Parties’ impact on Settlement Risk’.
Decommissioning the TIBCO Service in March 2024
We have written to users of the TIBCO software service and the High Grade communications line about our intention to decommission them in March 2024.
The TIBCO software and the High Grade line supply users with near real time updates on wholesale market data from our Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS).
Consultation: decreasing the CAP to £140/MWh from 22 March 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £140/MWh from 22 March 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 7 March 2023.
Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the summer 2023 BSC Season
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the summer 2023 BSC Season, which runs from 1 June 2023 to 31 August 2023, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the ELEXON Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
Elexon to publish Settlement performance league tables under Modification P427
From 23 February 2023, under Modification P427, Elexon will be able to publish the Settlement performance data of Performance Assurance Parties (PAPs)* under the Peer Comparison Performance Assurance Technique.
Consultation: decreasing the CAP to £155/MWh from 1 March 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £155/MWh from 1 March 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 14 February 2023.
Join the Imbalance Settlement Group Committee to help oversee ISG processes
We are looking for new members for the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) Committee.
Get advance notice of upcoming Change Proposals
Would you like to get visibility of upcoming Change Proposals to the BSC? Sign up for an opportunity to feedback on upcoming Changes.
Submission of Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) for the Spring 2023 BSC Season
The Spring BSC Season begins on 1 March. If you are using the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution, the deadline for submitting your GC and DC values for the season is 14 February.
Elexon’s 2023/24 business plan available for feedback
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteWe have published our 2023/24 business plan which explains how we will provide service excellence and customer value, while delivering the BSC rule changes needed to help support Net Zero.
Give your feedback on BSC Credit Cover Arrangements
Ahead of the first meeting of BSC Issue 106 ‘Review of BSC Credit Cover Arrangements’, we are seeking feedback from stakeholders via a short (5-10 min) survey. Survey responses will be used to inform the meeting materials and focus areas for the first meeting, and must be submitted by 17:00 on Wednesday 15 February.
Data Release Consultation: P114 Data Items
Seeking views from industry on data requests received, prior to the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service Change Board (BCB) making a determination on whether to release requested data.
Consultation on whether Metering Dispensation D/534 should be updated to cover CoP5 Issue 7
This generic Metering Dispensation consultation seek views from BSC Parties and Party Agents about whether D/534 should be updated to cover CoP5 Issue 7.
Treatment of De-energised Metering Systems in Charging Data Reported to National Grid
We implemented the P402 Alternative Modification ‘Enabling reform of residual network charging as directed by the Targeted Charging Review’ in the February 2022 Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Release.
New 2023/2024 Estimated Transmission Losses Adjustment values published
Following the implementation of Modification P350 on 1 April 2018, ETLMO values have been calculated for each season across the 2023/24 BSC Year. The Imbalance Settlement Group approved the revised Estimated Transmission Losses Adjustment (ETLMO) values for use from 1 April 2023 at its January 2023 meeting.
Avanade appointed as the Data Integration Platform Service Provider
Following a thorough procurement process, the Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme and Elexon are pleased to announce the appointment of Avanade with their Microsoft Azure infrastructure solution as the Data Integration Platform Service Provider (DIPSP) for the Programme.
Are you participating in the Demand Flexibility Service?
If you’re participating in the Demand Flexibility Service you need to associate the NGC BM Units that you have been provided by the National Grid Electricity System Operator with your Base Supplier BM Units.
BSC Panel response to Energy Code Governance Reform: Call for Input
Risk Operating Plan 2023/24 consultation
We invite you to comment on the Risk Operating Plan (ROP) for 2023/24. The ROP provides an overview of planned activities undertaken by the Performance Assurance Administrator (PAA) as part of the Performance Assurance annual cycle.
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Credit Committee?
The Credit Committee (CC) is one of several Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) committees which play a role in managing and governing the code. The CC, which is responsible for all BSC matters relating to the Credit Assessment Price (CAP), is looking for new members.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £170 from 3 February 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £170/MWh from 3 February 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 19 January 2023.
Earlier this month, the Credit Committee notified a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) decrease to £220/MWh from 20 January 2023. A further decrease in forward market prices has prompted the Credit Committee to propose a £170/MWh CAP value effective from 3 February 2023 for consultation.
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for Spring 2023: 1 February 2023 appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Spring 2023 BSC Season, which runs from 1 March 2023 to 31 May 2023, are available from the BSC Portal. If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
- BSC Portal > Financial and Credit > Credit / Credit Alerting
Changes to SAA Settlement Report sub-flows 1, 2 and 4 (SAA I014)
The February 2023 Release planned go-live is 23 February 2023; this release includes changes to the SAA-I014 Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) Settlement Report sub-flows 1, 2 & 4. From 23 February 2023, all BSC Parties will receive Version 12 of the SAA-I014, sub-flow 1 or 4, as default and Version 10 of the SAA-I014 will no longer be available.
Consultation: revising CAP to £400 from 5 January 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £400/MWh from 5 January 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 16 December 2022.
Earlier this month, the Credit Committee confirmed a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) increase to £450/MWh from 21 December 2022. However, a decrease in forward prices since this was notified has resulted in an additional CAP value of £400/MWh effective from 5 January 2023 to be proposed by the Credit Committee for consultation. This gives the Credit Committee the optionality to change the CAP, or the option to withdraw any notified CAP(s) when further data is available closer to the implementation date.
Consultation: decreasing CAP to £250 from 20 January 2023
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £250/MWh from 20 January 2023. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 5 January 2023.
New Insights Solution ‘data push’ service goes live
The Elexon Insights Solution data platform Real-time Information Service (IRIS) is now available.
Elexon welcomes Ian Graves to the Board as a new industry Non-executive Director
Source: Elexon corporate websiteElexon has appointed Ian Graves to the Elexon Board. Ian, who takes up his post from 1 January 2023, fills the vacant position that opened up when Sara Vaughan was appointed as Chair of the Elexon Board and Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £490 from 21 December 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £490/MWh from 21 December. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 7 December 2022.
Last month, the Credit Committee confirmed a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) increase to £350/MWh from 14 December 2022. However, significant increases in forward prices since this was notified has resulted in an additional higher CAP value of £490/MWh effective from 21 December 2022 to be proposed by the Credit Committee for consultation. This gives the Credit Committee the optionality to increase the CAP if System Prices significantly increases, or the option to withdraw when further data is available closer to the implementation date.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £350 from 14 December 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £350/MWh from 14 December. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 30 November 2022.
Earlier this month, the Credit Committee confirmed a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) increase to £300/MWh from 30 November 2022. However, following prices in December remaining higher, a CAP value of £350/MWh effective from 14 December 2022 has been proposed by the Credit Committee for consultation. This gives the Credit Committee the optionality to increase the CAP were forward prices to remain higher, or the option to withdraw when further data is available closer to the implementation date.
Consultation: increasing CAP to £300/MWh from 30 November 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £300/MWh from 30 November. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 16 November 2022.
Last month, the Credit Committee confirmed a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) at £250/MWh from 8 November 2022. However, following prices in December remaining higher, a CAP value of £300/MWh effective from 30 November 2022 has been proposed by the Credit Committee for consultation. This gives the Credit Committee the optionality to increase the CAP were December prices to remain higher, or the option to withdraw it if prices remain steady, or decrease, when further data is available closer to December delivery.
Submission of Generation and Demand Capacity (GC/DC) for the Winter 2022 BSC Season
The Winter BSC Season 2022 begins on 1 December. If you are using the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution, the deadline for submitting your GC and DC values for the season is 16 November.
P449 Urgent Modification Consultation on Energy Bill Relief Scheme
This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to act as the payment provider for the Government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non-domestic electricity customers. The intention of the subsidy would be to reduce non-domestic consumer tariffs in light of the recent rises in energy costs.
Elexon’s response to BEIS Net Zero Review
Source: Elexon corporate websiteWe have published our response to the BEIS Net Zero Review. In our response, we explain why Elexon believes that innovation across the market needs to accelerate. We recognise the importance of the Net Zero Review and share our comments from the perspective of more than 20 years’ experience working with Ofgem, government and industry.
Consultation: revising CAP to £300/MWh from 8 November 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £300/MWh from 8 November. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 25 October 2022.
Consultation on Credit Assessment Price increase to £525/MWh from 1 November 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £525/MWh from 1 November. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 17 October 2022.
New features added to the digital code
We launched our digital code site in April 2022 to recreate 460 Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) documents in a far easier to browse format. The digital code is now the single source for BSC documents and around 400 people are using it each day. The PDFs of all of the code documents have been retired from main BSC website ( and will now redirect you to the digital code equivalent.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price revision for mid-October 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £420/MWh from 12 October 2022 and to £465/MWh from 19 October. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 27 September 2022.
Elexon to administer payments to Suppliers for the Government’s energy price guarantee
Following the approval of Balancing and Settlement Code Modification (BSC) P446 ‘Energy Price Guarantee Scheme for domestic customers’ by Ofgem, Elexon is pleased to have been appointed as Scheme Administrator.
Elexon responds to the Government and Ofgem’s consultation on ownership of the company
Source: Elexon corporate websiteWe have published our response to the consultation by BEIS and Ofgem on the ownership of Elexon, stating our preference for industry ownership through a ‘federated model’.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price decrease to £350/MWh from 7 October 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £350/MWh from 7 October 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 22 September 2022.
P446 Urgent Modification Consultation
This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to implement and administer the payment scheme for Suppliers as part of the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) scheme for domestic electricity customers. The intention of the subsidy would be to reduce consumer tariffs in light of the recent rises in energy costs.
Changes to Settlement Calendars due to additional Bank Holiday on 19 Sept 2022
Due to the announcement of an additional Bank Holiday on 19 September 2022 for the Queen’s funeral, Elexon are currently working through re-aligning all impacted Settlement Calendars.
Consultation: CAP increase to £565/MWh from 15 September 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £565/MWh from 15 September 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 31 August 2022.
The Credit Committee has decided to withdraw the previously notified CAP of £475/MWh that was due for implementation from 16 September. This decision follows on from recent decreases in the forward market prices and means that the current CAP of £415/MWh will remain valid on and beyond 16 September until the next scheduled CAP replaces it.
- Elexon Circular EL03664 – first outcome where the Credit Committee did not go ahead with the consulted CAP but set a £475/MWh CAP
- Elexon Circular EL03676 – second outcome withdrawing of the £475/MWh CAP
Consultation on CAP change to £515/MWh from 21 September 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £515/MWh from 21 September 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 6 September 2022.
BSC Panel’s letter to Ofgem on consultation on the Future Ownership of Elexon
Michael Gibbons CBE, FEI, BSC Panel Chair, and Dr. Phil Hare, BSC Panel Deputy Chair, have sent a letter on behalf of the BSC Panel as part of the Consultation on the Future Ownership of Elexon that Ofgem issued on 14 July 2022. BEIS and Ofgem have jointly published the consultation on the change in ownership of Elexon. This follows the publication of the Future System Operator (FSO) consultation response on 6th April 2022.
Monitoring of the meter stock shortage, driven by global materials availability and supply chain challenges
Due to a global shortage of materials and the impact of COVID-19 on global supply chains, there is a shortage of semi-conductors among other crucial components, which impacts the ability of Meter manufacturers to produce and supply electricity Meters, including those required for Settlement under the BSC.
This shortage of Settlement Meters impacts on new connections and fault resolution in both the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) and Central Volume Allocation (CVA) markets, and consequently impacts the integrity and accuracy of Settlement.
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for Autumn 2022 season: 1 November 2022 appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Winter 2022 BSC Season, which runs from 01 December 2022 to 28 February 2023, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the Elexon Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
Withdrawing the CAP of £510/MWh resulting in CAP staying at £415/MWh
The Credit Committee has decided to withdraw the notified Credit Assessment Price (CAP) of £510/MWh before implementation on 7 September 2022. This means the current CAP value of £415/MWh remains valid at least until it is replaced by the next scheduled CAP of £475/MWh on 16 September.
BSC Sandbox Consultation BSB003: application by Good Energy – 15 August 2022
Elexon has issued a public industry consultation for BSC Parties and interested Third Parties to seek views on the impacts on Parties relating to the implementation of a BSC Sandbox Application by Good Energy.
Good Energy have raised a BSC Sandbox request for a derogation against the BSC provisions preventing them from appointing different Supplier Agents for Import / Export Metering Systems where Data Communications Company (DCC) enabled Smart Meters are installed. This will allow them to remove a barrier preventing the use of Export Metering System IDs (MSIDs) for small-scale micro generation.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £435/MWh from 7 September 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £435/MWh from 7 September 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 22 August 2022.
The Credit Committee has decided to withdraw the notified CAP of £510/MWh before implementation on 7 September 2022. This means the current CAP value of £415/MWh remains valid at least until it is replaced by the next scheduled CAP of £475/MWh on 16 September.
- Elexon Circular EL03667
On 7 September, the CAP value will increase to £510/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
A Consultation paper on the value of the CAP was issued on 18 August as part of the alternative CAP review process. BSC Parties were invited to indicate whether they agreed with the proposal to increase the value of the CAP to £435/MWh effective from 7 September.
- Elexon Circular EL03654
Consultation: P350 Draft Reference Network Mapping Statement 2023-24
This consultation seeks views on the draft reference Network Mapping Statement (NMS) for use in the allocation of Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) for BSC Year 2023-2024.
Autumn 2022 BSC Season Changes
As you may be aware, the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) is due to increase in the next few days. Your BM Unit CALF Values and your declared Generation Capacity (GC) and Demand Capacity (DC) values are used in the Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEI) calculation of your Credit Indebtedness.
With the recent increases in the CAP, it is important to check whether your DC and GC values are correct and that you have reviewed the Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values that Elexon has calculated to ensure that they accurately represent the expected Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit activity.
P350 Draft reference Network Mapping Statement consultation 2022-23
This consultation seeks views on the draft reference Network Mapping Statement for use in the allocation of Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) for BSC Year 2022-2023.
Latest Elexon Board circular to BSC Parties
Source: Elexon corporate websiteIn this latest Elexon Board circular, the Board Chair provides a progress update on the industry’s Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) programme and our digitalisation programme. It also includes a reflection on the ownership of Elexon, and the Board’s view on current issues impacting the market.
Elexon welcomes Sara Vaughan as its new Board and BSC Panel Chair
Source: Elexon corporate websiteFollowing a formal external recruitment process involving both the Elexon Board and the BSC Panel, Sara Vaughan has been appointed as the new Elexon Board and BSC Panel Chair. Sara will be succeeding Michael Gibbons who has been the Chair for the last nine years.
Consultation on CAP increase to £395/MWh from 31 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £395/MWh from 31 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 10:00 on 16 August 2022.
On Wednesday 31 August, the CAP value will increase to £415/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03650
Consultation on CAP increase to £390/MWh from 24 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £390/MWh from 24 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 9 August 2022.
On Wednesday 24 August 2022, the CAP value will increase to £390/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03648
BSC Insights: The Insights solution puts data on the wholesale market at your fingertips
In this BSC Insight article by Reza Nia, Head of Analysis & Insight, explains why Elexon developed a new data service (the Insights Solution) and the benefits of it to BSC Parties and other stakeholders. All of the Insights Solution data is available to download for free.
Elexon approves first request for open data
From today anybody regardless of whether they work in the electricity sector or not can get access to the same level of data that is used for most of Elexon’s reporting on electricity Settlement.
Suppliers to register MSID Pairs for Additional Primary BM Units providing Balancing Services
If you are a Supplier that has Additional BM Units with the Final Physical Notification (FPN) Flag set to Yes, then you will need to register any existing or future MSID Pairs.
Suppliers that need to register their MSID Pairs must send the MSID Pair allocation (P0278) to the SVAA by the deadline of 6 October 2022.
Updated Risk documentation is now available
We have published updated versions of the 2022/23 Risk Evaluation Register (RER) and the Risk Operating Plan (ROP) following a review completed in July 2022.
Voting begins in the 2022 BSC Panel member elections
From today voting is open for the 2022 BSC Panel elections. You can vote until close of play on 26 August. Below are the six candidates that could be elected (or re-elected) to serve on the Panel.
Grid Supply Point Group meter system inspections in Northern Scotland
Consultation on CAP increase to £330/MWh from 17 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £330/MWh from 17 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 2 August 2022.
On Wednesday 17 August 2022, the CAP value will increase to £330/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03644
All Trading Parties to review the Trading Party Groups Register by 20 June 2022
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £300/MWh from 9 August 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £300/MWh from 9 August 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 25 July 2022.
On Tuesday 9 August 2022, the CAP value will increase to £300/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03635
New BSC Code of Practice (CoP11) sets standards for accuracy of Asset Metering Systems
A new ‘Code of Practice (CoP11) for the Metering of Balancing Services Assets for Settlement Purposes’ has been introduced, defining the minimum BSC requirements for Asset Metering Systems.
Annual BSC seminar and meeting: what did you miss?
Source: Elexon corporate websiteOn Thursday 14 July, Elexon hosted its annual meeting and seminar. For the first time since 2019, the meeting was held in our office although Stakeholders were also able to join online.
Thursday’s meeting was the first BSC seminar for Elexon’s new Chief Executive Simon McCalla. It was also the last seminar for Michael Gibbons, Chair of the Elexon’s Board and the BSC Panel.
Elexon Board Directors election or re-election results 2022
Source: Elexon corporate websiteIn keeping with best practice for corporate governance and accountability, all Elexon Board Directors were subject to election or re-election via a vote at Elexon’s Annual BSC Seminar held on 14 July 2022.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £270/MWh from 26 July 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £270/MWh from 26 July 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 8 July 2022.
On Tuesday 26 July 2022, the CAP value will increase to £270/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03626
Have your say: Changing the PAB Settlement performance management approach
Elexon has recently obtained feedback from Suppliers that the current Settlement monitoring approach may act as a disincentive for Suppliers to move sites to elective Half Hourly (HH) Settlement in preparation for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS). This is because moving ‘good’ performing sites to HH Settlement may reduce the performance of their remaining Non Half Hourly portfolio.
Elexon’s 2021/22 Annual Report & Financial Statements published
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteThe reports explain our performance against our strategic objectives and our actual spending over the year, compared with our budget. Read highlights or download the full report.
Help shape our Settlement & Invoicing services
We are looking to engage with interested parties through our Settlement and Invoicing Solution User Group. Participating in the User Group will enable you to help shape the future design of the solution on our new digital platform, Elexon Kinnect.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price increase to £215/MWh from 8 July 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £215/MWh from 8 July 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 23 June 2022.
On Friday 8 July 2022, the CAP value will increase to £215/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03615
Kinnect Customer Solution: New Account Management features from 20 June 2022
We have been working on changes to the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution which delivers functional enhancements to the contacts, authorised signatories, addresses and bank details elements of the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution. These changes are usable from 20 June 2022 and provide benefits for existing customers and new market entrants.
Progress on our new digital platform
The latest circular from the Board to BSC Parties highlights that delivery of system changes to support GB participation in Project TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserve Exchange, amongst other highlights.
New TLFA-I014 Data for Summer 2022 on the Elexon Portal
Following the Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group Metering Issues identified in GSP Groups _C and _J, Elexon has looked at further impacts the corrected data could have on Settlement processes.
After completing some additional analysis, we identified that there were some impacts on Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs). These impacts were small, mostly affecting the Summer 2022 period.
Data Release Consultation: Data Relating to Default Funding Share (DR343096)
Seeking views from industry on data requests received, prior to the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service Change Board (BCB) making a determination on whether to release requested data.
Elexon Kinnect Insights Solution now available
We have been developing an exciting new data and insights platform, the Elexon Kinnect Insights Solution, which builds on our existing Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) to offer a richer and more detailed data service for GB electricity.
Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Autumn 2022 BSC Season available
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Autumn 2022 BSC Season, which runs from 1 September 2022 to 30 November 2022, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the Elexon Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying Balancing Mechanism Unit (BMU), you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity by Monday 1 August 2022.
PAB approves changes for monitoring Settlement performance standards
At its May 2022 meeting, the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) undertook a review of its approach to managing the Settlement Performance standard. The PAB has approved two changes to the Settlement Performance Standard.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price change to £190/MWh from 1 June 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £190/MWh from 1 June 2022. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 17 May 2022.
The Credit Committee held a meeting today, 30 May 2022, and decided to postpone the implementation date of the last notified CAP of £190/MWh. It was due to go live on 1 June 2022 but this has now been postponed to 1 July 2022.
- Elexon Circular EL035897
Previous decision
On Wednesday 1 June 2022, the CAP value will increase to £190/MWh from the current CAP of £177/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03586
Gearing up for go-live of faster switching reforms
Elexon is helping the industry to get set for the go-live of the Central Switching Service (CSS) this summer as part of Ofgem’s Switching Programme.
The CSS, which will be governed by version 3.0 of the Retail Energy Code (REC), will provide a single, dual fuel switching process for gas and electricity. The aim is to make switching faster and more reliable.
Update on investigations into Settlement errors at two GSP groups
Elexon has been investigating errors in Settlement related to two Grid Supply Point (GSP) Groups: South Eastern GSP Group (Group _J); and London GSP Group (Group _C). This follows our continued monitoring of the Annual Demand Ratio (ADR).
How we’re helping to spot GSP metering errors sooner
In the past eight years, we have identified five Grid Supply Point (GSP) Metering errors, equal to around 1.4% of the total number of GSP Meters. These errors have caused energy to be recorded incorrectly. As any unaccounted energy is allocated to BSC Parties through GSP Group Correction and Transmission Losses, such metering errors can present a large impact on the allocation of energy and therefore the accuracy of Trading Charges to BSC Parties.
We are publishing a beta version of our GSP change-point detection model to gather feedback from participants and help us identify other areas where central analytics and reporting could support industry in mitigating risks to Settlement.
Ending the ‘Coronavirus Disapplication Period’ for Supplier Charges
On 12 May, we issued BSC Circular EL03581, which gave notice to BSC Parties that the ‘Coronavirus Disapplication Period’ for Supplier Charges will be ending. This means that, from September 2022, Supplier Charges for SP08 will be reapplied from the September Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Reporting Period.
Elexon to partner with Icebreaker One to provide Net Zero data
Elexon will be joining forces with industry not-for-profit Icebreaker One as part of their government-supported Open Energy programme, which seeks to revolutionise the way data is shared across the energy sector to make sure the UK achieves its Net Zero goals.
Ofgem confirms Elexon as the Capacity Market Advisory Group secretariat
We are delighted that today, 9 May, Ofgem confirmed its decision to appoint Elexon as the independent Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG) secretariat, subject to a BSC Modification being raised and approved to enable us to do the work.
Metering Dispensation consultation on remaining Class 2 Meters and Class 0.5 CT
We are seeking views from BSC Parties on whether they support the proposed Metering Dispensation (D/544). This Metering Dispensation is giving the affected parties’ time to use up old existing stocks of Class 2 Meters and Class 0.5 CT’s.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price decrease to £177/MWh from 17 May 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £177/MWh from the current CAP value of £215/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 28 April 2022.
On Tuesday 17 May 2022, the CAP value will decrease to £177/MWh from the current CAP of £215/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Elexon Circular EL03573
Do you need support to prepare for Asset Metering (Modification P375)?
On 30 June 2022, Elexon will implement Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point‘. This is a major change to the Wholesale Electricity Trading Arrangements, which supports Net Zero by creating more opportunities for smaller asset owners to provide balancing services.
Second BSC Sandbox trial to increase opportunities for flexibility services will launch in September
Centrica is due to begin a trial this September where controllable storage heaters will provide demand-side response (DSR) when needed, by dialling down their demand.
It is the second trial which has been approved by Ofgem to use Elexon’s Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Sandbox. The Sandbox allows innovators to trial concepts in a live market environment without having to meet all the usual BSC rules.
Elexon views about decisions on the Future System Operator role and the codes review
Today the Department for Energy Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Ofgem jointly responded to the consultations they published in July 2021 on a Future System Operator (FSO), and reforming the energy codes. National Grid ESO will move away from National Grid plc and become an independent, publicly owned FSO.
As part of that process there will also be a consultation on the ownership of Elexon, which is currently owned by National Grid ESO.
Ofgem confirms Elexon will operate key IT data platform to support MHHS
Yesterday (21 April) Ofgem confirmed that the Balancing and Settlement Code will be used to govern and fund the new Data Integration Platform (DIP) to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS). This means that Elexon will manage the DIP service provider, which is currently being procured through the MHHS Programme.
New system to track electricity by the hour launched
Source: Elexon Corporate websiteA consortium of leading energy organisations led by hourly certificate focused start-up Granular and including European power market Nord Pool, Elexon, Energy Systems Catapult and Unicorn, is launching a new mechanism for hourly renewable energy certificates in Great Britain.
Simon McCalla talks about his new role as Elexon’s Chief Executive
Source: Elexon corporate websiteI am Simon McCalla and I started as Elexon’s new Chief Executive at the start of April 2022. I’m excited to be joining Elexon and the energy industry at what is both a challenging and critical period.
Consultation on CAP change to £235/MWh from 20 April 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on revising the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £235/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 31 March 2022. Please note the previously notified CAP value of £250/MWh is confirmed to go live on 1 April 2022. The last notified CAP value is £215 which is due to go live on 8 April provided it is not withdrawn by the Credit Committee before implementation.
The Credit Committee has decided to withdraw the last notified CAP of £235/MWh before implementation on 21 April 2022. This means the current CAP value of £215/MWh remains valid until the Credit Committee sets the next CAP value and its implementation date.
The Credit Committee has been monitoring the market very closely and has decided that the CAP value of £235/MWh would no longer be reflective of market data for implementation from 21 April.
- Elexon Circular EL03562
- Elexon Circular EL03566
Consultation for Allocation of a new Grid Supply Point at Axminster
ELEXON has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) relating to two new circuits at Axminster. BSC Parties are invited to respond to this consultation using the proforma available.
Risk Operating Plan 2022/23 consultation
We invite you to comment on the Risk Operating Plan (ROP) for 2022/23. The ROP provides an overview of planned activities undertaken by the Performance Assurance Administrator (PAA) as part of the Performance Assurance annual cycle.
P432 Assessment Procedure Consultation
This Modification proposes to align the BSC definition of an Advanced Meter with that in the Standard License Conditions (SLC) and to set explicit Half Hourly (HH) Settlement obligations for Current Transformer (CT) Advanced Meters ahead of the migration to Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
Consultation on CAP decrease to £215/MWh from 8 April 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £215/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 24 March 2022.
Please note the last notified CAP value of £250/MWh will still go ahead on 1 April 2022.
On Friday 8 April 2022, the CAP value will decrease to £215/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Circular EL03554
Settlement on ‘short’ clock change day: 27 March 2022
The clock change this weekend will result in a ‘short’ day which will impact Settlement periods and contract notifications. On a ‘short’ clock change day, there are only 46 Settlement Periods instead of the normal 48.
Credit Assessment Price to decrease to £250/MWh from 1 April 2022
Source: Elexon Circular (EL03549)Elexon names Simon McCalla as its new Chief Executive Officer
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteSimon McCalla has been appointed as the new permanent CEO of Elexon.
Consultation: Allocation of New Grid Supply Point to GSP Group (WESA_H, SAFO_1)
We are seeking views on two new Grid Supply Point (GSP) registration applications from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO).
Investigations into potential Settlement errors in two GSP Groups
Elexon is investigating potential errors in Settlement related to the South Eastern GSP (Grid Supply Point) Group (Group _J) and the London GSP Group (Group _C). This follows our continued monitoring of the Annual Demand Ratio (ADR).
Consultation on CAP increase to £231/MWh from 17 March 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £231/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17.00 on 2 March 2022.
Following a consultation on the value of the CAP which we issued on 28 February, the Credit Committee has decided that the consulted on CAP value of £231/MWh (for implementation on 17 March 2022) is no longer reflective of market data.
Based on the latest market data available, the Credit Committee has set a new CAP of £330/MWh to be implemented on 17 March.
- Elexon Circular EL03542
Reconciliation charges to be introduced at next Settlement Run
National Grid ESO has resubmitted Balancing Services Adjustment Actions (BSAA) and Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) files for multiple settlement dates throughout 2021. The period covers January through to November 2021 and is across 69 distinctly impacted Settlement Periods.
Have your say on Metering shortages and supply chain issues
Elexon has been monitoring the on-going impacts of component shortages and supply chain challenges which are impacting on the availability of electricity Meters and related equipment. To help us understand the extent of these challenges, we have created a short survey to assess the impact on the industry.
Consultation on CAP decrease to £175/MWh from 8 March 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £175/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17.00 on 21 February 2022.
Please note the last notified CAP value of £190/MWh will still go live on 22 February.
The Credit Assessment Price (CAP) will stay at £190/MWh
The Credit Committee has decided that the consulted on CAP value of £175/MWh would no longer be reflective of market data for implementation in March. Therefore it will not be implemented unless forward market prices revert to their former downward trends very soon which will be observed very closely over the coming days until the next Credit Committee meeting.
- Circular EL03533
FAQs on testing of P375 BSC System changes
This page aims to answer common questions about participation in the testing of system changes related to Modification P375, part of the June 2022 Release.
Request for feedback on Newscast
We have been making changes to the layout and content on Newscast, which is our weekly newsletter that features key information about the industry and BSC activities.
Help shape design of Elexon’s future data and reporting service
To deliver on our commitment to providing enhanced, customisable data we are migrating the aging Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service platform (BMRS) to the Elexon Kinnect Insights Solution. Through easier access to data and data insights, the new Insights Solution will play a key role in supporting existing companies, new entrants and innovators who want to develop new products and services.
Participate in the design of our Digital BSC website
Elexon is working on a project to develop a brand new website that will enable customers to have much easier access to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and its subsidiary documents, ‘the Digital Code’. We are working on ways to make the BSC and its subsidiary documents more accessible and navigable for our customers.
Consultation on Risk Evaluation Register 2022/23
We invite you to respond to the consultation on the Risk Evaluation Register (RER) which sets out potential Risk events and the affect they would likely have on the Settlement Risks during 2022/23.
Changes to Outstation requirements introduced on 30 June 2022
We are in the process of contacting Outstation manufacturers to confirm whether or not their Outstations currently comply with the new requirements. This is because the Issue numbers and versions of Codes of Practice 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 are changing and will be implemented on 30 June 2022 via the June 2022 BSC Release.
Request for information from Suppliers
The Unmetered Supplies User Group (UMSUG) are requesting information from Suppliers to declare whether they will take on new Non Half Hourly (NHH) Unmetered Supplies (UMS).
UMSUG are interested in knowing if you are willing or unwilling to take on new Non Half Hourly Unmetered Supplies.
Consultation on CAP decrease to £190/MWh from 22 February 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £190/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17.00 on 7 February 2022. Please note the last notified CAP value of £245/MWh will still go live on 8 February.
No consultation responses were received. As a result the CAP value will decrease from £245/MWh to £190/MWh, effective from Tuesday 22 February 2022.
- Circular EL03521
Complete our survey to help improve the BSC Change process
We are collecting views for the BSC Panel on whether the BSC change process should be reviewed, and what improvements could be made, including speeding up the process.
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for Spring 2022 appeal deadline
The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the Spring 2022 BSC Season, which runs from 1 March 2022 to 31 May 2022, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the Elexon Portal.
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
Performance Assurance product feedback request
We are interested in gathering feedback on our Performance Assurance product from parties within the industry to help analyse and identify areas where we could improve.
Compliance and Protocol Approvals List Updated
The Code of Practice Compliance and Protocol Approvals spreadsheet on the Elexon website has been updated to reflect two changes that relate to Outstations.
Consultation on CAP decrease to £245/MWh from 8 February 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £245/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17.00 on 24 January 2022. Please note the last notified CAP value of £340/MWh will not go live on 25 January following a Credit Committee decision on 20 January 2022 to retain the current CAP of £305/MWh.
The consultation closed on Monday 24 January 2021 and it received no responses. As a result the CAP will decrease to £245/MWh from its current value of £305/MWh on Tuesday 8 February 2022.
- Elexon Circular EL03517
Consultation for a generic Metering Dispensation based on D/534
Seagreen Wind Energy Limited (SWEL) has applied for a site specific Metering Dispensation for a solution to the issue of metering its Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) supplies on its Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm. SWEL would be happy for it to be generic, as long as this does not introduce any delay.
We are seeking views on whether D/534 could be made generic instead of site specific, and whether it could be adapted to be more generic by including the various solutions under D/461 and D/474 and these Metering Dispensations end dated.
Outcome (11 January)
The SVG and ISG approved D/534 as we recommended subject to the condition that the Direct Current (DC) metering solution is not used for measuring DC supplies to customers for billing purposes. We have updated the Statement of Generic Metering Dispensations to reflect their decisions. You can find more details about the consolidated solution to metering LVDC supplies on Offshore Wind Farms on the statement.
Ofgem’s energy codes satisfaction survey echoes Elexon’s survey results
Consultation on CAP increase to £340/MWh from 25 January 2022
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £340/MWh. This two-day consultation will close at 17.00 on 7 January 2022. Please note the last notified CAP value of £380/MWh will not go live on 7 January following a Credit Committee decision on 5 January 2022 to retain the current CAP of £305/MWh.
Update (20 Jan 2022)
The Credit Committee has been monitoring market data and held a meeting on 20 January 2022 to decide if the last notified CAP value of £340/MWh was still reflective of the recent market data and/or to propose a new CAP value for consultation.
The Credit Committee decided to cancel the last notified CAP value of £340/MWh, which was due to go live on 25 January 2022.
They also proposed a new CAP value of £245/MWh, which will go live on 8 February 2022. The next scheduled Credit Committee meeting is on 27 January where a new CAP could potentially be proposed. Therefore, the minimum duration of the new proposed CAP (£245/MWh) will be between 8 February 2022 and 15 February 2022.
We have provided more information on the rationale for this proposed CAP on the consultation webpage. Parties are invited to respond by 17:00 on Monday 24 January 2022.
- Consultation on CAP decrease to £245/MWh from 8 February 2022
- Elexon Circular EL03514
Outcome (10 Jan 2022)
On Tuesday 25 January 2022, the CAP value will increase to £340/MWh from current value of £305/MWh. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
- Circular EL03506
Metering Dispensation consultation enabling Meter installation to pre-CP1527 implementation CoPs for 18 months
We are seeking views from BSC Parties on whether they support the proposed Metering Dispensation (D/535) given the current Meter shortage issues and the ongoing struggles with obtaining crucial components for the manufacture of new Meters.
Outcome (11 January)
The ISG (Imbalance Settlement Group) and SVG (Supplier Volume Allocation Group) have approved Metering Dispensations D/535 and D/536.
Metering Dispensation consultation on re-calibration of Meters registered to CoPs 3 and 5
We are seeking views from BSC Parties on whether they support the proposed Metering Dispensation (D/536) raised as part of Issue 97 and relating to Meter shortage risk driven by global materials availability and supply chain challenges.
Outcome (11 January)
The ISG (Imbalance Settlement Group) and SVG (Supplier Volume Allocation Group) have approved Metering Dispensations D/535 and D/536.
Elexon 2022/23 business plan published
Source: Elexon Corporate WebsiteWe are asking for views from BSC Parties and stakeholders on our 2022/23 business plan which sets out how we will deliver our services and support Net Zero. Email your feedback to [email protected] by the end of 31 January.
Elexon Board circular to BSC Parties from Board Chair Michael Gibbons
This is the latest letter from the Elexon Board to BSC Parties and our stakeholders on our key activities as a Board. In this letter I am providing you with updates on market conditions, our Business Plan, MHHS (Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement), Elexon Kinnect and Project Helix, our latest customer satisfaction survey and changes to the leadership of the company.
Elexon Kinnect: our cloud native digital platform explained
A new interactive publication is available called Elexon Kinnect: Our cloud native digital platform explained. It explains how the three elements of Kinnect – the Customer, Settlement and Insights Solutions – work, and the benefits that each will realise.
2021 customer survey shows satisfaction levels remain high
Elexon’s 2021 customer survey results show that 91% of respondents believe our service has improved over the last year, or stayed the same. Overall satisfaction with our service remains consistently high, with 69% of respondents giving us a score of 8 to 10 out of 10.
Credit Assessment Price increase to £305/MWh
This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £305/MWh from the last notified value of £230/MWh. This two-day consultation closed at 17.00 on 2 December.
The CAP value will increase to £305/MWh on Friday 17 December 2021. As a result, Parties may notice a change in their Credit Cover Percentage and should review the amount of Credit Cover lodged.
Three consultation responses disagreed with the proposed value. The Credit Committee considered the consultation responses without holding a Credit Committee meeting, so as not to hold up the implementation of the increased CAP value. These responses will also be considered in more detail at the next Credit Committee meeting, which will be in the week beginning 13 December 2021.
Issue 93 consultation: cease using Codes of Practice 6 to 9
As part of Issue 93 we are aiming to consolidate the Codes of Practice (CoPs) into one document. The Issue Group believes this will remove any inconsistencies between the CoPs and provide an easier experience for participants using and interpreting the CoPs.
Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering System obligations
The Trading Disputes Committee (TDC) has recently encountered a number of Trading Disputes where the root cause was determined to be issues with implementing or maintaining a Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering System. We want to ensure that Parties understand their obligations and the processes they must follow to prevent future impacts to Settlement.
Ofgem approve Elexon’s Business Separation Plan for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement
On 19 November 2021, Ofgem approved Elexon’s Business Separation Plan for the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme.
Consultation: Credit Assessment Price decrease to £230/MWh
We are consulting on a decrease of the CAP to £230/MWh from the last notified value of £240/MWh. This is a two day consultation, and will close at 17:00 on 18 November 2021.
The consultation closed on Thursday 18 November 2021 and two responses disagreed with the proposed value.
The Credit Committee considered the consultation responses without holding a Credit Committee meeting, so as not to hold up the implementation of the reduced CAP value. These responses will be considered in more detail at the next Credit Committee meeting, which will be in the week beginning 29 November 2021.
- Circular EL03457
P412 National Grid ESO Consultation: responses due by 5pm on 26 November 2021
Source: National Grid ESONationalGrid invite all interested parties to respond to this consultation setting out their views on the options identified and any other areas that they consider to be relevant. The conclusions from this consultation will feed into the P412 development process and allow all participants, NGESO and Ofgem to make an informed decision on how to progress an appropriate solution to this issue.
Review of the MHHS 2021/22 costs – £4m to be returned to Suppliers in December
The MHHS Implementation Management Charge was set by the BSC Panel at its June meeting at £0.03847/Supplier Volume Allocation MSID, per month. This charge was initially calculated on the basis of the annual MHHS budget, however we committed at the June 2021 Panel meeting to review the charge later in the financial year once there was a better view of the costs likely to be incurred.
Alternative CAP Review process consultation
This consultation seeks views on including an alternative review process in the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) Review Guidance Document in light of volatile electricity market prices.
Modification P399 implemented to support greater competition for balancing services
On 4 November Elexon implemented five changes to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) as part of the November 2021 release. This comprises one Modification, P399 ‘Making the identity of Balancing Service providers visible in the Balancing Services Adjustment Data’, and four Change Proposals. Modifications amend BSC rules and Change Proposals amend BSC subsidiary documents.
Deadline approaching: Submission of GC/DC values for Winter 2021
The Winter BSC Season starts on Wednesday 1 December and the deadline is approaching for Parties to submit their Generation Capacity (GC) and a Demand Capacity (DC). There are two different ways you can submit these values. If you use Elexon Kinnect, the final deadline for submitting GC/DC values via the Customer Solution is 17:00 on Friday 12 November. If you are submitting the values by the BSCP15/4.3 form, the deadline for submission is 17:00 on Wednesday 17 November.
Credit Assessment Price decrease to £240/MWh on 18 November
Following a consultation, the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) value will decrease from £259/MWh to £240/MWh on Thursday 18 November 2021.
Consultation issued on 01 November on decrease of the CAP to £240/MWh
We are consulting on a decrease of the CAP to £240/MWh from the last notified value of £259/MWh. A change to CAP can impact the amount of Credit Cover required by a BSC Party.
Elexon Chief Executive Mark Bygraves to step down
Source: Elexon Corporate websiteConsultation issued on 4 October on increase of the CAP to £259/MWh
We are consulting on an increase of the CAP to £259/MWh from the last notified value of £184/MWh. A change to CAP can impact the amount of Credit Cover required by a BSC Party.
Credit Assessment Price increase to £259MWh from 4 November
Following consultation and a subsequent meeting of The Credit Committee, the CAP will increase on Thursday 4 November 2021 to £259/MWh, from the last notified value of £184/MWh. Please note the last notified CAP of £184/MWh will still be implemented on 21 October 2021.
BSC Panel response to the consultation by the Government and Ofgem on energy code reforms
The BSC Panel has published a formal response to the Ofgem and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) joint consultation which seeks views on a range of proposed reforms of energy codes.
P332 Report Phase Consultation: Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle
This is the Report Phase Consultation for P332 ‘Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle’.
This Modification seeks to address issues associated with customer preferred Supplier Agents. The proposed solution is a side letter between Elexon and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Data Collectors (DCs) which will enable a Supplier who does not have a direct contract with the DC to enforce, as a last resort, the side letter as a proxy contract, to ensure that BSC obligations are met. The proposed solution will now apply to SVA DCs only as SVA Meter Operator governance will move from the BSC to the Retail Energy Code (REC) from 1 September 2021 as part of Retail Code Consolidation (RCC).
CCDG recommendations following MHHS transition consultation
Elexon has today published and delivered to Ofgem the recommendations made by the Code Change and Development Group (CCDG), following the CCDG’s consultation on the transition and migration approach to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation.
The CCDG is one of two industry workgroups for which Elexon has been providing technical leadership, to support further development of the MHHS Target Operating Model.
Our responses to consultations on code reform and the Future System Operator
Elexon has published its responses to the consultations by the Government and Ofgem on reforming the energy code arrangements and the Future System Operator (FSO) role. We believe that the proposed framework is a sound footing on which to build an energy system to deliver net zero and note that consolidation and simplification should follow. We look forward to working with the Government and Ofgem to deliver the outcomes of the consultations.
BSC Insight: What is Credit Cover and how does the Credit Assessment Price affect it?
The Credit Assessment Price has changed nine times in 2021 and we recently consulted on increasing the Credit Assessment Price again to a record high of £184/MWh. The Credit Assessment Price is used as a proxy for future Energy Imbalance Prices in the calculation of Credit Cover requirements. Emma Tribe, our Senior Product Analyst from the Analysis and Insights team, explains how the Credit Assessment Price is related to a Parties Credit Cover requirements.
CAP consultation issued on 20 September on further record level of £184/MWh
We are consulting on an increase of the CAP to £184/MWh from the last notified value of £137/MWh.
Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) Review 2021
We are seeking your views on the annual Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) review. If you represent BSC Parties or any other party in connection with the MIDS please respond to this online consultation.
System Prices spike on 7 and 9 September 2021
On Tuesday 7 September, System Prices peaked at £3,403.70/MWh and remained above £2,900/MWh for an hour and a half. Wholesale gas and electricity balancing volumes prices have been increasing this summer due to colder summer weather, low wind generation and reported shortages of gas.
CAP consultation issued on 6 September on record level of £137/MWh
We are consulting on an increase of the CAP to £137/MWh from the last notified value of £113/MWh.
Updated TAA COVID-19 working practices for site audits
As of 19th July 2021, the government no longer instructs people to work from home. Therefore, with authorisation from our customers we plan to restart on site audits. The Technical Assurance Agent (TAA), currently C&C Group Holdings Ltd, have updated our procedure and practices and these must be followed by all staff when working off site in order to minimise risk to themselves and others.
P350: Consultation on Methodology for Load Periods and Sample Settlement Periods 18 August 2021
This consultation details the proposed methodology for setting Load Periods and Sample Settlement Periods used in the derivation of Zonal Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs), as required by the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC).
CALF values winter season: November 2021 appeal deadline
If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying Balancing Mechanism Unit (BMU), you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.
Credit Assessment Price to increase on 8 September 2021
Following consultation, the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) will increase from £96/MWh to £113/MWh, effective from Wednesday 8 September 2021.
Credit Assessment Price Consultation 9 August 2021
We have issued a consultation paper on the value of the Credit Assessment Price (CAP). We are consulting on an increase of the CAP to £113/MWh from the current value of £96/MWh.
This consultation has now closed. See the outcome of the consultation.
MHHS Programme Governance Framework issued 30 July 2021
Today Elexon, on behalf of the MHHS Programme (Implementation Manager), is publishing a consultation on the details of the proposed MHHS Programme governance framework on the BSC website (in lieu of the MHHS Programme’s website going live).
Board approves budget for MHHS implementation programme
Elexon is managing the implementation of the industry-led MHHS Programme and as such is the Senior Responsible Owner and Programme Manager. Elexon’s Board has approved a budget of £14.5m for the first year (2021/22) of the implementation programme for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
CAP increase announced for 3 August 2021
On Tuesday 3 August 2021, the CAP value will increase from £77/MWh to £96/MWh.
The CAP review trigger level value will also increase to +/- £10/MWh.
CCDG transition plan consultation and webinar
On 5 July 2021 we published a consultation on the transition and migration approach that the Code Change and Development Group (CCDG) has developed to support implementation of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS). We hosted a webinar about the consultation on 7 July.
BSC 2021 Annual Seminar – recording and slides now available
Source: Elexon Corporate websiteOur annual Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) meeting and seminar took place on Thursday 8 July where our executive team presented on our performance, strategic objectives and how our work supports progress to net zero.
Credit Assessment Price Consultation 5 July 2021
We have issued a consultation paper on the value of the Credit Assessment Price (CAP). We invite Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to increase the CAP to £96/MWh from the current value of £77/MWh.
300 customers now use Kinnect Customer Solution [Board Circular 9]
Source: Elexon Corporate websiteIn the latest Elexon Board circular letter to BSC Parties, Board Chairman Michael Gibbons has highlighted the success so far in the roll out of the Customer Solution, the first major component that Elexon has delivered for its new digital platform – Elexon Kinnect.
Issue relating to EPEX SPOT & ECC on 27/28 June (Now resolved)
Please note that this issue has now been resolved
- More information is available in Elexon Circular EL03332
Desktop audits, CVA and SVA inspections become mandatory
The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) has recently announced changes to the mandatory status of Desktop Audits, Central Volume Allocation and Supplier Volume Allocation onsite Inspection Visits.
Architecture Working Group recommendation on reference architecture to support MHHS
On 14 June 2021 we published the Architecture Working Group’s (AWG) recommendation to Ofgem that ‘event-driven’ reference architecture is developed to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation.
Ending COVID-19 derogations: three month notice period from 1 July
The three-month notice period required to end the COVID-19 Supplier derogations begins on 1 July. The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) made this decision at its meeting on 24 June 2021, taking into account feedback from industry and the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions.
The PAB believe that there is now a reasonable level of confidence that Government restrictions which significantly impact Settlement operations have concluded. In particular, whilst some restrictions do remain in place, very few business premises are now required to remain closed.
Open Data Requests for BSC Data now available
From 24 June 2021 individuals can request that BSC data is made openly available, regardless of whether or not they are a BSC Party.
Hear from the Energy Minister at Elexon’s 2021 annual seminar
Our annual BSC seminar takes place from 14:00 to 16:00 on 8 July 2021, where you will hear from the Energy Minister and other senior industry figures. Elexon’s senior leadership team will be providing an overview of our performance over 2020/21 and explaining how we have supported progress to net zero. You will also be able to vote to appoint the Board Directors.
Introduction of MHHS Implementation Monthly Charge
Webinar on Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme Budget
Clarification of criteria for Non-Domestic SVA Metering Systems to be allocated to Profile Classes 3 or 4
In response to recent enquiries from Suppliers and other parties, we have been reviewing whether the criteria that Suppliers must follow when deciding whether to allocate Non-Domestic SVA Metering Systems to Profile Classes 3 or 4 are clear. These criteria are laid out in BSCP516: ‘Allocation of Profile Classes and SSC’s for Non Half Hourly SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’, and are particularly relevant to:
- Suppliers deciding whether a new connection should be settled as Non Half Hourly (NHH) in Profile Class 3 or 4, or as Half Hourly (HH); and
- Suppliers deciding whether an existing connection that is currently being settled HH can be changed to NHH in Profile Classes 3 or 4.
Ofgem approves Emergent Energy’s proposal to use the BSC Sandbox
Energy regulator Ofgem has approved the first proposal to use Elexon’s Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Sandbox. The BSC Sandbox allows innovators to trial concepts in a live market environment without having to meet all the usual BSC rules.
Ofgem’s decision follows Elexon’s consultation on a proposal by Emergent Energy to use the service. The BSC Panel then recommended the proposal for approval by Ofgem.
Participate in design of Elexon’s future data and reporting service
We are recruiting interested parties to join our Data and Reporting User Group. The User Group is being formed to allow our customers and stakeholders the opportunity to help shape the design of the Elexon Kinnect Insights Solution, which is one of the three elements that make up our new digital platform, Elexon Kinnect.
CAP increase announced for 3 June 2021
On Thursday 3 June 2021, the CAP value will increase from £60/MWh to £70/MWh. This follows a consultation paper issued on Tuesday 4 May 2021 following a breach of the CAP trigger level.
CAP increase announced for 16 June 2021
On Wednesday 16 June 2021, the CAP value will increase to £77/MWh. This follows a consultation which closed Tuesday 25 May 2021 with no responses disagreeing to the proposal.
Modification P399 approved by Ofgem
On 18 May, Ofgem approved Modification P399. This modification will level the playing field between publicly available data on BM and non-BM trades, so that market participants can identify the organisations and assets which are providing these additional non-BM balancing services. P399 will be implemented on 4 November 2021 as part of the November 2021 BSC release.
CAP increase consultation announced 17 May 2021
Following an increase in forward market prices, a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review was triggered. There is now a consultation paper on the value of the CAP which asks whether you agree with the proposal to increase the value of CAP.
The proposal is to increase the value of CAP to £77/MWh from last notified value of £70/MWh
CAP increase consultation announced 12 April 2021
Following an increase in forward market prices, a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review was triggered. There is now a consultation paper on the value of the CAP which asks whether you agree with the proposal to increase the value of CAP.
The proposal is to increase the CAP to £60/MWh from the last notified CAP value of £54/MWh.
CAP increase consultation announced 04 May 2021
Following an increase in forward market prices, a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review was triggered. There is now a consultation paper on the value of the CAP which asks whether you agree with the proposal to increase the value of CAP.
The proposal is to increase the value of CAP to £68/MWh from last notified value of £60/MWh.
Consultation on reference architecture to support MHHS
Today (26 April) we have published the Architecture Working Group (AWG) consultation on the reference architecture to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) implementation.
The additional meter readings available from smart meters will result in a big increase in the volume and frequency of meter data that needs to be settled. This requires a different approach to the way energy companies interact with each other and Settlement data. The reference architecture sets out the framework for this new data integration.
CAP increase announced for 12 May 2021
A Consultation paper on the value of Credit Assessment Price (CAP) was issued on Monday 12 April 2021 following a breach of the CAP trigger level. No responses disagreed with the proposed value and its was agreed that CAP value will increase to £60/MWh.
Elexon appointed Senior Responsible Owner for MHHS
Code Change and Development Group consultation responses published
Twentieth anniversary of the Balancing and Settlement Code
This Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), which was launched as part of NETA (the New Electricity Trading arrangements) on 27 March 2001.
Making electricity market data more openly available
As part of Elexon’s commitment to improving access to electricity market data, we have now made some electricity Settlement data available via a new Open Settlement Data page.
Credit Assessment Price (CAP) – price stays at £30/MWh
The Credit Committee deemed it appropriate to keep the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) at the current price of £30/MWh. Discussions were held by the Committee regarding whether to revise the current price of £30/MWh following recent changes in forward market prices.
Modification P379 is withdrawn but learnings can support future change
Modification P379 ‘Multiple Suppliers through Meter Splitting’ has been withdrawn by the proposer after independent analysis of the proposal showed that the costs for implementing it would significantly outweigh the benefits.
2021 is a key year for our new digital platform
CAP decreases to £54/MWh from 23 March 2021
The CAP (Credit Assessment Price) will decrease to £54/MWh from the last notified value of £64/MWh on Tuesday 23 March 2021.
Ground-breaking Modification to support net zero is approved
Energy regulator Ofgem has approved BSC Modification P375 a ground-breaking change to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) which will allow individual Asset Meters located ‘behind the boundary point’ to be used for Settlement purposes.
Video: BSC Change on their updated ways of working
The BSC Change team have published a new video outlining the changes to their ways of working they have made in the last year. This is based on feedback they received from BSC Parties.
Balancing and Settlement Code sandbox now available for innovators
Today sees the launch of a new support service where innovators from new and existing companies can trial products and services which could transform the electricity sector
Have your say – proposal to use the BSC Sandbox
You have the chance to take part in Elexon’s consultation on the first proposal to use the new Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Sandbox.
Elexon proposes reforms to System Operator roles and code arrangements
Elexon has set out options for a single energy code body to work alongside a reformed System Operator (SO) in their new policy, ‘Reforming the System Operator Roles and Code Arrangements’. This approach will allow better management of the energy system on the road to net zero.
Approval of Modification P398 increases access to BSC data
Ofgem has approved Modification P398 ‘Increasing access to BSC Data’ for implementation on 24 June 2021. P398 will amend the BSC so that all data is assumed open unless there is a reason otherwise and will not directly impact any market participants. BSC Parties and non-BSC Parties will be able to apply for data under a new process introduced by this Modification. This Modification will better align the BSC with moves towards a smarter energy system.
CAP decreases to £30/MWh from 16 April 2020
On Thursday 16 April 2020, the CAP value will decrease from £36/MWh to £30/MWh.
CAP increases to £64/MWh from 23 February 2021
The Credit Assessment Price (CAP) will increase to £64/MWh, effective from Tuesday 23 February 2021.
First week of operation for new UK-France interconnector
The new 149-mile interconnector, Interconnexion France-Angleterre 2 (IFA2), that runs between the UK and France has been operational for one week. Linking the Hampshire and Normandy coastlines, the interconnector has been importing and exporting clean electricity between GB and Europe since 20:30 on 22 January 2021.
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution goes live
The new self-service gateway element of our new digital platform – the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution – is now live.
Ofgem proposes that Elexon is owner for MHHS implementation
Ofgem has today, 22 January 2021, published its consultation on implementation principles for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) in which it explains its ‘plan to clearly place responsibility for management and delivery of the programme with industry.’
Have your say regarding ‘Meter Splitting’ Proposal
A Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) consultation for P379 ‘Multiple Suppliers through Meter Splitting’ has been issued by the BSC Panel. We are asking you to get involved by completing our consultation for P379.
System Prices spike due to ‘Beast from the East 2’
System Prices reached or exceeded £1,000/MWh on seven occasions from 6 to 8 January due to cold weather brought on from the ‘Beast from the East 2’.
CAP increases to £62/MWh from 27 January 2021
The CAP will increase to £62/MWh – not the proposed £60/MWh – on Wednesday 27 January 2021.
Final Elexon business plan for 2021/22 published
Elexon has published the final version of its business plan for 2021/22, following feedback from the BSC Panel and BSC Parties. We thank everyone that provided feedback on the plan. Elexon’s board discussed this in detail at its February 2021 meeting. The feedback was also presented to the BSC Panel at its February meeting.
BMRS approved as the Reporting Service for Great Britain
Ofgem has designated the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) as the Reporting Service for Great Britain in an open letter on the 4 January 2021.
Customer survey shows appreciation of our support during COVID-19
The results of Elexon’s 2020 annual customer survey sees improvements in a number of our core services and highlights that the support we have provided our customers during COVID-19 was appreciated.
Large scale change to Market Domain Data
Find out the latest updates for 28 September 2020 regarding the submission of Market Domain Data (MDD) Plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR).
Wind generation output in December was the highest all year
There is more evidence of the move to a lower carbon electricity system in our latest BSC Operations Headline Report for December 2019 which showed that wind generation produced a monthly total of 5,613 gigawatt hours (GWh) for the GB Market. This was the largest monthly total for wind in 2019.
Update on Project TERRE and our plans for Industry Testing
Elexon is supporting National Grid Electricity System Operator (National Grid ESO) to fulfil its responsibilities for Project TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange).
New arrangements for radio teleswitch service solution
Elexon has agreed contractual arrangements with Energy Networks Association (ENA) to allow operational cost recovery for the radio teleswitch service (RTS) within the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) charging arrangements from 1 April 2020.
Streamlining the BSC and improving protection for Trading Parties
On 27 February, Elexon implemented seven changes to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) as part of the February 2020 BSC release.
300th meeting of the Balancing and Settlement Code Panel
Today (12 March) is the 300th meeting of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel, almost 20 years on from its first meeting on 18 August 2000.
Temporary closure of our office to manage impact of coronavirus
To help manage the impact of the coronavirus, Elexon’s senior management team has decided to close our office from today (Monday 16 March) until further notice.
New Business Plan continues support for industry and Settlement accuracy
Today Elexon has published the final version of its 2020/21 Business Plan. The industry and the BSC Panel previously commented on the plan and these comments are reflected in the final version.
Changes to SAA Settlement Report (SAA-I014)
From the 1 April 2020, Elexon will stop production and cease support of SAA-I014 (V008). BSC Parties who currently receive SAA-I014 (V008) must ensure their systems are updated to receive either SAA-I014 (V009) or (V010).
Message from Mark Bygraves: Supporting Our Customers
A letter from CEO Mark Bygraves about support during these difficult times.
COVID-19: Updated guidance documents on Half Hourly Estimation (V2.1) and Non-Half Hourly Estimation (V2.0)
On Friday 3 April the BSC Performance Assurance Board (PAB) gave urgent approval to two temporary derogations allowing Suppliers to input more accurate estimates into our Settlement system during COVID-19
Smart meter consultation including changes to the BSC
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is consulting on whether the smart meter Data Communications Company (DCC) should be required to provide an enrolment service for EDMI SMETS1 (Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification) meters. EDMI is a meter manufacturer.
COVID-19: Managing changes to the Balancing and Settlement Code
At its monthly meeting on 9 April, the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel agreed a set of principles for Elexon to work to, when progressing changes to the code while the industry manages the impact of COVID-19.
TERRE Delayed: Elexon response to National Grid ESO’s announcement
On Friday, National Grid ESO announced a delay to implementing the necessary changes that will enable industry parties in Great Britain to participate in the Project Trans-European Replacement Reserve Exchange (TERRE).
Implementation of Modification P403
Modification P403 ‘BSC Arrangements in the event that the TERRE Market is suspended by National Grid ESO’ will be implemented on 28 May 2020.
Project MARI Workgroups begin next week
Next week Elexon and National Grid ESO will begin the first Workgroups to develop changes to the Balancing and Settlement Code and the Grid Code to support Project MARI – a new European platform for providing balancing services.
COVID-19: End to BSC derogations and suspensions
The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) has agreed an approach and timescales for ending the derogations from BSC rules and resuming Performance Assurance Techniques, which have supported BSC Parties in managing the impact of COVID 19.
Interconnectors exempted from Funding Share BSC Charges
Given the approval of BSC Modification P396 by Ofgem in March 2020, from 1 December all BSC Trading Parties that are not Interconnectors will have to pay the BSC Funding Share costs that were previously attributed to Interconnectors.
BSC Parties receive £1.5m in savings from Elexon
BSC Trading Parties will be given £1.5m through a reduction in Elexon’s billing over the coming months. This has been driven by a number of cost efficiencies and savings made by the company.
UMS MPANs with 100kW demand to be migrated
Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Metering Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) with a maximum demand over 100kW must be migrated to Half-Hourly (HH) settlement; the proposed deadline for this migration is 1 April 2021.
COVID-19: Submitting estimates during lockdown
See updates regarding estimation derogations during COVID-19.
COVID-19: Consumption estimation derogations update
See updates regarding estimation derogations during COVID-19.
COVID-19: Estimation derogations ending on 31 December 2020
See updates regarding estimation derogations during COVID-19.
COVID-19: Possible estimation derogation changes after lockdown announced
See updates regarding estimation derogations during COVID-19.
Virtual Lead Parties could trade in the wholesale market
Elexon is calling for volunteers to join a new Workgroup to assess a Balancing and Settlement Code Modification proposal allowing Virtual Lead Parties to trade electricity from demand-side response (DSR) providers directly in the wholesale electricity market.
COVID-19: Suspension of EFR Process, Supplier Charges and more
An updated message from Mark Bygraves, CEO.
COVID-19: BSC Performance Assurance Board (PAB) approves further derogations
On 3 April 2020, the BSC Performance Assurance Board (PAB) approved temporary derogations from the BSC rules, in accordance with BSCP537, which allowed Suppliers to submit new estimates for non-domestic properties which better reflect their consumption during this period of lockdown.
Changes to Settlement metering for a more flexible system
Consulting has begun on proposals to change the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) so that individual asset meters located ‘behind the boundary point’ can be used for Settlement purposes.
BSC Panel Election 2020 – new panel elected
The five successful candidates have been announced and will be a part of the BSC Panel for a two-year period from 1 October 2020.
Market Index Definition Statement Review 2020 – consultation open
Our yearly analysis suggests that there are no further changes to the MIDS required at this time, with the current Individual Liquidity Threshold (ILT), timeband weightings and product weightings remaining suitable.
Settlement Adjustment after Demand Control Events
A BSC rule change was implemented on 12 October 2020, requiring Elexon to determine whether Settlement Adjustment Processes (SAPs) should be used if a Demand Control Event (DCE) occurs in future.
Annual BSC Meeting – highlights
On Thursday 10 September 2020, Elexon hosted the first ever virtual annual BSC Meeting and Seminar.
More electricity market data is now available
As part of the commitment to improving access to electricity market data, we have now made more electricity Settlement data available.
Board Directors – re-appointment and re-election
BSC Parties voted whether to approve the appointment or re-appointment of Board Directors in their last year, and whether to re-elect all other Board directors at the virtual Annual BSC Meeting on 10 September.
Delivering CP ‘Interconnector Fuel Type update to BMRS’ earlier
There is an opportunity to deliver CP1535 ‘Interconnector Fuel Type Category update to BMRS’ earlier. This chance has come about following the further Trans European Replacement Reserve Exchange (TERRE) delay announcement.
Technical changes deployed to support Project TERRE
A major milestone was reached on 29 May as the technical changes necessary to enable GB industry parties to join the central Trans-European Replacement Reserve Exchange (TERRE) platform and trade in the European electricity market was successfully deployed.
GB participation in TERRE delayed until 2021
National Grid ESO (NGESO) have announced that it is now not possible to facilitate GB participation in the Replacement Reserve (RR) market for the Trans-European RR Exchange (TERRE) before the end of 2020.
Hear from Ofgem CEO at our Annual BSC Meeting
Ofgem CEO, Jonathan Brearley, will be speaking at our virtual Annual BSC Meeting and Seminar on Thursday 10 September from 14:00 to 16:00.
Elexon on Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme Manager role
Elexon have published its views to Ofgem’s consultation about having a Programme Manager (PM) for the introduction of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS).
Re-opening Elexon’s office: Building back better
An open letter from Elexon CEO Mark Bygraves about opening the Elexon offices:
Government decides outcome from April’s smart meter consultation
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has published its decision to not require the smart meter Data Communications Company (DCC) to provide an enrolment service for the ‘first generation’ SMETS1 EDMI meter set.
Performance Assurance Report 2019/20 published
The latest Annual Performance Assurance Report (APAR) for 2019/20 has been published. The report looks back at notable achievements and delivery within Performance Assurance in the past year.
Supplier Charges values and GSP Group liability caps: 2020/21
Elexon has calculated the Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group liability caps and Supplier Charge values for the BSC Year 2020/21. The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) has approved the revised GSP Group liability caps and Supplier Charges to be applied to the reporting periods April 2020 – March 2021.
Our 2019/20 BSC Annual Report
Today (30 June) we have published our Annual Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Report for 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. The report gives many examples of how Elexon and the BSC Panel have worked together to proactively manage the BSC and support moves to a smarter, more flexible electricity system.